
Thorns Between Two Lovers

Giovanni got into a terrible car accident when he was a four-year-old and became comatose for almost a week. During his pathetic condition in a pediatric intensive care unit, his mother spent straight whole week kneeling while praying inside the chapel of St Luke's hospital asking for mercy to save his son from his tragic car accident. Giovanni serves as an alter boy and ac0lyte on their city parish church when he started Junior High, that later on became aware that his mother wanted him to enter seminary once he graduated in secondary education to become a full pledge priest as his mother promised inside the hospital's chapel during he was unconscious inside the ICU. Being raised morally upright and an obedient child, he should obeyed his beloved mother's wish to enter the seminary and to be ordained as full pledge priest someday, even he is hesitant at the beginning he wants to be filial son to his mother even though his father strongly opposed his mother's desire. In his mind and heart he is now ready to be in this vocation, but Fate is really playing him around, two months before his ordination, he met this beautiful and highly spirited young woman named Jessica whom he makes his heart throb rapidly everytime she stared at him, makes his face electroactive every time she is around. Angels not only found in heaven,there is one on earth she is almost within reach, he thought. Although she is the complete opposite of every mothers’ wish to become her daughter in-law because of her unfavorable moral family reputation, He likes Jessica very much. Would it be possible to fulfill his beloved mother's dream and satisfy his heart's desire to be with a woman he dearly love at the same time? How can I choose one without hurting the others? Do I break the rules of loving them both

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Home Sweet Home

Ricablanca Mansion:

It was a tranquil day, and the sun shines brightly giving the facade of the Ricablanca Mansion more magnifent and gives an aura more sophisticated and extravagant on its color which combined with majority of crimson white and royal blue that makes its appearance more regal.

It's a joyous day for the Ricablanca Mansion, because their only child, Giovanni Ricabalanca or better known as Gio, has just leave the seminary for the preparation for his ordination.

After nine years his beloved son will finally come out and become a full -fledged priest.

"Aling Celia, are the barbecues ready? Are Gio's favorite foods had been prepared? Doña Esmeralda asked the female butler and Yaya Celia.

"It's okay ma'am, even the thirty kilos of crabs and prawns are being prepared by mang Vener. It refers to the butler of the Ricablanca family since Giovanni's birth has been in the family with Aling Celia,

"Ma'am, the tables and chairs by the side of the pool are okay" replied by young maid

"It's good, any time Gio will come, as well as father Carmelo and other fellow priests will be coming soon" Dona Esmeralde excitedly said.

Even Aling Celia is happy because she will finally see Giovanni again. Exactly thirty -three years she did not see him tha she took care since his birth.

"Why isn't Mang Ramon here yet? What time did Ramon pick up Gio at the seminary? Doña added.

"Ma'am, sir Gio and Mang Ramon have already texted, They are on their way " Aling celia replied

"Ma'am, sir is on the other line ," the cordless phone handed by the young maid to Dona Esmeralda.

"Hon where are you? It's already pass nine 'o clock, any moment from now Gio will arrived soon, aren't you excited to see your only son?

Don Nicolas on the other line smiled at the happy voice of his dear wife whose excitement was obvious at leaving the seminary of their beloved Giovanni.

"Honey calm down, hahaha of course I'm excited", Don Nicolas replied while smiling, The board meeting is about to end, maybe I will be a little bit late, i will go straight to the Mansion all the way from here after the board meeting ended.

"Hon, what is the use of hiring so many managers and specialists if you are spending so much time in the company?"

"Fine, fine you won" replied the man on the other line once pressing a button on the mahogany table in his office. "I'm living now hon" and he hung up the phone.

"Chairman, You need something?" The door opened and Nathalie, the executive secretary showed her face once the door of the chairman's executive office opened.

"Nathalie, I'm leaving, my wife is teasing me.

"Aren't you going back to the board meeting chairman?" Asked the efficient secretary while standing in front of the chairman.

"No, you know my wife, she will never stop pestering me until I reached the house, especially since Gio is coming from the seminary and besides the meeting is on the planning stage, the board of directors will decide, just give me the minutes first thing in the morning "

"Noted chairman"Natalie's quick replied.

He finally stood up, picked up the coat that was lying on the rack and went straight to the door, He would have been out of the door When the chairman turned around.

"And do orders foods for the entire company's staff. It's Thanksgiving treat from my son Gio"

"Thank you chairman Ricablanca" Nathalie responded while smiling widely showing gratittude.

And finally the don left towards the parking area exclusively for the chairman.

On the other hand...

After entering the main gate of Villa Ricablanca, a mustang vehicle travels along the long pathway to the mansion of the Ricablanca, with Gio, who has just come out of the Seminary. The view from the window of the car looks like people who are busy preparing for an occasion.

"What's up uncle Ramon? Is there an occasion at the mansion? Gio from the back of the car asked in surprise.

The driver smiled and glanced at the boss's son.

"Señorito, your Mom has prepared a small party because you are finally leaving the seminary" Mang Ramon replied, still smiling.

Gio sighed. He knew his Mom, the small party that mang Ramon says can feed the whole barangay.

And finally Mang Ramon parked the car in front of the mansion. The young man immediately got out of the car and went to Dona Esmeralda who was already outside the main door with a smile.

"Mom" and hugged his mom, once he just gotten out of the car.

"Hijo", the tears rolled down the embrace of the excited mother, even though she often visited the seminary for nine years but it can be counted on the fingers that she can talk to her son there in person, because if he is not busy studying theology he is at the outreach activity.

How are you Yaya Celia?" At the same time, he turned to the middle -aged woman next to his mother who was able to stand.

"Welcome back son," cried Aling Celia, she was excited about the very kind child that she considered her child since she served in the Ricablanca.

"Have you been well son? Doña Esmeralda. She looked at her from head to toe

"I am ma" wher's dad? Gio's asked while looking around.

"He's on his way home now, your dad just fixed something in the office, oh here's your dad" When she saw his car coming in and approaching the front of the mansion.

"Dad ,! Don Enrico immediately hugged Gio after he approached the son.

"I miss you hijo, and welcome back" he said to his son excitedly.

"Miss you too Dad, and mom" while look at the mother at the same time.

"What's up"? Gio asked as he looks around, even though he already knew why there was a fancy party in the mansion.

"Why? is it bad to prepare, because my son is going to be a priest? The mother asked in return.

"You knew your mama, oh come and let us meet for your guests," replied the father to Gio.

"Mom, it's still a year before I become a full -fledged priest" Gio replied and took his mother and father on his shoulders as they walked towards the edge of the pool where the guests were waiting.

"Son, that is coming soon, I'm sure that you will be ordained and become a full pledge priest" doña Esmeralda stopped walking and faced the child, the mother caressed the child's cheek and tearfully said .. "I promised to HIM son you will be a priest ..

Gio knew what the mother meant, the mother promised God that if he could survive that accident, she would make her son a priest to serve HIM.

Gio didn't say a word to his mother and continued to walk with his father.

"Remember father Carmelo son? Dona Esmeralda asked again.

"Yes mom, how can I forget Father Carmelo? he is the parish priest in the town where I was an acolyte for four years when I was in Junior high" Gio replied to his mother.

The mother would have said something more when a voice called the mother and son's attention, approaching them from the group of guests was a middle -aged man whom you can predict to be a disciple of the church based on what he was wearing.

"Gio, Iho! Call the young man's name while smiling as they approach them.

"Father Carmelo? Gio greeted the priest happily. When he got close, he immediately reached for the priest's hand.

"Praise the Lord Gio, you are finally close to becoming a full disciple of Christ" The priest greeted the young man happily and tapped him on the shoulder.

He is very happy with the former acolyte and will finally become a full -fledged priest.

"Thank you father," he bowed slightly in respect to the former priest he served when he was still an altar boy in their town.

"More than ever, now be strong, many are called but few are chosen" said the priest in an meaningful words, and Gio knew what father Carmelo meant.

"I will remember your advice, father, and may the Lord guide me so that I can become a full -fledged disciple of Christ for his household" Gio said and at the same time looked at his mother and father who saw the joy in his mother's eyes. ..

"Gio son,Father Carmelo,is already cardinal in Cebu, I invited him to personally thank him for his help from the time you became a sacristan until you entered the seminary." Dona Esmeralda said.

"Congratulations father"

"Let's go father, son let's sit down"

And at once they sat down at the vacant table.

Father Carmelo led the prayer before the party started which focused on gratitude because in those moments, sooner or later another creature is destined to be the instruments of the Lord to share good news and the words of God.

"Lord, strengthen our faith even more and give strong resistance to avoid the temptation that Gio will face before he becomes a full -pledged priest" Father Carmelo prayed before the feast began.

Donya Esmeralda wiped away the tears, accompanied by Don Nicolas, who was also shedding tears during those hours.