
Those From Beyond

Welcome to a world of magic and monsters, good and evil, love and deceit. Welcome and read... If you dare.

Dezzrite · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The world was dark. There were no places of cool comfort or happy memories. Only the flames of the depths and the heat of adrenaline. This was a place that those cast out by the ever so good and kind were tossed like garbage. A place of horror and survival.

Monsters of all kinds roamed this hellish landscape. Each trying to survive. They could die, but then were brought back to relive the horrible present. Each death reminded them that they could not go peacefully into the beyond, trapped to either go insane or lose ourselves to the darkness for eternity.

He have traveled this expanse, trying to find an exit but all for naught. There is no escape from here. The disciples of the Holy Church had cast him down here when he had challenged them on their so called superiority. The man had questioned on how their so called benevolent guides and creators were good, when many were suffering. They called him heretic and non believer, then cast him down into this horrid place. There are no good or gracious gods or goddess'. Only the strong and powerful who could make up rules as they see fit. For many centuries he had been in this place for so long, been trapped here for the past thousand or so years, unable to simply die and not return. The man had died many times by numerous things. From being tossed into a river of fire, too being devoured in pieces while still alive. He had slowly lost parts of himself, and he wondered often how he had survived without losing his mind.

He did not pity those that were torn apart or killed in other means, for that was how it is here in this eternally burning place. Survival of the fittest indeed. A hundred times the man had died, and a hundred times did he awaken, gasping for breath and feeling the pains of his death. A thousand trials he had been forced to endure, and a thousand more would he face. This is the story, of the man from the beyond.