
Thorns And The Shield

Dive into the farland, a devasted land where every resouces are gold, where simple conflict can result in death. The Kingdom of Yevaly is in great danger, an monarch took the opportunity to took control of the entire kingdom, and set his own rules, few people are still free from his grief, will somone be able to Stop him? Character in the Story •Allysa - Main Male Character •Emma - Main Female Character

Dod9 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Revelations of a Monarch's Reign

After journeying for a few days on small villages for shelter and food, Allysa and Emma finally reached a bigger village. The village looked almost like a city, except there was no stone building or big infrastructure that could have indicate that it was a city. The scenery was divided in two; The first one was forest trees out of sight, and the second one had a beautiful river with an extended meadow with every main animals needed to make up a farm.

Emma seemed to not be impressed by the sceneries compared to Allysa.

"Why are you not impressed by that Emma?" asked Alyssa.

"Why are you asking me this? Are you?" replied politely Emma.

"I mean yes, somehow i never saw such a big village with such number of animals. It looks like they could do trading with all those animals" Answered back Alyssa.

"You know i think Alyssa, that it is normal considering the important number of citizens in this village" replied Emma calmly.

Suddenly a guard showed up to Allysa and Emma and asked them:

"What two kids are doing here in front of the gate? Are you lost?"

The knight was impressively tall but was nice when talking to them.

"Oh no Mr. knight, we just arrived at the village, and we were looking around." Replied Emma who remained calm but a little startled by the sudden appearance of the guard.

"Ah, i see, please forgive me if i startled you little girl. But Where did you came from?" asked again the guard.

"From Gale Rock Sir!" Replied Allysa.

"Hahaha you seem to be really disciplined young boy" Replied happily the guard.

"oh trust me he is not generally, He is very...um, let's say clumsy and a ball of energy" Replied Emma while sneering.

"Emma, that's not kind of you to say that!" replied allysa while pouting.

"Hahaha, now...now, calm down you two." Said the guard, then continued

"Well, i heard what happened to the our neighbors, i'm sorry that it happened. Please follow me".

Allysa and Emma were very relucent to follow the guard, they were on their guard.

"Hey easy now children, i am not like those guards, in this village, we are not ruled by the monarch, i promise. I will just bring you two to a shelter where you will be able to rest." Said the guard quite worried by the reaction of the children.

"what do we do Allysa?" Asked Emma whispering to him.

"Let's follow him for now, i don't think he means us harm." replied Allysa whispering into her ears.

Then the two of them at the same time replied:

"Lead the way sir. We trust you"

'Oh lord, what those two kids went through to be like that...' Told the guard to himself.

after a bit of chitchat during the little walk, the guard then brought them to the promised shelter, where the two of them could actually rest form their walk.

Allysa and Emma ate, bathed, and then went to sleep. but due to the stressed they could not sleep for an hour or so.

"What do you think about the village for now?" Asked Emma.

"For now, it is okay, people seems to be kind, and apparently they do not seem to be under the rule of the monarch. I think we can release the pressure here." replied Allysa still quite concerned about what happened back in 'Gale Rock'.

"Well it seems to be this way, but i am still scared Allysa, i am scared that this people might die because of us, like it happened back to the other village." Emma hands were shaking and her heart were skipping beat while talking about this specific matter. She seemed to be still traumatized by that situation.

Allysa reached Emma's hand and hugged her to reassure her:

"Don't worry Emma, here we are safe, i promise we are going be just fine, and if not, i will promise you that i will protect you no matter what."

"Th-Thank you Allysa, i...i feel a little bit better, after all, you are here if i need you." She smiled at allysa sweetly.

"Um..y-yea, i am here, don't worry" Replied Allysa while blushing.

After a few minutes of silence, the two of them felt asleep...

Tomorrows Morning

It was around five in the morning the morning when two guards opened the door where Allysa an Emma were sleeping. The astonishing sound woke them up abruptly causing them to panic. the first reaction of allysa was opposing himself in front of Emma to protect her. The guards looked at each others and finally one decided to talk.

"You two are convene to our Lady's private room, please follow us"

Allysa and Emma were absolutely confused by what was happening but complied by the request that was made by the guard and followed them.

"So, um please excuse me that question but are WE convened to your lady's private room?" Asked Emma still tired and confused from the sudden convocation

"You will get all the details we our lady once arrived" replied one of the two guards

"ah, umm, okay" Replied Emma even more confused.

"Allysa...Do you think we did something wrong?" Asked Emma once again.

"To be honest with you, i have no clue, i'm sorry Emma" Replied Allysa.

"It is okay, don't worry" She smiled at him sweetly.

After a few minutes walking they finally reached the 'Lady's private room' 

One of the guard then announced:

"You may now enter!"

So did Emma and Allysa.

Upon passing the door, leading to her room a magnificent room presented itself. The room was a sanctuary of elegance and refinement. The walls are adorned with deep green tapestries depicting serene forest scenes, and the large windows allow natural light to filter in, casting a warm, inviting glow. A polished oak desk sits by the window, piled with scrolls and books, a testament to her ceaseless dedication to her village. In one corner, a plush armchair faces a crackling fireplace, offering a cozy retreat for moments of contemplation.

But the main attraction of the room was the lady itself,

an imposing figure, standing at a graceful height of 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm). Her presence is marked by a regal bearing and an air of authority that commands respect.

Her eyes, a piercing shade of emerald green, are often described as windows to her sharp intellect. They are framed by gracefully arched eyebrows, and her gaze is both discerning and warm, revealing a sense of compassion beneath her stoic exterior.

Her hair cascades down her back in waves, often adorned with intricately braided sections, and she frequently wears it in an elegant bun when attending to her duties. She dresses in luxurious, flowing gowns befitting her status, often choosing deep forest greens and rich purples to complement her striking eyes.

Her hands are delicate and slender, but they bear the faint calluses of someone who has spent time tending to the affairs of her village. A silver locket, a family heirloom, hangs around her neck, a symbol of her lineage and the responsibility she carries as the village's ruler.

with her angelic and sweet voice she welcomed them:

"Welcome children, please excuse me to this abruptly convocation, but i need some information from you."

Allysa and Emma were agape and did not knew what to respond to the Lady, they seemed to be astonished by the beauty by both the room and the person itself.

The lady then added while giggling:

"Ow, where are my manners, please forgive me, My name is Lady Elara. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Thinking it was necessity, they bowed to Elara to present the respect due to her, but she seemed to be quite embarrassed instead:

"Oh please, No need to be so formal, you are children, it fine if you do not do it, but thank you for thinking about it." Replied Elara.

Without wasting any time Allysa asked:

"So. lady Elara, why all of this?"

"Allysa! That's a way to talk to someone important like that!" Replied Emma.

"Don't worry sweety" replied Elara and then added

"I love your direct approach little boy, you have the sense of business." She smiled at allysa.

"Anyway, Will you tell us why please?" Added Allysa.

"Yes, of course, in a matter of fact i need some information from you" Said Alara.

"What kind of information?" replied almost directly Allysa. 

"To start with the questions, You two are from Gale Rock aren't you? Asked Elara.

"No we are not, Lady Elara, we happened to came into that village because we needed food and shelter" Replied Emma.

"So then where are you from?" Asked Elara quizzically.

"Concerning me, i don't remember anymore, Lady Elara." replied Emma

"As for me, i came from a little house in the woods in the east before 'Dusk Mere'" replied Allysa.

"I see..." Replied Elara.

"I think it is time i explain to you what is going on right now in the entire kingdom, since you were thrown in even if you never asked for it, in any case you would been aware soon or late." Elara's voice was suddenly changed in an serious tone

"As you probably know from the Gale Rock village, The kingdom is under the rule of a monarch. As far as we know his or her identity is a mystery but we know that he or she is from 'Astalburg City'. It the capital of the kingdom. He or she apparently took the place of the king who was ruling on the city when the king suddenly felt ill, the circumstances of the illness is still a mystery unfortunately, but i suspect a poisoning, maybe cliche, but works well apparently.

We are not the only village or cities fighting against that monarch, if you decide to move from our village you need to be careful, very careful as the rules of each village and cities may varies from the location you will be, but keep in mind that any person who are considered as an obstacle to the monarch will be executed, children, adults, and elders. This Monarch has no limits" Said Elara.

The two children were quite shocked by what they just learned, but already how it was going on, from what they saw back at Gale Rock. But their mind were already made at the begining, they wanted to help as much as they could so that the monarch could be stop once and for all.

"Count us on your side Lady Elara" Replied allysa determined

"What a pleasant song to my ears, i am indeed glad to hear that" Replied Elara relieved

From now on, their fight has begun, against the monarch, they got some allies in their battle, who will help them, gathering resources, fighting forces, infrastructures and funds. Will all those things be sufficient to defeat the monarch?