
Ghost of Sosa

Few hours later they were at the safe house resting and preparing to head back to HQ. John on the other hand was gearing up and waiting for Scott to hand him Information about Kain's son.

Raven and Quinns then walks up to him.

"John you don't need to go, why do you trust him?" Quinns said.

John looks at her and replies "Like I said before he's a friend and a good one. Better more than your family was to me"

"We can't stop you, so what time do we leave?" Raven asks.

John smiles and said "I'm leaving as soon as Scott finishes loading the Information"

"We're not sending you up there alone" Raven said.

John looks at them and said "I already called HQ to pick you up and that's an order"

"Oh please like you can order us" Quinns then said.

Scott hands John a phone and said "He can I already checked the system for John, just In case Red was trying to set us up. Ten level ranking, Zero and four others makes up level ten. Red and a few others makes up level nine. John's at level eight"

"Thank you Scott, now torch this and get to the airport as soon as possible" John said as he takes his bag up.

Raven said "Your still gonna need back up"

"No It's safer If I go alone and you guys have an exam" John said as he pats her on the head and hugs her.

He walks over to Scott and lands a fist bump. "Glad you came Scott, now make sure you ace the physical" He said and Scott nods.

John walks up to Quinns and Hands her a drive then said "Take the codes and only give Red or Zero no one else" He then hugs her.

He then walks up to Raven and placed his palm on to her cheek. "Raven I'll be back soon, don't worry about me"

He walks up to the door and said "Thank you for coming for me I'll be back soon and one more thing don't let anyone know your real name"

He then went to the car and drives off.

Quinns then said "We've been played"

"What do you mean?" Raven asked.

Quinns replies "He distracted us and took the only car when we all are going to the airport"

"No he wouldn't" Raven said.

"Unless It was a test. He did say to get the airport as soon as possible" Scott said.

Raven then replies "That would make total sense so let's get moving"

They were patiently waiting for hours, before they decided to walk to the airport which was miles away from the closes town and they were also miles away from the closes town. After an hour of walking they saw a car heading opposite to where they're headed.

Raven then held out her hand and the car pulls over and two guys then said "Hey ladies wanna ditch the nerd and come to a party with us. We got free booze and whole lot of drugs"

"We would but we can't leave our friend here stranded in the middle of nowhere" Quinns said.

The driver replies "Well have fun walking bitches"

As those words were uttered Scott pulls his weapon and murdered both of the men.

He walks over to the driver side and hauls the body out while saying "Enough talking, I've been walking for an hour In this damn heat"

"Don't loose your cool nerd" Raven said.

Quinns then said "That was uncalled for"

"Would you rather we walk?" Scott asked.

They entered the car and speeds off towards the city. After an hour and a half they entered the city. As they strolls down the town road, the car came to an hault. Scott then tries to restart the car.

Quinns then points on the dash board and said "Where out of gas"

"Let's go get some gas then" Scott said.

Raven replies "Let's go get a new car. This one smells like someone had shit their pants"

"I Agree and on the way we can get some food on the way" Quinns said.

As they entered a diner all eyes were focused on them. A elderly lady walks up towards them and said "You young folks should be careful, there's a group of psychopaths on the run"

Scott then said "Thank you miss but I'm sure we'll be fine were just passing through"

They walked pass her and went to a table to order some food. As they placed their order

Raven said "The tension In this place Is crazy"

"Maybe they're talking about us" Scott said as he giggles.

Quinns replies "Don't drop your guard for an instant"

"Devilina why don't you loosen up a bit we are fine" Scott said.

The waitress returns with their food, she places it on the table and said "I hope you find It to your liking" She starts walking away and whispers "It will be your last"

Raven then whispers to the others saying "Did you guys just heard what she said"

The others nod before they all got up and walk towards the door. The elderly lady then said "Hey before you leave please sign that picture of my son"

She points on the notice board.

As they looked they saw a poster of Tommy and beside the board stood one of his escaped guards.

Scott then said "What the Fuck!"

The Elderly lady then said "I want the alive so the can suffer just like my son"