
This Young Master Doesn't Want To Be A Young Master Anymore

The world is lawless, Might makes right. Cultivators run rampant in their bid to secure resources Showing weakness is punishable by death or worse, Jiang Ming is decisively reminded of the simple truth. What will he do now? If you wish to donate for artwork, ko-fi.com/juniorelder

Junior_elder · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 3- ruined by the rain

"It seems this will take quite a while to crack," I drummed my fingers on the red zitan table with messy scrolls and various ancient manuscripts on it. The cute Zhu Ling had long left after I assured her I was fine. I wasn't tricking her by saying that. Getting into scuffles here and there naturally led to injuries, and with that, I noticed my body healing faster than the ordinary plebs.

That aside, the scroll we stole, no, borrowed from the library contained language from ancient times. I can't rule out the language being from another part of the world, but it's more fun if I think it is a lost language that only I have access to. This isn't my first time deciphering an unknown language. I got into the trade when I was 12. Lacking purpose is most likely the cause of my strange interest, as others put it.

The language itself isn't so unfamiliar. I can already pick up its similarities to the other texts I have so far deciphered.

I scanned the scroll one more time, memorizing every intricate symbol and drawing on it. I shut my eyes tight and concentrated. Deciphering can be tedious and painful if you don't pick up some tricks to help you along the way. I wouldn't have continued this far if I remained ignorant of the fact, one such trick is what I'm currently doing.

I imagined myself in some sort of mind scape. All the texts I had so far deciphered neatly displayed themselves before me. To get to the unknown, I have to go through the known first. Any symbol that seemed similar, I took its meaning and ran it through the unknown scroll.

Slowly but surely, the unknown became known. Like that, I managed to crack the first sentence. I drew myself out of the scape and took a clean sheet of paper. I dipped my quill pen into the small vial containing cuttlefish ink and started to record my findings.

"The mist drops won't grow unless tianyin grass and ice mulberry are planted with it..." the text said. I could infer at a glance that it was talking about a method of growing a specific plant. This wasn't strange to me as all the texts I've deciphered so far are related. It is too coincidental for me to believe it is just by chance, but that is a story for another time.

The ice mulberry is a plant that grows in extreme cold conditions. Trying to plant it in any other place will result in it withering; that's if it even manages to sprout. The tianyin grass, on the other hand, is quite fascinating and mysterious, it can grow anywhere, what is fascinating about it is; it's ability to influence the environment. I remember reading how a single stalk managed to bring down a kingdom by turning it into an icy ruin.

It is a fairly common plant yet at the same time rare. It's rare because it is considered a weed; hence if it tries to sprout anywhere, it will be quickly exterminated. I just so happen to have it planted at the back cause why not? I like its maxim; others shouldn't influence one, but instead, one should influence others. Of course, planting it gives me a weekly chore of ensuring it doesn't take a mile after giving it a yard.

I have only managed to see the ice mulberry in books and such. To get it, I'd have to visit the ancient planes after I start cultivating. I wonder what type of plant the mist drops are. I'm confident Jiang Yan has the seeds for the plant. I also know she's the one behind the scrolls. If I was to be asked about family, then she's the only person that comes to mind. I've asked her before about our past, but she always conveniently dodges the question by pointing at my chest and saying they are forever with me.

I stretched and yawned as the mystery of the scroll was no longer mysterious. My eyes wandered to the open window and the moonlit night greeted me. I was so engrossed in the scroll that I somehow overlooked the creeping night.

I arranged the books and texts neatly before storing them inside my drawer for when I needed them. Then, I noisily pushed the chair back and walked out of the room. The first thing I saw was the closed mahogany door similar to mine. The room belonged to Hong Lin. I push back the urge to storm in and cause him some inconveniences. Even I wouldn't stoop so low as to disturb someone from their slumber.

I walked to the main room. It never gets old to see the genius combination of blue, scarlet-red, and white; the room is a fine balance of aesthetic and art. The chairs and table placed centrally in the room appear as natural as you can get. Whoever arranged the room was undoubtedly an expert of designs and crafts. If it was up to me, I doubt I can pay attention to such detail; It isn't impossible but I would struggle to make the room feel homey. 'I wonder who was responsible.' A keen observer can tell at a glance that a feminine touch was definitely involved. The choice of decoration is what I would never consider choosing.

'Could it be Zhu Ling or Jiang Yan? But I can't rule out Hong Lin.' Hong Lin always has a way to surprise me. I wouldn't doubt if he was the one responsible.

I stepped out of the house and proceeded just to the front; the courtyard isn't that big, but it is still something to behold. It usually takes me several breaths to run a few rounds. The moon lights my way to my favorite star-gazing spot.

I rub my hands to warm my body. 'Old habits die hard,' I chuckled to myself. Even though I felt no cold the more I matured; I still rubbed my hands. The night is indeed chilly, but I'm able to endure such levels, unconsciously, I arrived at the place. A slanting piece of land where I can comfortably rest as I gaze at the stars. I plucked a grass-stalk and assumed a lying position on the raised land. My hands locked behind my head to cushion it from the not-so-soft land.

I chewed on the grass as my thoughts wandered far off, chirping crickets and the occasional hooting of an owl provided a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere. If I was to get careless, I would fall asleep right here and now.

Suddenly, the sound of concealed footsteps jolted me from the peaceful atmosphere. I didn't need to look to determine the culprit.

"My cute Ling'er, if you want to sneak up on me, then you should learn to conceal your presence," by the sudden stumble, I guessed she fell from the shock of being discovered.

"Young Master, you're no fun," she pouted and positioned herself next to me.

Her warm skin contacted mine, reminding me I was actually cold. She had brought a blanket. Frantically, she tried to cover both of us. I silently watched as the heavy and soft blanket covered the whole of me.

Silently, we appreciated the beauty and art that was the starry sky. It is moments like this that evoked questions like who made the sky function as it does? I don't understand a lot, but I'm sure I'll understand it as I cultivate. I strongly believe cultivation is the road to the truth. The only reason why it's different for everyone is that everyone has their definition of truth. So what's mine?

"Young master, do you think there is a world beyond the heavens?" Zhu Ling surprised me with the sudden question. I regained my composure as fast as it left. It's time like this that I must have an answer for her. As far as I could tell, her question harbors no profound meaning. What she wants to know is if there is a world apart from the current one.

I have read some scripts about cultivation, and at some point, I have encountered words left by some grand Taoists about a world superior to our own. Their hypothesis and evidence are at most doubtful, but I believe there's some truth in it. I have nothing to cement my beliefs, but I can't rule it out.

"Of course there is, and I will conquer all the heavens and gift them to you. What do you think? Is that a good enough gift for our marriage?" I face Zhu Ling and directly mutter out.

Her face turned crimson, and she hid inside the blanket. I might have said it as a joke, but if there really is a heaven beyond heaven, I shall conquer all of them and monopolize all the beauties.

I silently vow to the world my naive resolve, but it surely will be interesting to make everything submit to me. I don't know why the sudden thought crossed my mind, but I won't back down.

Suddenly, a drop of water hits my forehead, 'it can't be,' another drop hits me again, and I confirm it's the damn rain. Before I could even move, it started to fall heavily. The blanket is immediately drenched, and Zhu Ling finally notices the bizarre situation. She reveals her cute head from the wet blanket only to be greeted by the fierce rain.

"Young master, I think we should head back," I almost burst out laughing at her confused face and also in such a situation, and she still 'thinks'?

I shoot to my feet and help her too. Desperately, we run back to the house. On the way, I curse the heavens for being so jealous of our situation. 'Just wait for me to grow stronger. You can't treat your master like this.' The sudden loud clapping of thunder makes Zhu Ling scream and jump into my embrace. 'Maybe I should stop antagonizing invisible forces.' We arrive at the door only to find another person in the same situation as us.

"What are you doing?" I ask Hong Lin, he's drenched from the sudden rain, and his demeanor is that of a wet chicken.

"What, you don't like my wet body?" He smiles and touches his body suggestively.

"Oh, dear! He's back," That's the only thing I manage to mutter.

Let's go; add to your library.

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