
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 26 – Training and unknown feeling.

Its already a day two since I arrived at that forest.

Once again, I couldn't encounter any humans or their traces.

What the hell is going on with this place? Its looks so… Calm, yet scary.

Anyway, so far, I confirmed that this part of the forest is mostly peaceful and safe, meaning I could start my training finally.

But…I can't shake off the feeling that this isn't a normal place.

(Fuck it.)

(I do another check around and this time I will cover much larger area.)

(I need to at least get a hint why humans are not coming here.)

(Is there a monsters here or something that can scare them away?)

(But is it really the case?)

(If there was really that strong monster around, would other monsters run away in fear as well?)

(Being monster doesn't mean that the other monster is friendly to you, I even saw some monsters hunting each other and all.)

(On top of that, I only saw monsters that were stronger than that starting area monsters, but not really that strong.)

(This place is too mysterious and it is very worrying.)

(Not only that, but my instincts are also acting weird, as if they were warning me or something.)

(I never had experience this feeling before.)

(I experience fear, panic, confusion, madness and other emotions. I also experience the feeling of death as well.)

(But this feeling…Is unknown?)

(Maybe because I'm an animal or something and maybe I have a six sense now or something?)

(Still…Fuck me. I don't know.)

I went around searching for hours nonstop and, in the end, I discovered nothing.

I'm scared.

What the hell is going on in here?

I don't know what is going on in here anymore, but I cannot delay it anymore.

I need to train, NOW.

I really need to find out what the hell is going on here, but right now I need to get stronger.

I need to start training in order to develop myself.

And so, I started training, doing experiment, trying different things and all other stuff for a week.

I managed to improve a lot after finally having a perfect place train.

I learned few new skills, improved some skills, come up with new combos and learned some new spells.

The results very pleasant.

However, I noticed something…Weird?

My level increased?

Not like from hunting, I did hunting and all to eat something, but my level increased while I was training?

Hm… Interesting.

So, hunting and killing things aren't the only way of leveling up?

So, by developing myself, I can also level up? Huh, didn't knew that. Well, most of the times I was hunting and all, so obviously I wouldn't know about this.

Still, I only leveled up few times, but its not that bad since I used this time to make myself stronger.

I wonder how exactly this works? Is it like training your body? Like going to the gym and building muscles? Or maybe getting new skills?


It's both I think.

I maybe a plant, but I'm also an animal.

My body isn't just a bunch of plants sticking together, but a proper body. I have muscles and all, so maybe I can work out and all?


This place still giving me creeps.

I tried ignoring tis weird feeling, but it didn't wanted to leave me be.

But honestly, I was wondering about something, is that feeling mine?

I mean, it's very weird and all, but also alien.

But that feeling telling me to back away or like warning me that the danger is this way.

Maybe its other way around?

Maybe I'm not feeling, but somebody is giving me this feeling?

But then, what is emitting this feeling?

I could try going deeper and find out, but now is not the time.

I still have to train.

Day 11.

I focused on leveling up my body related skills like [Plant Body] and limb extend.

After leveling up these skills and doing a lot of research and experiment, I learned few new tricks and skills.

For example, I had learned skill [Small Limb Enlargement].

This skill allows me to make my limb large but it eats my stamina.

I learned this skill few days ago and was leveling it up non stop until it turned today into [Medium Limb Enlargement].

This skill makes my limb I don't know, around 3 time of its original size?

Hower interesting thing about this skill is that I tried doing experiment with it and few other skills, especially with the limb extend.

In the day 11 I learned skill called [Small Limb Grow].

Pretty much, its combination of both limb extend and limb enlargement.

The interesting thing about this is that I can use it with both the limb extend and limb enlargement.

However, using all 3 of them at the same time eats a shit tons of stamina.

Honestly speaking, right now this combo is only useful for my tail if I strengthen it and make it sharper, making into a blade or shield, but it consume a lot of mana and stamina.

Using all 3 of these skills on my limb like arms or legs is useless. Well, its more like very situational, but so far using the limb extend on my four limbs allows me to have a quickly jump or a rush, but only for one move.

On top of that, I still need some work with using those limb changing skills, since having longer or bigger limb suddenly can feel weird or make the balance of body change.

Day 12.

Today I practiced using my leaves skills and leveling them up.

Some of them had evolved while I also learned new skills like [Lesser-Weak Mana Infusion].

Simply put, it's a skill that I can use to put it and around the object to make them tougher or sharper. I guess I learned it because I was trying to use my mana non stop to make my leave attacks stronger (Trying to use mana on the objects.).

I managed to level it up it, but those skills are still quite weak. Not. It's VERY WEAK.

Well, it does makes my claws and fangs have a higher attack and defense, so its not really that worthless. Well, the difference is power I say with and without is LESS THAN 5%!? I can put more mana into the blades or defense and make it around 10%, but the mana consumption will end up increasing as result and just using it normally does use a bit of my mana. I have to be carefully while using this skill. On top of that, the sharpness doesn't work on some things that aren't sharp, like my head butt attack.

Or when I'm trying to use a random branch as a weapon and enchanting it. The branch was couldn't even make a small scratch on the tree or become stronger. It just broke like a normal branch.

I guess you the enchantment skill isn't a skill that can everything into a blade or an armor. Probably even if I evolved that skill multiple times the results would not change.

However, I did learned something interesting. If I use it on the leaves produced from my body, I can affect them.

I can use the enchantment on the spells, but the problem is that they are much weaker, even at full strength I could only get around 1/3 of the enchantment effect.

However the things that are part of my body or I'm holding, I can use full power, meaning the leaves attack that I produce from my body can be affected at full power.

With that new discovery I tried doing my leaf chakram combo with mana sharpness at full strength and I ended up creating a freaking saw!

And it failed.

It only looked intimidating, but the damage was same as normal leaf chakram.

Not only that, it used a way more mana and I mean like almost my entire mana was gone with that.

In conclusion [Lesser-Weak Mana Infusion] is right now my worst skill that is not even worth using.

However, it holds poetical and it maybe becomes something powerful.

I can see a LOT of poetical if it gets strong enough, so I will have to research more as well as practice more with this skill each day.

But while training I noticed something. Something very important!

My max mana that I can handle and use increased? Not by a lot or anything, but by just a very little bit! A little bit that could been noticed by me!

I didn't evolved yet, but the amount of mana I can handle got noticeable bigger by that bit.

By any chance the amount of mana changes when I use it over and over?

I was using my mana nonstop until I almost hit the rock bottom.

I even once passed out after I ended up all of my mana. Yea, not doing that again.

Or maybe this is because of me getting new skills as well as leveling them up and evolving them? Who knows?

Either way, the training was extremely worth.

Day 13.

More mana training.

Day 14.

Mana sensing training as well as trying to replicate the trick that the centipede monster used against me.

Day 15.

I was somehow able to reduce the mana emitted from my body somehow, but it's still leaking.

Day 16.

The amount of mana I can hide is around 75%, but when I'm using my full strength, I'm not able to hide my mana.

Some skills also leveled up.

Day 17.

For the change today, I tried understanding the concept of mana, spells and magic.

I have my plant magic and spells, but it would be a great idea if I could use another type of magic as well.

I tried using my mana in different ways, trying to give it a form or control some things, but no results.

Day 18.

I tried researching different elements again as well as tried to hide my mana again.

There were some reaction, but no real effects or anything when it comes to the elements. It maybe will take a week or a month to learn how to control different element.

No wait.

Can I even learn different element magic in the first place?

So far, I only used mana and made it act somewhat weird.


Well, lets continue researching it for a month and see if there would be even a slightest effect.

Day 19.

Once again, I wanted to train, but…. I discovered something.

There was an arrow.

It wasn't an arrow used by the orcs. This arrow was way better.

There is no mistaking it.

A "Person" is in this forest!