
Servant of Set Thor Information

Name - Bjorn.

Alias(s) - Thor Odinson.

Race - Human.


- Plodex Technology.

- - - - Peak Human Agility.

- - - - Peak Human Durabiliy.

- - - - Peak Human Reflexes.

- - - - Peak Human Speed.

- - - - Peak Human Stamina.

- - - - Peak Human Strength.

- - - - Immortality (Within the ship).

- - - - Telepathy (Plodex Only).

- - - - Toxin Immunity (Within the ship only).

- Serpent Crown.

- - - - Decelerated Ageing.

- - - - Energy Manipulation.

- - - - Illusions.

- - - - Immortality.

- - - - Telekinesis.

- - - - Telepathy.

Threat Level - City Level.