
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 17 – Progress and relocation.

Somewhere in the deeper parts of the forest.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

A pair of two adventures were running in the forest.

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck!"

"Didn't they said that they killed it?!" – said the male adventurer with a missing arm.

"No! They killed it! They even showed its corpse!" – said the female adventurer.

"Then what the fuck is this?!"

"I don't know! But we need to get- "

As soon as the girl looked behind her, the man that was behind her had his chest cut open before then falling on the ground.

"…R-run…" – said the dying man.


The girl now didn't even bothered looking behind her while she continues running with all her strength.

However, while running the girl suddenly collapsed.


When the girl tried getting up, she saw one of her feet missing as if it was cut off by something.

The fear consumed the girl as she saw a monster approaching her.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

"Get away!"


(They must have noticed it because it was still young, but now that thing is growing up!)

(I got to warn the guild!)

(I need to warn them than there was more than one child of the thousand black legs in the forest!)

The girl tried crawling in panic and fear, but suddenly her head was chopped off.

After getting brutally killed by a monster, the girl corpse began being devoured by the monster.


Few days has passed after my little discovery of being able to learn skills, outside evolving.

Honestly, I was bit wondering about how I got that [Leaf Blade] skill, but maybe now I get it.

The thing I made wasn't exactly a spell, no. It was not a spell at all.

Maybe because it wasn't a spell, I ended up learning a skill?

Well, this theory maybe very possible.

Anyway, I continue researching and training my skills.

Both the [Grass Limb] and [Novice - Plant Magic] ended up leveling up a lot thanks to my experiment and honestly, they may could have bit more, if this place wasn't filled with freaking monster that were interrupting my training.

Anyway, I continue doing my research on skills as well as magic and I kind of got interesting results.

Specifically, I managed to acquired few skills.

I tried using my research of the mana, magic and skills and ended up learning skill [Grass Edge].

Simply put, this skill allows me to grow thin plant body that will act as a blade. I tried making a weapon out of combo of [Leaf Barrage] and [Leafe Blade], but unexpected I ended up learning the skill.

[Leaf Edge] is a skill that creates grass body like grass and leaves to act as a weapon. This skill can also be used together with [Grass Limb] and its nice combo.

However, this skill sharpness isn't very good at all. Probably because its level 1 skill and maybe it would need to evolve 1 or 2 times to make it "Strong".

But then I thought about something: Can I somehow combine all of these skills? They all got "Leaf" in it and all.

So, I tried doing something like that.

Small leaves didn't cut it when I was experimenting, so I was thinking about making it big bigger, so I ended up creating a larges leaf I was able to make that was I don't know. Between 10 to 20 centimeters long. Making this giant leaf was something I wasn't expecting to be so draining, but when I tried to make and fire one, I ended up creating a learning another new skill.

[Skill [Leaf Slash] had been acquired.]


Apparently, the [Leaf Slash] is a skill that can enchant the sharpness my leaves and this skill itself can affect can affect [Leaf Barrage], [Leaf Blade] and [Leaf Edge].

It may sounded extremely great! But the thing is that I'm literally able only to deal ANY DAMAGE if I use all of those skills together and each one use freaking mana and all.

Still, at least I was to somewhat wound the goblins and that is a huge progress, since now I have means to wound the enemy from afar.

The skills and combo itself still need some time to improve a bit, but once I understand about using those skills and combo correctly, I would be able to leave this part of the forest.

Anyway, rest of the day I would spend learning more about this skills instead of experimenting.

[Next Day]


[Race: Plant Deerwolf]

[LEVEL 41]

[Skill List]

[ [Basic – Highest Mana Sense] LEVEL 2 [Plant Wild Bite] LEVEL 2 [Flesh Enjoyer] LEVEL 1 [Plant Root] LEVEL 7 [Medium Limb Extend] LEVEL 7 [Leaf Assault] LEVEL 2 [Leaf Blade] LEVEL 4 [Leaf Edge] LEVEL 3 [Leaf Slash] LEVEL 3 [Plant Claw] LEVEL 9 [Power Bite] LEVEL 2 [Surprise Attack] LEVEL 6 [Plant Skeleton] LEVEL 1 [Grass Helmet] LEVEL 4 [Novice - Plant Magic] LEVEL 8 [Head Hit] LEVEL 5 [Horn Hit] LEVEL 5 [Grass Limb] LEVEL 7 [Plant Mane] LEVEL 2 [Fangs And Claws] LEVEL 3 ]

[Unique Skill]

[ [New Evolution] ]

(Nice! Thanks to spending most of my time training, a lot of my skills leveled up and evolved! I can tell that I became way stronger than before.)

(Still, some skills took quiet a long time to level up once, like [Fang And Claws] or [Plant Mane]. I was only able to level up [Plant Mane] once.)

(How do I level up this thing more? I did used it to gather mana and produce leaves and all….)

(Hm…. Maybe this skill level up at much slower pace than others?)

(Well, maybe I will find sooner on how to level up this thing faster.)

(But for now it's finally time to leave this part of the forest.)

(I think I'm finally ready to travel to the deeper parts of the forest.)

(I have some proper means of attacking with my leaves and I can now make a long bonus limb that I can use like a whip and can even attach small blades on it.)

(It was good idea not to go from get go into the deeper parts of the forest and instead trained.)

(Heck. Not only my skills, but my magic control got better.)

The deerwolf summoned a moving root from a magic circle that was placed on the ground.

(I can cast some basic spells.)

(Well, VERY BASIC STUFF. Like a straight from the deep bottom spells.)

(Still, at least I CAN USE MAGIC!)

(Its weak, very weak, but I can use it and that means I have a somewhat new means of attacking. Well, it still need some polishing and all, to be called an "Basic Attack" and all, but still.)

(However, while learning magic I noticed something.)

(My understating of magic grew a lot while I was experimenting with the leaf skills. Is it because the leaf skills are related to the plants? Or is it because the leaves themselves?)

(In any case, my understating of plant magic grown a lot and soon I will be able to use the plant magic as a proper weapon and who knows? Maybe I will be able to conduct new experiment that may end up leading to me getting new skill?)


(Anyway, let's not waste any more time. I need to start hunting properly now and level up if I want to evolve.)

(I wander what kind of creature would I turn into thanks to my unique skill?)

It was time to relocate once again.

Honestly, I just didn't wanted to waste any time and just at full speed, since I finally I got used to my body few days ago, I was able to run at incredible speed.

But here is a problem: What the heck would happened if I run so fast and ended up accidently bumping into human?

Yea. Not risking that.

Still, I could travel somewhat fast, as long as I don't overdo it and kept my mana detection up all the time.

It took some time, but I managed to leave this part of the forest I was using as my training grounds.


I already got quite deep into this part of the forest; I should be starting to see monsters now.

Well, I-


(…I know this scent…. Human blood?!)


The deerwolf began slowly moving towards the source of the smell until it arrived at spot where the smell came from.


(What the hell happened here?!)

(There is a blood and bits of flesh everywhere.)


(Jezus. There is even part of a head with a freaking hair attached to it.)

(If I was still human, I would just puke after just seeing this, but I kind of got used to gore since well… I eat things.…. But still: Ugh.)

(Torn leather equipment and broken knife and arrows.)

(Yeb. This person was adventurer.)

(But fuck me… What the heck happened to this person?)

(I don't see body and only see pool of blood and chunks of meat.)

(I guess that person was eaten on the spot.)

(I can see some marks on the ground, I guess she or he was crawling in desperation.)


(Oh. It left the feet?)


(Fuck me. Now that I look at it, it was cut perfectly.)

(But the feet isn't near the pool of blood? Maybe it was cut off while the adventure was trying to run away.)

(So the monster cut off…?)

(What is this?)

(Near the feet there is a hole in the ground?)

(Fuck me. It looked some sort of blades pierced the ground, like some sort of sci-)




(W-wait…. I-I've seen this mark before….)

(It's much bigger, but it's exactly the same as that mark that was left on the tree!)

(The mark that left by that bastard that almost killed me after I was reincarnated!)