
Those That Came Before

A mix between the knights of the round table, and supernatural action in the settings of a high school. Lancelot Du Lac's life was anything but normal, and it just keeps getting worse. with the help of his friends, family, and Badass girlfriend they face pampas vampires, vengeful witches, and things that would even give monsters nightmares (pun intended) ****TRIGGER WARNINGS ARE POSTED; HEAVY TOPICS WILL BE DISCUSSED**** -MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY-

SinfulKnight18 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Declarations of War

What with all the commotion with Wayne, and Morty accusing me and trying to bite my head off mixed with all this Werewolf voodoo crap going it was as if a switch had been flipped and I just lost all kindness and honor.

"...What the fuck did you just say to me?'' I said questioning with no remorse intended for what could and would happen next depending on his answer making the entire room fall silent as I got up walking towards him.

Elliot, bewildered by the fact that his distasteful remark was heard but like most, he chose to think with pride instead of his head.

"I think you know damn well what I said, you cheatin, false-king ass, MONSTROUS BASTARD!" he said walking towards the small steps that followed up to the throne I was on meeting me face to face at that moment we weren't ourselves, at that moment it was Alpha and beta, yin and yang...a vengeful insecure fool staring into the eyes of a merciless and rageful King.

Realistically speaking Elliot and me was about the same build and shade of brown but he was taller by about two more inches but I was more chiseled and had a regular menacing if not intimidating demeanor without trying even if I was in a good mood but within the lucid seconds of that stare down.

I felt nothing but rage and a need to hurt while it felt like everyone could feel the power easing out of me and clashing with his making it feel as if I was towering him with one thought 'Back down' and I wasn't completely sure if he could hear it but I could feel my claws slowly tracking out so for his sake he gets the message.

"Excuse me, my King" said a familiar voice from the crowd

I looked over to my left and saw it was Percy who snapped me out of whatever homicidal mindset I was creeping towards to make my claws return to nails.

"I, Percival Bravo, challenge Elliot for his seat of power in your name to defend for your honor and sir Gawain's.". Percy looks up at me, in his eye, then at Tony.

"Percy, no." Morty rushes to Percy and holds him ", you don't have to go against your ex to prove yourself, my friend, I beg you. Don't do this.". Morty holds his hands and looks up at me. "Don't allow this to happen, please."

"If Percy wants to, then we can't stop him. He's his own person." Tony stood by his brother. " I'll be my brother's second if you'll will allow this challenge."

I stand watching them, everyone is on the edge of the seat. I stare at Percy then Elliot. If Percy wins, he'd be a knight but if I don't allow him to do this, he'll feel less of himself.

I watched him grow up, he's family but I'd be putting him in danger no matter what I do.

"...I'll allow it." I hissed through my teeth. All at once, let out a breath of air.

"My king please reconsider; this is our Percy we are talking about" Morty rushes to my side to harshly whisper in my ear.

"Elliot needs to learn a lesson and who better to teach him than the person he emotionally abused," I speak to Morty while keeping my eye on the roaring people. Everyone is hyping Elliot and Percy up.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't understand." Morty looks at me with pure confusion.

"Anyone else would've let me handle it. Not Percy, not after what Elliot did. He was so cruel to him. He's not doing this for me, he's doing this for himself. He needs this." I sit back down and watch as people begin to move seats to make room.

The mats are pulled out and rolled flat.

"Poor Percy, I had no idea." Morty's eyes drifted to his lower left as if he was reminded of something emotionally. He almost looked remorseful. " I should probably text Marylin, I know how close she's gotten to be with Percy."

It was almost like time stopped at that very second. Why the fuck would Morty text Marylin?

"Oh! They're ready! Are you ready bud?" Morty turns his body to me and smiles. I feel frozen in my shock and slowly recover.

"I...um. Yea, yes I'm ready." I sit up straight and look at Percy and Elliot who was now changed into boxing shorts. Tony wrapping Percy's hand into his gloves and rubbing Vaseline on his face, someone does the same for Elliot.

"Badges boys, you know the drill" I lean forward and put my elbows on my knees. They hand their badges to Morty and Wayne sits on the floor next to my throne.

"God, I hope that kid knows what he's doing." Wayne runs his hands through his hair and sighs heavily.

"He'll be fine, I have complete faith in him." Morty looks down at his phone, "and so does Mary". He leans down to show me his phone.

A part of me wants to rip it from his hands but I hold myself back and completely ignore Morty.

Tony was talking to Percy but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I want to be a part of it, I want to be there for my family. "When are they going to start?" I looked at Morty who had put his phone away.

"Whenever you are ready." Morty doesn't look at me until he realizes I hadn't answered him.

"I'm ready.".