

Right after his graduation from high school, Miyuki was forced to do ceremonial things related to vampires by Fuyumi, his only guardian who had adopted him after his parents passed away.

Mariaaachan · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 10

I delicately laid him down on our bed while I was still inside him. I planted my hands on the bed beside his head. He bent his knees a little bit and held onto my back full of scratches from him. 

"I will start to move" I pulled my dick slightly and shoved it back inside of him. I could feel the twitching of his hole. He was eating me up all at once and I even reached the deepest part of his inside. I continuously thrust him harder and harder while we were busy swallowing each other's tongues. The harder I shoved my dick deep inside of him, the more his scratches stung. The room was filled with the sound of our heavy breath, moans, and skin slapping each other.

He wrapped his legs around my hips and said "Y-yes h-harder Miyuki". 

"Call my name Yumi haaaa" I replied and rammed forcefully. 

"UGH Uggghhh M-miyuki! Right there"

"Yumi call me more"

"Miyuki Ugggghh ahhhh ahhhh Miyuki….Miyuki"

"Yumi I'm closer" 

"Me too Miyuki give it to me ahhhhhhh" 

"UGGGHHHHHHH AAAAAAAHHHH" we both cummed a lot. His butt was dripping with my cum.

"Miyuki *inaudible words*" he uttered before he passed out. I pulled out right away even though I was still hard as a rock.

I wiped and cleaned his body. I dressed him up with my clothes. I set him properly in the bed. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and whispered "Goodnight My Yumi, Sweet dreams only about me".

I dress up quickly and silently leave our apartment. I can still smell the traces of Yumi's blood, in that way I can find who beat him up. I followed the smell until I got to someone's door. 

I knocked once but no one answered. I tried again and a drunk man opened asking for his food. I entered his place forcefully. The strong smell of Yumi's blood is still lingering on this fucking drunk bastard's hands. It's confirmed that he is the attacker, how dare you touch Yumi and worse hurt him.

I left him unscratched, just a broken skull inside and a heart stopped from beating.

I'm excited to go home! My Yumi is waiting for me, I must be beside him when he wakes up.


"Confirmed My Lord, it was him, the only blue eyed vampire. Miyuki Dalca."


When I arrived, Yumi was still deep asleep. I lay beside him and hugged him tightly until I fell asleep.

I woke up while Yumi was still sleeping on my chest. I want to prepare him something delicious but I want to stay like this more. I stroke his smooth hair when he suddenly moves a little bit.

He tilted his head, our eyes met and I smiled at him. "Good morning Yumi" I greeted and gave him a peck on his forehead. 

He did not greet me back and looked like he saw a ghost. "L-let's eat" he said while standing up.

Did he forget what happened to us or did he remember it? Either way, why would he look anxious? I think I did not make him satisfied even though he passed out. 

I leave the bedroom first so I can make a special breakfast for him. 

"Sir I am sorry it was sudden. Okay Sir, thank you for understanding. Bye" he was talking on the phone. Did he take a leave of absence? Maybe he wanted us to hang out more now that we were dating. I should contact Miya not to come here today.

"Miyuki, you can go now and do your things. I will just call you if the breakfast is ready." he approached me in the kitchen.

"No, I want to prepare it for you. Just relax there on the sofa please?" I thought he would insist on it but he calmly went to the living room. I was reminded of our steamy moment on the sofa last night. Did I clean it up last night? Huh?!

"W-wait Yumi!" but it was too late, he was just standing while his face was almost red looking at the sofa.

"I'm sorry I did not clean up" I added 

"D-don't worry go on cooking, I will clean this up" I have no choice but to focus on making him a delicious meal.

During the entire time we were eating, he was quiet. Right, I should ask him what we were doing today. Did he want to do it again? I can not stop smiling just from imagining us dating and doing romantic things!

"Y-Yumi what-"

"Wait Miyuki someone knocking, let me open it" who the hell will visit us in this early morning?!

"Come on in Ryota, you should not bring these" Yumi was smiling while holding a basket of fruits from that shithead and worse talking to him.

Our supposed to be date was ruined, thanks to this shithead making a move to my Yumi.

"I was so surprised when I heard from the boss that you suddenly requested a sick leave, oh by the way nice seeing you again Miyuki" the shithead was smiling at me like a fool. What an annoying creature.

"Thank you" I fakely smiled back, "Yumi are you sure you will not rest in bed?" please say no so that shithead will go away now.

"Don't worry about me, just go now and study" I was so disappointed, why would he let that man stay here? That is cheating!

They were having fun in the living room while I was here pretending to study but in reality I can not fucking focus! Whatever, I want to guard my lover no matter what. "Ryota can I join you guys? I'm too bored with studying, please? Just now Yumi please?"

"Of course Miyuki! Come here quickly" but Yumi did not say anything.

"Anyway, Yumi, can the three of us go out sometime and hang out?" He said while looking at me like he was saying to agree with him. Hell no! I know he planned to confess those damn feelings on what is mine.

"If Miyuki wants, then let us go together" Yumi responded.

He literally spent his whole day getting on my nerves. We had lunch with him. Eat desserts with him. Talking nonsense things with him until the sun set down. Even had dinner with him. If it is possible to sleep here I think he will gladly do it. 

Finally, his time was up. He was finally leaving.

"Ryota, it was already chilly, take this, you can give it back to me after. Goodbye" Why would Yumi lend his coat to this shithead?! 

"Thank you Yumi! It was really nice hanging out with you and Miyuki" just leave annoying shit

Right after that shithead left, I gave Yumi a warm back hug while we were still at the doorway. I just realized that he is still wearing the hoodie I put on him. It helps him to cover all the hickeys on his neck. I should have made Ryota see those marks!

"M-Miyuki what are you doing? Do you want my blood now?" he worriedly asked.

"Nope. I just missed hugging my lover after a long time" I hugged him tighter.

"What do you mean? L-lover? M-me?" He loosened my hug and got away from it. We were facing each other now, and I could fully see his shocked and troubled face. 

"Who else could it be? Of course, it's You, always You" Did I misunderstand something here?

"Are you still talking about that thing? I thought we made it clear, we are BROTHERS, if you will have a lover, it must be Miya"

"W-what? I d-don't understand you, what about last night?" my voice started to break and I knew the tears would fall anytime.

"You mean what happened to us? I'm sorry but I only did it because I am your Nevoie. It was my responsibility to give you my blood and even my whole body."