
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Chapter 9 – Adventurer Guild.

"So. Did you exterminated all of them?" – asked the old man with eyepatch.

"Yes, guild master. We had exterminated the monster as well as the all monsters related to it." – said an adventure with the bow.

"Injuries?" – asked the old man.



"Anyway, I confirmed that there were no grey wolfs being spotted in the newbie area. So that wolf you fought was really just a loner." – said the old man.

"By the way, I already put a contribution points into your adventure card and it seems you will soon rank up."

"Nice!" – said the man with the sword.

"Anyway, get going. Because of that stupid plant bastard, I have now to fill in a report."

The pair of adventures left the room, leaving behind the old man.

"Fuck me. Another fuking paper work." – said the old man.

[Eugust Smith – Occupation: Guild Master Of The Young Town]

Adventure guild is an organization that's specializes in many things.

From gathering the materials to dealing with the monsters.

However, the most import purpose of the adventure guild is safety.

The adventures guilds are most of the times placed in areas where the monsters or other dangers are present, but that is often not the only reason.


The materials you can get from the monsters, dangerous animals as well as stuff you can find in the monster filled areas, all of them are valuable in its own way.

For example, healing grass can be turned into a potion that can heal wounds.

Or a claws of a monsters that can be made into weapons.

Pretty much, if you work as the adventurer, you may earn fortune.

At first glace the adventure job may seem easy, but it's not.

If you are carless or overconfident, even the weakest goblin can easily ambush you and kill you.

Or you may end up running into monster that is way above your level.

So here is the question.

Can you hunt monsters without being adventurer? And the answer is yes.

However, there are several benefits of being an adventurer.

The first benefit is that you can take adventurer guild quest.

Most of the times, the main source of income for the adventures are the quest.

Quest are divided between request quest that are posted by somebody and guild quest that is posted by the guild.

The other benefit are the ranks.

Adventures posses a ranking system that helps in many ways.

For example, if you have high enough rank, the guild will trust you with more dangerous task that pay more and people will recognize your strength.

Not only that but the adventure guild will allow you to take different quest depending on your rank.

If you are low ranking adventurer, the guild will not accept you taking a quest with high rank difficulty and instead offers you the quest that fits your rank and the rank it self often represent the person strength, so the guild will show what sort of challenges or request you should be able to complete.

There are also many different things about the guild, but its not a proper time to discuss everything about it.

This basic information about the adventurer guild and adventures will do.

Now let's talk about the town called "Young".

This town is extremely popular among the new adventures who had begun their journey.

Now here is a question: Why? Why they are going to the Young town?

Simple put its because of the forest.

It's called the "Young Adventurer Forest".

Why it called that? Simple put because it's said to be the best place for the new and young adventures to grow and help them develop.

Not only the forest is filled with huge amount of monsters for everybody to hunt that are not extremely strong and are good starting opponents for the new adventures, but it's also filled with many different monsters and thanks to the variants of the materials as well as other stuff you can get from the forest, you are able to earn pretty good amount of money.

Some people would describe this place as the perfect starting point for the young heroes.

(However, there was recently an accident.) – though the old man.

(Child of thousand black legs made appearance in the forest recently and it wasn't a young child but a bastard that was 1 meter tall.)

(Multiple unfortunate adventurers ended up being devoured by it and only recently the adventures that were dispatched to deal with were finally able to find the fucker and kill it.)

(However, during the time when nobody knew where it was, I had no choice but to put a ban on the forest for everybody that were not part of the extermination squad, since I didn't want the corpse to pile up.)

(But that bloody centipede freaking devoured good amount of monsters as well, too much to be exactly.)

(Some annoying species of monsters decided to use this chance to expand their territories, especially that mouth plants.)

(I'm not saying that mouth plants are bad or hard to deal with and if anything, the materials from there are extremely useful for potion crafting, but the problem with them is hard to control them.)

(They are indeed a very weak monsters, but they posses ability to evolve way more often compare to the regular monsters in their early stages.)

(However, each of those early evolutions aren't that strong unlike other monster evolution.)

(For example, let's say there is a monster as weak as mouth plant and it evolved. The mouth plant would need to evolve two times to catch up to it in terms of power.)

(After evolving specific amount of time, the mouth plant evolution pace will slow down to the point it will stop evolving so often. But it will obviously now get much stronger after the evolution.)

(Well, monster evolution really just depends on the monsters in question. Some monsters become way stronger after evolving while others don't get that kind of boost in strength.)

(Some gets wings while some may swim in water.)

(Some can evolve fast for the first and second time, but then they would need to spend way more time to evolve again.)

(However, these things evolution is also special. It can branch off into multiple different species of monsters. Simple put you can an encounter a lot of different monsters in their area depending if the monsters were allowed to evolve.)

(Almost all the time, the mouth plant that evolved many times would end up not looking anything alike to their first form. Pretty much after people discovered it started to call it by the different name: Path Plant. Well, people are calling it a mouth plant most of the time anyway, since its literally a plant with a mouth.)

(However, we usually don't exterminate all the mouth plants and its evolved form because we need their materials.)

(But that thing was unknown. We never saw that monster so we didn't know what to do with it, so we decided to get rid of it for safety .)

(However, by the look of things it was false alarm.)

(It only looked big and scary but it was a weak monster. By the look of things, it was still a weak monster that had specializes in seed creation.)

(Fuck me. If I knew that I would have it not be exterminated and would have a new hunting ground where we he could safely get more potions materials. This thing was literally perfect since it would give to so many mouth plants for us.)


"Well, nothing can be do about this, since it's already dead."

"The situation with the that bastard finally calmed down to some extend and adventures are now willing to go back into the forest."

(But fuking please. No more incidents. I'm already buried in the paper works because of that fuking centipede….)

[Meanwhile in the forest.]

(Shit! Shit! Shit!)

The plant beast was running through the forest while a red rooster was chasing her around.

(What the actual fuck is this thing?!)

(I did manage to land a sneak attack on it, but it freaking survived that and not only that, but this freaking thing can shoot a range freaking attacks unlike those chickens that could only attack short range with their breath attacks!)

The red rooster unleashes fire projectile attack from its mouth that flew straight at plant beast, forcing the monster to quickly hide behind the tree in order to dodge the attack.

After hiding behind the tree, the plant beast did not come out, so the roster quickly run towards the tree and fired another fire attack, but it did not manage to hit anything.

The roster then noticed something and looked up, only to see the plant beast wide open mouth closing at it.


Moments later the part of the roster neck got ripped off by the plant animal, making the roster bleed out a lot.

Moments later, the roster ended up collapsing and dying.


(Fuck me. I was trying to snap its neck. How hard is this thing bones?)

(Not only the bones, but also its skin. My claws didn't manage to leave a deep wound on it.)

(Why the fuck this roster was so OP?!)

(Well, not only the roaster, but all the monsters here are strong.)

(I manage to get quiet far away from the plant and ant territory, but now I'm starting to encounter stronger monsters.)

(I don't think going even further away from the ant and plant territories would be smart, since I would then probably encounter monsters that are beyond my level.)

(But still, this place is perfect for current me! I'm leveling at quiet good pace.)

(However, I shouldn't let my guard down. I almost got wrecked few times or almost got set on fire while barely managing to dodge that roster attacks.)

(Anyway, lets eat this freaking thing already. I'm starving.)



(Oh! It has a nice spicy flavor!)

(Damn. I bet bear would have went perfectly with this or maybe cola.)

(But I don't think I will be able to get either of those things as of right now. I don't even know if they exist in this world.)

[ [Basic – High Mana Sense] LEVEL 4 [Plant Bite] LEVEL 4 [Flesh Taster] LEVEL 4 [Plant Root] LEVEL 1 [Medium Limb Extend] LEVEL 1 [Leaf Attack] LEVEL 1 [Plant Claw] LEVEL 2 [Bite] LEVEL 3 [Surprise Attack] LEVEL 3 [Grass Skeleton] LEVEL 2 ]

(My skills are getting better and few of them even managed to level up and evolve.)

(The [Grass Root] became a [Plant Root]. As for its effect, well its still the safe, but only a little bit better?)

([Short Limb Extend] became [Medium Limb Extend]. By the look of things, I can now make my arm 14 centimes longer. However, I noticed that the longer the arm stays longer, the more stamina it uses. I tried hunting with this skill on and noticed that I run out of stamina faster than before.)

(So I guess this skill is for an attack and then retract tactic?)

(Well, having longer limbs is fine, but it also gives my enemy a bigger target, so I need to be careful when using this skill.)

(The third skill that got evolved was [Leaf Throw]. It became [Leaf Attack].)

(I can now shoot way more leaves or I can throw less leaves but with more power.)

(However if I'm speaking honestly, this thing still sucks.)

(I mean, in terms of power it's now able to leave a small scratch on mice, but not like it will cause bleeding or anything.)

(And for the power version, the damage output also sucks. Pretty much it's just way better to just use the normal version since I can at least use it to blind the enemy vision for short moment.)

(Man. It would be nice if I could instead use a freaking magic or something.)

(I mean, there is mana present in this world and all, so there obviously should be something like magic and mages who use it.)



(Do I have mana?! I never fuking checked that!)

(I only used mana detection on my surroundings, but I never consider using it on myself!)

(Am I an fuking idiot!?)


(Let's try it.)


(Focus only on me….)




(Yes! I got it! I can sense my mana!)

(I can feel my own source of mana! I can feel my own mana!)

(Now, here is the real question…. How the heck do I use it?)