
At The Bar

I was not used to drinking, but the party was lit and I had gulped down two bottles of white house already, Vic was dancing and laughing with some girls at the counter of the bar, I on the other hand was not willing to dance, in fact, honestly, the closest dance move I have ever done was during the Sunday school's service back at home when I was young, oops, that was many years ago, when church going was one of the requirements to have a place to sleep in my fathers house.

I am not saying that I am not religious, no, in fact I am always punctual to every Easter and Christmas services and more often I actively participate in church ceremonies, like weddings.

Anyway My religious story is for another day, let's focus on today.

Forgive my manners, I talk more this days, not that I'm bragging but I supposed it is because I have been promoted to be the regional Manager in Wamz Press, where I currently work.

I am Meganvil, but I prefer to be called Megan,my friends do, yea, Megan feels so good on me, I even think of changing My ID names from Meganvil to Megan, someday.

I am not yet married yet, not so soon, my dad always say that I should marry when I'm 28, I only got two years to look for a good wife.

I guess that is all about me for today, you will get to know me better with time,

The bar was dimly lit, with flickering lights, like a house of rainbows, the strong smell of smoke from the pipers chocked my throat like a raging fire from a bomb, the stink of the drinks made me sick, not that I don't drink, but because Vic had taken me to this place against my wish.

In the first place, I wanted to go to Parkville, our usual spot, but he argued that here, at seaview, we may,out of luck, find our dream wives funny, isn't it? A wife in a bar? But it happens, I've seen some, even my boss once told me that he got his wife from a bar. Shshshsh that's between me and you

Anyway, the music was boring, the bongo that the DJ was playing was old fashioned and not of taste, so I sat down drinking my third bottle of White House while staring in space

Sometimes you may be at a place but out of place, like an alien on earth, but still you have to assume that you are enjoying the moments and let time pass,

"Excuse me sir" I was startled away from my thoughts by a voice, I looked up and saw her, and my heart skipped two or three beats I guess.