
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Teen
Not enough ratings
105 Chs

Chapter 90

Stepping out from the train, the warm summer breeze gently brush across my cheek. The nostalgic feeling of this memorable place makes my chest filled with a lot of mixed emotions that I have been longing for. I pushed my hair back to my ear as the wind keeps blowing my ponytail away.

I wear the plain white shirt that was worn half-tucked underneath my shorts which paired well with my blue sports shoes. This was the best summer outfit for me in my opinion even though Yuuto wanted me to use more skirts and some feminine clothing. Looking at the tan-skinned blue eyes boy, who was wearing a casual blue and white strips shirt and paired with black jeans.

He was standing next to me while looking around the peaceful station. Although it was weekend, this station that's made out mostly of wood was not that crowded as the city's and it was one of the reasons that I love about this place.

''Finally, we are here. Its been a while since I had last visited this place, right, Hikaru-kun?'' I softly whispered to him.

''Yea, you were right. Maybe we should come here more often in the future.'' He winked at me.

''Miyu-chan, let me help you with your bag.'' Yuuto grabbed the bag that I was carrying on my back.

That red-haired boy grinned at me. Even though he was only wearing a plain white button-up shirt that was tucked neatly in his blue jeans, somehow he seems to stand out among the crowd. Maybe his idiotic smile makes his beautiful face shines up.

''Oi, please step aside the both of you. What a pain in the ass to travel here with childish adults like you both....'' Touya crossed his arm as he pouts his cheek up. He was wearing a kid-sized brown T-shirt and tuck it underneath his shorts.

''Was it? Then who was the one that cries last night when I said that I will go for a quick vacation and begged me to tag along with me, huh? I wonder who might it be...'' Touma lazily drags his bag on his shoulder as he shoved his little brother to the side.

''Tch.'' Touya cheek flushed after he was teased by his brother. 'As expected from this little tsundere.' I silently think to myself.

Touma's dark green shirt was half tucked in his jeans and paired with his black sports shoe which is suitable for hiking. Since my uncle was a forest ranger, it was natural for him to live in the forest mountain surrounding. I was so excited to explore more about the forest with my uncle.

''Karu-kun!'' A familiar voice called out.

''Father?'' Hikaru turn towards the direction of the voice.

A fierce-looking 40's years old man waved as he slowly walks towards us with a tiny smile on his face. The dark green colour buttoned shirt was worn as a layer outside of his black shirt that was stained with some mud and solid as so does his brown khaki pants. The boots that he wears was also stains with some mud.

''Uncle!'' I exclaimed excitedly after recognised his matching blue eyes with Hikaru's.

''Welcome back, Miyu-chan. It's been a while since I have last seen you and now you grow a lot.'' He patted my head.

''Guys, this is my uncle and also Hikaru's father.'' I introduced him.

''Nice to meet you, Mr Matsui. My name is Yamamoto Yuuto.'' Yuuto slightly bowed at him.

''Hello, Mr Matsui-san. I am Kudo Touma and this little brat over here is my brother, Kudo Touya. It was a great pleasure meeting you.'' Touma speaks formally like how those nobles one talks while Touya still crosses his tiny arm arrogantly.

''Come on, Touya. Go and greet him.'' Touma patted Touya's head.

''It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr Matsui-san.'' Touya bowed at him.

''Take it easy young man, there's no need to be so formal around me. Just call me Uncle Matsui that's enough.'' My uncle stretched his cheek shyly since it was quite rare for him to receive such a formal talk from the others.

''Karu-kun, you have made such a huge improvement since you manage to be friends with these polite young men. I am so proud of you, son. Thank you, Miyu-chan for taking care of Hikaru all this time.'' He smiled.

''Polite, huh?'' Hikaru looked at me speechlessly.

''Hahaha. They are indeed very 'polite', uncle.'' I give out an awkward smile.

'If only he see how Touma and Yuuto argue with each other like a little brat...' I think to myself.

''By the way, Uncle Matsui, why are you all covered in mud?'' I asked.

''These? Oh, I get clumsy and fall into the trap I made for the wild boar this morning. I was planning to take a quick shower first but I was so excited to meet everyone and decide to come to a pick you guys first.'' He grinned.

''Looks like your clumsy behaviour doesn't seem to change at all, huh? Uncle, you should be more careful next time.'' I gently punched his shoulder.

''Haha, yea you were right. I will be extra careful next time, Miyu-chan.''

''Now, let's head back and prepare some dinner.'' My uncle said as we went out of the station.

''Um...excuse me but how far was your house, Uncle Matsui-san?'' Yuuto asked.

''Not far, we just need to walk towards the mountain foothill over there.'' He pointed at the nearest mountain that was close to a small village.

''Not far, huh?'' Touma seems a bit pale after knowing we need to walk all the way there.

''Yo, Matsui-san!'' A lorry driver waved at my uncle.

''Ah, good evening, Murata-san. Are you here to pick things up again?'' He waved back at that 50's years old man.

''No, I was just sending something from the village to this station. Do you guys need a ride? I can drop you by the town hall since I was heading there.'' He kindly offered my uncle.

''Sure, thank you it would help a lot. We are sure very lucky today since there's a ride for us or else we will be reaching my house in the late evening.'' My uncle climbed at the empty lorry back while I looked at him cluelessly.

''What are you youngster waiting for? Come and hop on this lorry.'' That 50's years old man smiled at us.

''A-Ah, thank you, sir, for your offer!'' I slightly bowed at him before I joined my uncle and followed by the others. Touya looked uncomfortable sitting next to his brother after Touma refuses to let him sit on his lap as we began to ride on the bumpy road. I bet that he is not used to such a rough ride.

''Don't be such a baby, Touya. Just sit here with me and I promise that it won't hurt your baby butt.'' Touma shoves Touya away. Seeing Touya frowning, I feel bad for him.

''Touya-san, here, come and sit on my lap. The road will be bumpy and you might not be so comfortable sitting there.'' I grabbed Touya by the hand and let him sit on my lap.

''Hmph! I won't be thanking you for this.'' He pouts.

''Yea, yea, whatsoever my youngest master.'' I rolled my eyes up.

''Oh, by the way, uncle, can you bring me to the fairy's teardrop lake tomorrow? I wonder how was the lake like right now...'' I looked up to the blue sky as the strong wind passes through my hair.

''Sure. There's nothing much changes about that lake but only some mushroom growing nearby it.'' My uncle told me.

''Miyu-san, what was this fairy's teardrop lake?'' Touya asked.

''It was a lake where fairies will gather around and tell jokes to each other every night. When these fairies laugh, their tears will uncontrollably roll down their cheek as if they were crying. The tears that fall into the huge empty hole where they gathered around soon turned into a beautiful blue lake. That's why it was called fairy's teardrops lake. Some peoples say that if you soak your leg in the water, your wish will be granted by the fairy if you wished deep down from your heart.'' I explained to him about the legend that my uncle used to tell me.

''Whoa...what a wonderful fairytale. However, I was not that easy to be a fool with those half baked stories, Miyu-san.'' Touya seems not to be interested in the story.

''Oh, come on and pretend to be interested about it, young master. You don't have to kill the fun part about the tales.'' I grunted.

''There's nothing fun about being a fool, Miyu-san.'' He said coldly.

''Tch, what a mood killer!'' I pout my cheeks up.