
Eternal-Deviant Thor Part V

Spinning rapidly, Thor struggled to right himself midair, fighting against the momentum of his body till he eventually came to a stop, floating upside down. However, the Fallen One was upon him instantly, fist shooting forth at immense speeds to the point it was almost a blur. Thor barely had a chance to raise his arms in the way of the strike, it colliding against his forearms.

He braced himself for pain, yet to his surprise, even as he was sent rocketing across the landscape, he felt nothing. No pain, no unbearable pressure or impact of force. He felt nothing from that punch despite it containing so much strength behind it.

As a result of this strange phenomenon, he was able to respond easily when the Fallen One followed up his strike with another powerful blow. Thor gripping hold of the wrist and using his opponents own momentum against him, threw him down to the ground. As he did, he drew one hand back, unleashing a powerful rain of lightning with a roar.

It struck the ground, exploding outwards yet the Fallen shot out from it and towards him without so much as a pause.

The two were nothing more than a blur as they shot across the land. Blows sounding like miniature explosions echoed across the planet, powerful bolts of energy lancing out and destroying the land it hit. Back and forth the two went, exchanging strikes. Both abandoned their defence, instead of unleashing a plethora of blows with immense speed. Hundreds upon hundreds of punches unloaded upon their opponent in a matter of seconds.

Till eventually, the two broke apart, both unleashing another round of energy upon each other. Lightning and dark matter colliding in a destructive fashion, powerful winds crushing the ground beneath it and knocking both combatants back.

Yet they recovered and shot towards one another, forearms clashing against one another. Both remained there, unmoving as they glared out at their opponent, teeth grit and veins pulsing as they fought against the other. Yet no matter how hard they pushed, neither gave an inch and so remained in their position.

Eventually though, Thor pulled back, the Fallen One coming forwards unprepared and directly into the uppercut that slammed into his stomach. He gasped out but responded in kind with a powerful haymaker that struck Thor across the cheek.

Head whipped to one side, Thor found a roundhouse kick pushing into his chest, yet once again he felt nothing from it. The Celestial Armour he wore somehow dispersing and absorbing all the force that the Fallen One could put into his blows. Yet he caught the hammer strike coming towards his face, fighting against it with one hand as he smashed his fist into an open wound on the Fallen One's side.

The man grit his teeth in pain, lashing out and gripping hold of Thor's wrist before he could attempt to land a second. Both men struggled against the other, the Fallen One trying to smash Thor's face in while the man in question attempted to target his open wound caused by his battle against the Proemial Gods.

Pushing against one another with all their strength, neither side gave an inch just like before. They were equals and almost as if sharing one mind, both slammed their heads into one another at the same time.

The clashing of heads sent both careening backwards, heads pounding and reflexively unleashing their own energy-based attacks upon the other. Instead of meeting in the middle, both energy attacks bypassed the other and struck their respective opponents and erupted outwards.

Feeling his face burn, Thor grit his teeth in pain, swinging his arms out in tandem with a use of his powers, unleashing a powerful wave of wind that dispersed the energy surrounding him.

Clutching his face, Thor scanned his surroundings. 'My body is fine, but it's my face that's a problem.' The Celestial Armour he wore was truly a godsend in this battle. He would have lost long ago without it and its strange ability to absorb the force of the Fallen One's blows. However, the biggest weakness was the fact that his face was completely exposed.

Because of that reason, Thor had to be careful. The Fallen One had already recognised that weakness and had been targeting it for a while now.

As he was now though, Thor was not going to be able to win. He wouldn't lose, but this battle was always going to end in a draw. The Fallen One, even while injured was his equal and that was something he was grateful for. If he was fully healed and in perfect condition, Thor would have stood no chance against him.

Injured as he was though, there still wasn't much chance, not to win anyway. It was up to him though to prolong this battle till such a time as the World Eater was driven away.

"Use the armour, Thor Odinson." Hearing a voice in his mind, Thor grimaced slightly, head still ringing from the headbutt. "The Celestial Armour responds and changes to the will of its wearer. It can become a weapon for you to use against the Fallen One."

'Antiphon?' He wondered, recognising the voice in his mind.

"We have begun to divert the World Eaters attentions away from Gaea. He will not be a concern to you anymore." Antiphon explained. "However, the Fallen One will remain a threat. It will be up to you to finish him off. Use the armour, not as a tool of defence, but as a weapon to cut down the Fallen One."

Looking to his left, Thor looked out beyond the clouds where he could see the monolithic figure of the World-Eater, his purple armour-clad legs rising as he seemed to leave the world. Explosions of lights erupting into life in the black abyss of space.

Yet that was when the Fallen One came, bodying Thor, tackling him directly into the ground and pinning him there. With open hand braced against Thor's face, he pushed down, the ground cracking beneath the weight. At the same time, the Fallen One also gripped hold of Thor's arm, holding it in place. One foot holding down the other while another pressed down upon his chest.

"I'll make your death slow." The Fallen One promised with a savage grin.

Thor grunted in pain, feeling his arm upon the verge of breaking. Even if his armour protected him from physical attacks, it couldn't stop damage to his body if it was twisted and pressed in the wrong direction.

"Your master is leaving." Thor ground out through the pain, trying to break free of the Fallen One's grip.

However, his words didn't have an impact. "I don't care. Let him go, all I need is to kill you." It was not the words that caught Thor's attention, but the way in which they were spoken. There was rage there, but not all of it was directed towards him. The mere mention of the World Eater and referring to it as his, "master" had elicited a reaction with the Fallen One. His grip tightening, the strength he exerting seeming to grow.

"Not a very good slave, are you?" Thor spat out, a smirk upon his face clear to see.

The hand holding his head in place disappeared but was quickly brought back down upon him with a titanic blow that temporarily left him seeing stars. Then the Fallen One stood up, one hand gripping hold of his armour and glared down upon Thor.

"I am no one's slave!" He hissed out, blow smashing back into Thor's face once more and then again, and again, and again. Each one sounded throughout, blood splattering across the ground as Thor continued to be pummelled into the ground by powerful blows. The Fallen One standing over him, bloody fist continually being raised and then brought down upon him with the force of an exploding star.

Eventually, the Fallen One stopped, looking upon the broken face that was Thor Odinson. "Any last words before you die?" He asked mockingly, already gathering a great deal of dark matter into his fist.

Something was rasped out, an indecipherable sound from Thor, blood squirting out from his between his broken lips. The Fallen One just looked upon the sight with a smirk bringing his fist down only for his dismembered hand to drop to the ground, the dark matter energy surrounding it dispersing into nothingness.

"What?" He questioned, looking to the stomp that had once been his hand.