
Thorned family tree

Percy was still sixteen when the dream of having his own family with Annabeth came to mind. He was nearly seventeen when that dream came true, But what was the point if she wasn't there. And as if it wasn't enough Percy had to deal with the other end of his family coming to bite him.

Jackattack364 · Book&Literature
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Harry eyed the grandson of Voldemort as he sat next to the lake, his child waddling in the shallow water.

There was a look of deep sadness mixed with fondness on his face. He kept fiddling with his wand as if he didn't know what to do with it.

He was beyond surprised to see Professor Macgonagall late for the first time in years. Claiming she had to give the new student private lessons to help him catch up.

Fruitful lessons since with a single incantation a stone on the shore suddenly turned into a tiny bird that flew away.

Avifors was the first transfiguration spell Harry ever learned, he could recall all of his first lessons very vividly. Back then everything seemed so bright.

When all he had to worry about was his grades.

Now he had to worry about what kind of spells the grandson of his greatest enemy would learn next. Imperio Crucio, Avada Kedavra? What stopped him from becoming a true threat now.

"Still spying on the single father?"

Harry spun to a frowning Hermione clutching a handful of books.

"He's planning something."

On cue Matthew broke out in giggles so loud and pure it lightened Harry's heavy heart. Hermione didn't look impressed at Harry's certainty.

"Yes I'm sure he's planning something dastardly between changing diapers and catching up on his studies."

"Why are you so hellbent on going against me on this?!" Demanded Harry.

"Why are you so hellbent on labeling someone you don't even know as the monster he's never even met."

Harry didn't answer her he simply kept his gaze on Percy's back.

"This is too convenient, we're supposed to believe that Voldemort never heard of his own grandson. He's a single father how is that not supposed to breed sympathy?"

"You think he became a father to trick you better? Merlin's sake Harry listen to yourself. You want someone to blame he's out there alive gunning for you. Maybe instead of being a hair above a peeping Tom you should practice your spell work." Snapped Hermione stomping away.

How could I Harry thought to himself. Umbridge made it nearly impossible to learn anything substantial.

He wished he could talk to Dumbledore about it, sadly the headmaster was too busy.

Perhaps Hermione was right, working on his skills might be a good idea. It's not in class that he'll progress that's for sure.

One last look at Percy Jackson and he was gone. Brooding for the rest of the day.

Percy stared at his defense against the dark arts book. He didn't find it useless, but half the things he read about he could kill with his bare hands. Although even he had to admit some of these facts were interesting.

The spell work was surprisingly easy, which made sense considering it was based on Latin incantation a language he didn't actually need to study

What Percy didn't like was his private lessons with the teacher.

Dolores Umbridge was the most stereotypical teacher name he had ever heard. She also fit the stereotype of the subtly, but not so subtle condescending old woman. The bright pink room of her office did not help with Percy's mood.

She probably thought he didn't see the looks she kept sending at Matthew whom was seated at Percy's feet looking around in confusion.

"His mother must have been a wonderful woman. Was she a witch?" She asked out of the blue.

"She could have been." Percy answered neutrally. Umbridge seemed confused by his statement. "So he is a pure blood yes?"

Percy stopped writing leveling her with a cold look. He had heard talk like that around the school, he didn't like the implications.

The teacher wisely changed the subject, but her wisdom about ended there.

"I heard your mother was a squib, what a harsh life that must have been. Thankfully I imagine your father had his place amongst us."

She stopped speaking when Percy loudly slammed his book shut.

"You do not deserve to speak ill of her that way, nor do you and this entire world deserve her."

Percy picked up his son and marched to the door Umbridge calling after him "that will be detention mister Jackson."

Percy slammed the door shut shaking the entire room.

"Definitely at least fifty points from Hogwarts if they're hiring that kind of people." Grumbled Percy with a sigh.

"Oh come on fifty points just for Umbridge? That's not fair is it Fred?"

"No it is not George." Tutted another voice.

Percy turned to two smiling teens with red hair and freckles they were quite tall and lanky. He recognized them from Grimmauld Place.

"Fifty point from that woman is being too generous." Huffed Percy readjusting his hold on Matthew.

"Okay she's a git we get that, but there's a lot to appreciate here single father." Piped up one of the twins Percy already couldn't tell which one was which.

"You got any idea what that Harry kid's deal is with stalking me?"

George rubbed his chin "trauma." He offered with a shrug.

"Yeah something or someone's been trying to kill him a few time a year."

That Percy could painfully relate too.

"As if I didn't have enough to deal with. My grandpa's a megalomaniac, that teacher I'm not even sure what to call her. Racist, Elitist? Either way I want to throw her through a window."

"Yeah can't say we blame you mate. She's off on a power trip."

"Well she can beg all she wants I'm not going to that stupid detention." Huffed Percy recieving a friendly tap on the shoulder by one of the twins.

"Good man." He said chuckling.

"Should I actually have a talk with the kid? Or do I just let him keep being creepy?"

"Either way it's entertaining." Shrugged the twins.

Percy hummed leaving the two deep in thought. A small idea forming in his head.


He was messing with him now, Harry just knew it. Percy Jackson kept sending him glances when he thought he wasn't looking. Or flat out staring like some sort of hungry wolf.

He had stared an actual werewolf in the eyes before and felt less intimidated by that than Percy. Something he wouldn't admit out loud even with a wand to his head.

Day after day He kept marching off Into the forbidden woods. The perfect place to sneak off to meet up a dark wizard. It's quite literally the only place the Aurors didn't patrol.

The best time was after classes. He honestly wouldn't put it past the grandson of Voldemort being able to make his way through the castle without being noticed.

So instead of going to bed that night he dawned his invisibility cloak and waited near Percy's room. After a while he came out Matthew in a sling.

Harry frowned why would he bring his own child into the forbidden forest. How foolish was he? That child was better off with Miss Weasley.

He followed him from a distance. Harry repressed the urge to simply yell at the oblivious wizards that Percy was right there, but his steps were careful and silent. Like a wolf threading it's path towards a prey. It was almost chilling how easily he could have taken out the wizards in his path.

He kept following Percy until he even left the castle. As they both trudged along a field Harry matching Percy's pace he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as Percy suddenly turned around.

He glanced around for a bit before marching inside the forbidden forest without an ounce of fear.

Harry kept his wand leveled at Percy's back. Wondering how nothing had attacked him yet. He strolled through the monster infested woods like he owned the place.

He made a sharp turned around a large tree, Harry following his path, only to find nothing.

His invisibility cloak was suddenly ripped off. Harry spun around wand raised at Percy curiously holding up the now shimmering cloak.

"You know I've seen those made a bit more efficiently before. Less of an armful."

"How did you know I was there!" Snapped Harry his heart hammering against his ribs. "What spell did you use!"

Percy rolled his eyes and much to Harry's surprise threw the cloak back at him.

"If your going to tail anyone match they're steps. They won't be able to discern you then."

"What are you doing here!"

"Off on a stroll." Percy replied like it was obvious.

"Oh right, a midnight stroll in the forbidden woods alone at night. Where no one can find you isn't that convenient!"

"You really need to learn how to aim your anger better man." Percy replied unimpressed "don't they have a single guidance counselor in this damn school?"

Harry was starting to become agitated.

"Your angry I get that."

"No you don't" venomously hissed Harry "you don't understand a single bloody thing!"

Percy looked even less impressed if that was possible.

"You're restless, you're ennemies are making moves while you stay stagnant. You want to face them, but you feel unready and outmatched. Your a tired a lion pacing around in it's cage before a gladiator match. Here's a fact, all the time you've spent stalking me could have been used to prepare. You're paranoïa is your biggest ennemy Harry."

Harry stared at Percy in bewilderment. "Are you psycho analyzing me." He demanded incredulously.

Percy snorted "no offense, but I don't need a degree to figure you out. Your a classic PTSD case. I've seen the signs before."

Harry opened his mouth to argue. His wand shacking, but Percy beat him to it.

"Intense shaking vivid nightmares and flashbacks tied to certain events. I heard some Gryfindors talk about the last two. The shacking I can see it better now, in lessons you're perfectly steady. Right now you think yourself in danger. So you're in a whole new headspace at the moment. I'm guessing it all ties to what you saw at the end of that tournament."

"Don't you even go there." Snarled Harry.

"You've been through a traumatic event Harry. For a few moments you felt like the world was ending, but you pulled through. Now those few moments so short in face of your life they should be insignificant just keep coming back to haunt you."

"How do you know all that!"

Percy didn't look at him with pitty or like he was broken. Which somehow made Harry feel more relieved than he'd had in months. No he looked at him grimly.

"I feel like this sometimes. When I look into his eyes." Percy looked down at the slumbering baby in his arms. "I see his mother in her last moments. He has her eyes you know. When I look into them I see all the times I thought I would see them last. When death almost claimed us both over and over again. Now it's only claimed one of us, when I look into his eyes I feel my world shake and fall apart, but his eyes are also what keeps me steady. The reminder that they aren't Annabeth's, they're his. And I have to be there to show these eyes the world."

Harry looked at Percy. The sheer amount of tenderness and unconditional love making in his eyes his heart ache.

For that is the look his parents had on the pictures where they were together.

Harry's arm fell limply, the spell on the edge of his lips falling out as a deep shaky sigh.

He collapsed on a log his wand falling past his limp fingers.

Percy could have killed him here and there attacked him or simply walked away and let him wallow in his dark thoughts.

He sat down next to Harry. "Wanna hold him?"

"What?" Before Harry could decline Percy carefully handed him the infant.

Harry looked down at the slumbering child and incredulously wondered to himself, how he could possibly believe someone like this could be evil? Matthew descended from Voldemort as well after all, and that was all the reason Harry needed to hate Percy.

"I'm sorry." He said handing him back his child. The two remained silent for a little while.

"What can I even do?"

"Well your not alone for one. There's people who want to help you. As for what you can do."

Percy picked up the wand and placed it in Harry's hand folding it into a strong fist.

"All you can do is move forward."