
Those Three

smol_bean207 · Fantasy
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Those Three

This book is about three teenagers that have super powers and get into drama. There's two boys and one girl. The girls name is Emiko her childhood friend is Max and he is still her friend to this day and she has a very bubbly personality and is very kind her superpowers are healing and electricity. Max is Emikos childhood friend and has feelings for her and he was childhood friends with a villain Max's super powers are mind reading and invisibility. Feliex is new at a school named berry brook high school and that's where he bumps into Emiko and Max he is rich but his Father is very strict and cold to him his super powers are super speed and clowning himself. These three might sound perfect but really these Three run into trouble and get into trouble and the adventures are never ending, what can I say? Those three are something.

Hi guys if ur reading this thank u for reading I hope u enjoy this book and like it this is just the prologue

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