
Thorn Academy, Book One: When His Moon Recedes

Riddle was... well lonely to put it mildly. But after an interesting man hunts them down things like loneliness seem far far away. However when opening a new door a closed one always follows. What happens when things and people from the past come back to haunt them. All Riddle wanted was a quiet and peaceful life yet the gods seem hellbent against it. Thank you for taking the time to read this book! I write part time so don't expect updates too often! I apologize for any future errors, I don't write this book directly on the app so sometimes things change when I make the transfer! Also this book is a polyamous book! Don't like it, Don't read.

Hallows_Spence · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Chapter II: The Start of a New Day

Cloak groans as they hear loud crashing coming from their kitchen. Figuring it was Xena attempting to make breakfast they yell, "Xena!!! Stop it with the racket!" They roll over and check the clock, it read four am.

Xena grumbles from next to them. "That ain't me ya rude-"

Cloak then shoots up from the bed. "Xena, go see who it is. I have a feeling it's your friends from last night."

Xena shoots up and out of bed then runs out of the room, squealing with happiness. "Hi!!!" She yells, tackling Vincentius who was trying, and failing, to make breakfast.

Cloak groans. "I'll be there in a minute." They get up out of bed and walk towards the door, shutting it quietly so they can get dressed. They walk over towards their closet, grabbing their usual outfit. It consists of a black and white striped shirt with lace at the top, grey jeans, and a silver necklace with a green gem for the charm. After getting dressed they head into their bathroom and put in a pair of colored contacts which were a dark chocolate brown. They had many different colors but for their day job they used those. They also grabbed a pair of glasses from a shelf, they were normal looking glasses except they didn't help with eyesight.

They exit the bathroom then their bedroom. "I take it breaking and entering is a hobby of yours pinky?" Cloak asks as they walked down the hallway.

Vincentius growls. "I have a name!! Use it!!!" He pauses. "Speaking of names…. What's yours?"

Cloak scoffs as they enter their now smoke filled kitchen. Xena, who was now back in bird form, and Kuzo were fanning the smoke outside through a window. "Why does that matter?"

Vincentius chuckles. "Cause! We're gonna be in the same classes together so I wanna know!"

Cloak sighs. "You can call me Riddle, it's my last name but it will do."

Vincentius laughs as he shoves a fist into the air victoriously. "Hell yeah! I'm learning more and more about you!"

Cloak, who he now knows as Riddle, rolls their eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever." As the two converse Xena had shifted back into her mostly human form.

Vincentius turns from his space at the stove and gasps. "My goodness!!! Your eyes are so pretty!!!" He runs over and squishes Riddle's cheeks. "And you wear glasses!!!" His voice was excited and high pitched.

Riddle pushes him away as they grumble. "Whatever. This isn't my actual eye color stupid. And I don't wear glasses. I just have an appearance to keep up. Speaking of which, come on we've got work to do."

Kuzo groans. "Awe come onnnnn!!! I don't wanna work!!!" He pouts as he speaks, he obviously didn't seem happy.

Xena laughs softly. "It's the best part of the day! Come on, come on!!!" She snags Kuzo in her grip once more and runs off downstairs.

Vincentius coughs a little, most likely because Xena was squeezing his familiar too hard. "I 'spose I don't mind workin'." He seemed a little annoyed. "Though can you please tell Xena to stop squeezing Kuzo?"

Riddle laughs as they nod. "Will do pinky." Vincentius rolls his eyes and heads downstairs. Riddle sighs as they look at their absolute mess of a kitchen. The backsplash behind the stove was somehow burnt, the bottom of their microwave was charred, and the kitchen smelled of burnt toast. "How does one burn toast this badly!?" They think as they angrily shake their head. "I'll fix it later.." They sigh.

A small smile spreads across their face. "I have a feeling this is what life is gonna be like now." Riddle chuckles, heading off downstairs themself. 

Xena had already closed the blinds and had lit the chandelier as well as the candles on the tables. The café wasn't that large as it wasn't really intended for people to eat in. The floors were of checkered tile and the walls a dark wine color. The tables were made of dark brown wood and had intricate carvings on the top and legs. The chairs matched the tables and had dark purple cushions for comfort. 

The base of the counter was made of glass and had shelves inside for the pastries they were about to make. Behind the counter was a very large kitchen with multiple different blenders, ovens, coffee machines, and the like. The walls were lined with shelves made of dark oak wood and had different dry and powdered ingredients inside of large jars with chalkboard labels. 

Riddle smiles as they walk down the stairs, their black boots barely making any noise. Kuzo was flying around happily and exploring as much as he could. Vincentius was inside the kitchen lighting the oven fire. "I see you've put him to work already, hm?"

Xena nods. "Mhm!"

Riddle chuckles softly. "You and Kuzo may roam around as you like, just don't ruin anything." 

Xena nods excitedly and grabs Kuzo by the arm, ready to fly back upstairs however Riddle puts their hand up. "Be gentle. I understand that you're excited but you must be gentle."

Xena nods more. She then gently drags Kuzo back upstairs. Riddle sighs and shakes their head. "She'll never change."

Vincentius chuckles. "Well, I don't see why she needs to. Xena compliments your grumpy butt perfectly." 

Riddle rolls their eyes. "Oh hush. I'm not grumpy. I'm just..  not used to being around others." 

Vincentius scoffs. "Yeah whatever you say toots."

Riddle huffs then walks into the back, plucking him on the head as they walk past. "Careful. I might decide to toss you into the oven." They growl in a low yet joking tone as they grab their apron off the hook. Riddle puts it on and brushes off a bit of flour from it. "You can grab the spare." Their apron was black with lilacs sewn into it.  The name Riddle was sewn into the middle of it in light purple string. The spare apron was a plain white one though it looked like it had never been used. 

Vincentius smiles as he looks at their apron. "That apron of yours is quite pretty. I take it you like lilacs?"

Riddle doesn't answer him, acting like they didn't hear as they walked further into the back. "I can tell that you aren't that capable with baking so could you please open the blinds. Oh and flip the sign to open while you're at it." It was ten minutes of five now so the café would be opening shortly. 

Vincentius seems confused as he walks over to the front and pulls open the cloth blinds. "I don't get it? You don't even have any goods-" As he turns around the case underneath the counter was filled with different pastries. Croissants, tarts, scones, cupcakes, cookies, basically everything someone would want. Despite what they may taste like they all had a sort of gothic aura. Green and purple sparkles filled the air, giving the space a magical vibe. 

"You were saying?" Riddle asks as they wash their hands in the sink, their apron having some more flour and baking powder on it then before. 

Vincentius blinks rapidly and shakes his head, jumping back a little as he realizes he's not dreaming. "H- huh-!? How did you-!? This place was just-!?" He exclaims as he looks around wildly.

Riddle giggles quietly, quite enjoying his shocked face. "That's my secret pinky, now care to assist in cleaning things up?" There were tons of bowls, measuring cups, whisks, spoons, and the like covering the counters. "I'll even pay you to wash the dishes." They smirk, balancing a few pieces of gold on their finger which then falls perfectly into the apon pocket.

Vincentius groans and tosses his head back. "Come on! Why dishes!" He exclaims in annoyance as he throws his hands up.

Riddle chuckles. "Last time I checked I was courteous enough to let you stay in my spare flat, therefore you owe me. Now stop complaining, I could not pay you at all." 

Vincentius pouts as he walks into the back and rolls up the sleeves of his signature pink hoodie. There's a small smile on his face as he washes the dishes though his eyes shine with annoyance. 

Riddle smiles, they enjoy messing with him. They gently lean against the counter as their eyes shine with amusement as Vincentius does the dishes. "I'm so mean." Riddle thinks as they giggle quietly. 

The glass door gently opens behind Riddle, causing the bell above to ring. Heels click against the tile floor as the person walks over to the counter. Riddle puts on a charming smile as they turn around to take the person's order. "Hello! Welcome to the skull and bone, how may I help you-" 

Riddle gets cut off as the person starts to speak. Her voice bold and commanding, obviously she wasn't here for small talk. Her hair was of a darker color and her eyes as blue as the drink she ordered. "One blue lagoon mocktail and one strawberry tart. Now." She barks. 

Riddle sighs. "Of course, right away." They now had a careful air about them like they didn't want to upset her. One thing was for sure though, this woman didn't look like she belonged there. 

She had an important air about her which matched her arrogant scowl perfectly.She was wearing a plum colored off the shoulder high split dress with gold heels. The heels were about five inches high and had odd design that Riddle couldn't make out. To match these heels the woman wore a gold necklace with a feather on it. 

Riddle keeps an eye on her as they prepare her drink. Something just wasn't right with this woman. Vincentius had gotten the dishes done, no doubt with some magical help, and had walked over to the front to ring her up. 

"That'll be-" He pauses to look at the menu board above and the woman scoffs. "Don't know your own prices?" She growls.

Riddle growls back. "That's enough. He's only working here today." Their voice was firm. "I will not have you or anyone else being rude. Take your drink." They spat as they set it on the counter then grabbed her tart, placing it in a to go box. "That's 12 gold coins." 

The woman glares daggers down at Riddle then slams the coins on the counter and walks out. 

Vincentius glares back as she leaves. "Who even was that!?" He exclaims as if he couldn't believe her behavior. 

Riddle shakes their head. "No idea. But she better not come back." 

Thankfully the rest of their day had gone off without a hitch. The usual customers had came and went, all the baked goods were gone and the register was full. Riddle smiles as they start counting out the money.

Vincentius chuckles. "So. What are you gonna do now?" He asks as he looks at the clock on the wall it reads five thirty pm.

Riddle splits the money evenly in half and hands Vincentius his half. "I dunno. Just depends. I may stay home or I may not."

Vincentius shakes his head jokingly as he counts his half. "Well, if you've got nothing to do what do you say to more company?"

Riddle raises their eyebrow. "More? Because you and Kuzo aren't enough?"

Vincentius laughs. "Of course we aren't. Besides, she's a cool chick. She'll probably be in the same classes we are actually."

Riddle sighs. "So long as she doesn't know who I am I'm fine with it." They shiver as they faintly feel cold water run along their arms. Riddle turns their attention to the staircase and yells. "Xena!!! Stop playing with the water! It's cold dammit!!"

Vincentius bursts into laughter until he feels the same sensation. "Kuzo!! Not you too!!"

Riddle laughs and shakes their head. "Go get your friend, I'll take care of things here."

Vincentius nods as his laughter dies down. "Alright toots. I'll be back in a bit, don't let Kuzo get hurt."

Riddle chuckles as they nod. "I will." They joke then start to head upstairs. "Don't tell your friend who I am got it?"

Vincentius nods, a slightly mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Will do."

"So help me I will bound you." Riddle growls as they glare at him. He chuckles and nods once more. "I know I know. I promise, she won't know." Riddle nods as they ascend the spiral staircase and disappear into the upper level.

Riddle chuckles lightly as they reach the hallway. "He's certainly something." They think as they walk into their apartment. Riddle sighs as running water can be heard from the bathroom. "Xena! Stop messing with the water! You're the reason the bills are so high!!"

Xena can be heard laughing from the bathroom with Kuzo. "Yeah yeah whatever!!"

Riddle shakes their head in annoyance as they walk through the living room and into the kitchen. "She'll never learn as long as you keep letting her act like a child." Their step-mother's voice rings through their ears. Riddle shakes their head again. "She doesn't need to." They mutter quietly as they begin to tidy up the burnt kitchen.

Riddle's eyes never leave the blacked countertops as they scrub, relaxing them slightly. They shiver as they feel the sensation of cold water running down their back. "Xena!!" They growl, growing a little irritated. Riddle absolutely hates cold water.

Xena can be heard laughing from the bathroom as Riddle disapprovingly shakes their head. "You're ridiculous!"

Kuzo comes flying out of the bathroom squealing all the way. He crashes into Riddles back causing them to lurch forward and slam their ribs against the marble countertop. "She's tryin' to get me all wet!!!"

Riddle growls slightly under their breath though it quickly forms into a light chuckle. "I'm sure it wouldn't hurt you to get a bath Kuzo."

Kuzo pouts as he hugs Riddle back. "Don't be a meanieeeee!!!"

Riddle rolls their eyes as they gently pat his head. "Oh whatever you silly monkey." Their head shoots up as they hear someone trying to open the café door downstairs. "Kuzo. Go hide in my closet. Tell Xena to do the same. We've got an uninvited guest." Riddle could tell it wasn't Vincentius as even if his friend was a dunce, he would've just used the window.

Kuzo quickly let's her go then flies down the hall, yelling to Xena as he does so.

Riddle sighs. "The last thing I wanna do today is deal with intruders." They murmur angrily as they walk through the hall and downstairs. They act like this is a regular occurrence. "To whoever decided to break into my café, the register's empty."

A dark chuckle can be heard coming from a man in his early thirties who's sitting at a table on the far wall. "Well well. You're not the person I was expecting to see."

Riddle jumps a little as their eyes shoot towards the man. It takes a moment because of the dark but they recognize the man to be Sylas Mimori, a famous heir to a wealthy company. "Pardon but we're closed. So I kindly ask you to leave."

Sylas shakes his head. "I kindly decline. You see, I came here to see someone."

Riddle crosses their arms and shakes their head as they glare daggers at the man. "I could care less about what you're doing here. Now leave before I make you."

Sylas chuckles as he cocks an eyebrow. "You clearly don't know who I am. I am Sy-"

Riddle cuts him off, growing more annoyed by the minute. "Listen. I know who you are and I'm telling you to leave. We aren't in the business of dealing with stupid, stuck-up, rich heirs who don't deserve a lick of what they have."

Sylas stands, that clearly wasn't a good thing to say. "How dare you-!?"

Riddle growls, a fiery look to their eyes. "If you don't leave now I will gladly force you to."

Sylas chuckles. "Listen. I don't have time to deal with short rats like you. I just wanna talk to your boss."

Riddle shakes their head again. "Absolutely not. Even if you were aloud. It would be too bad because who you're looking for isn't here."

Sylas cocks his head slightly, a creepy smile to his face. "Oh? I'm not aloud hm?"

Riddle sighs, getting ready to have to get physical. "Yeah. You aren't. Now leave."

Sylas shakes his head. "Listen little girl. I don't know who you think you are. But I'm not leaving until I see Riddle!!!" He slams his fist into the wall angrily causing a monochrome painting to fall to the floor.

Riddle growls as he does so. "Don't damage the café!!" They shout, their voice growing angrier by the minute. "I told you to leave and I suggest you do before I throw you out myself!!!"

Sylas growls back. "And I told you no! I want to see that damned brat!"

Riddle sighs as they walk up to him, having to look up since he's quite tall. "Listen. I told you no. Besides, Riddle isn't here right now and I will not have you loitering around a closed café at night!!!" Riddle growls as they grab his collar and start to drag him to the door.

Sylas knocks the chair over on purpose as he launches himself out of their reach. "I told you no! Besides, what's a little pip squeak like you gonna do!? You're a café worker for crying out loud! You have no power!"