
This World Shall be Mine

I was always the best at everything, nothing ever interested me, nothing other than strategy games and MMORPGs where I really had to sweat to get good, but I became the king of them all. Now I've died and been blessed with life in another world with a strange power, finally something interesting. Just like the games I've mastered and conquered, this world is a full plate, fantasy creatures, magical powers, wars and disputes, the struggle for power, everything that interested me, just like everything, I will conquer this world, whether by brute force or ruthless violence, but this world shall be mine!

Rakis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Teach Me

[!!!The player wishes to start the tutorials?!!!]


The message window closed, only for a larger one to appear.


[Name: Shura]-[Class: Paladin Warrior]

[Level: 1]-[Aura Color: Red]-[Subclass: Herald of Holy War]

[Vitality: 1]-[Endurance: 1]

[Strength: 1]-[Agility: 1]

[Intelligence: 1]-[Perception: 1]

-Combat status... Just like in EverMagic. The stats are interconnected and should work the same way, vitality and endurance strengthen each other, just as agility depends on strength and intelligence enhances perception, and everything works vice versa. But here it's different, I don't have a health or mana bar.- He analyzed the information in the message box. -Even my class and subclass.

[Does the player wish for the information to be explained?]

-Hm... Yes.-

[The player arrived under the name of Shura, in the body of a farmer in the interior of the kingdom of Shindo.]

[The player has the warrior paladin class: powerful warriors specialized in the light and fire elements.]

[The player's level represents their power level; the higher the level, the greater the power. Upon leveling up, the player receives points that can be spent to increase their stat points.]

[The player's Aura is a measure of their power. When using an ability, a colored Aura will envelop the body; the stronger the Aura's color, the stronger the player. Aura colors range from weakest to strongest: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.]

[The player has the subclass Herald of Holy War, which enables attacks and abilities focused on their Vitality, Strength, and Endurance, allowing powerful attacks based on their maximum and lost health, as well as adapting to the enemy's max health.]

-Interesting... So that green flame coming from the healer was his aura, it seems he's not that powerful, but he's a lot stronger than me now. The issue lies with these stats; I know strength refers to my physical strength, vitality is my life, and agility I also know, endurance I already have in mind, if there's magic, there must be magical resistance.-

[Perception is the stat that represents the player's senses: sight, taste, hearing, smell, and touch. Increasing perception makes the player sensitive to mana, allowing them to notice differences in magical flow.]

[Intelligence is the player's ability to use magic; increasing intelligence also increases the player's mana and magical power, the ability to use magic for prolonged periods, and high-level attacks.]

-Indeed, it's like a game, as if miraculously a video game system were adapted to real life, well, real in many quotes. But if we're using the leveling system, how do I gain experience to level up?-

The letters within the message window changed.

[XP: To gain experience, the player must perform certain actions related to their stat points. Physical labor earns XP and gradually increases their strength, running earns XP and gradually increases vitality. The most efficient ways to gain XP are by eliminating powerful enemies, fighting, and channeling to increase intelligence and Aura.]


[The player can cultivate power within himself, channeling slowly and increasing his strength over time. Over time, the player can channel while performing other actions.]

-I see. So I have to do everything to evolve, in short. Auras define power, so the more colorful, the stronger someone is. There shouldn't be many with a purple Aura, but those are certainly the strongest; I just need to evolve enough to surpass them. Interesting!- A challenging smile took hold of him, a sensation he only felt when he cared about something, curiosity, curiosity to master something he didn't know. -But these are just explanations; I thought there would be some tutorial.-

[Does the player wish to begin the combat tutorial?]

-Combat tutorial it is, I want to...-


A voice called out, making him turn around instantly.

It was his sister Inoue; she seemed worried, holding a lantern illuminating the dark place.

-Shura, what are you doing here alone? You should be in bed resting.- She said, quickly approaching, standing in front of her brother, who was noticeably taller than her, at least twenty centimeters.

-...Sister. I just was taking a walk, couldn't sleep so I wanted to walk a bit- He lied, his voice sounding genuinely honest.

-Mr. Tanegashima said you should just rest and eat for a few days, you can't just go out like this.- She seemed worried, her expression resembling that of a mother taking care of her child, even though she was only a few seconds younger than him.

-I've eaten, I've rested, and now I'm feeling great.- He said, smiling, a genuine smile for his sister.

-No, no, don't come at me with that. You're going to bed now.-

What an annoying girl... How do I get rid of her? Hmm, maybe I should take this chance to ask a few things.

-Was it you who used healing magic when I fell, wasn't it? From what Mr. Tanegashima said, you saved my life, and I haven't been able to thank you yet.- He said in a calm but understanding tone, those words made the girl's expression change.

-Yes, it was me who used healing magic, but because I'm weak, I couldn't heal all the damage to your head, because of that your memories...- She said weakly, sounding hurt. Alexander looked up at the sky, a smile still on his face.

-I can't remember much, honestly, I can't remember almost anything, but I can remember you.- He said, turning his gaze back to Inoue.

-You remember me?-

-I remember when we were kids, playing on the green grass.- The words sounded with a powerful nostalgia. Lie, all lies, just to calm the girl.

Tears started to fall from her eyes, even crying she was a beautiful girl, her eyes green like emeralds, her face slim, and her hair blond like pale gold, her ears were longer and pointed, does it have any differences?

-Inoue, I wanted to ask you something. If it's not too much trouble.- He said sitting on the green grass. Inoue wiped the tears from her face and sat down with him, leaving the lantern by her side. -My memory is still bad, I want to know things, about this world, where we are, how things work. Can you tell me?-

-How the world works? I don't know much about the world, but I'll tell you what I know, okay?- She asked doubt in her voice. Alexander nodded. -We're farmers in the province of Gamiya in the kingdom of Shindo, the kingdom of Shindo is ruled by Lord Kôzuke Shoda, the master of the peacock clan.-

-Peacock clan? So things are divided into clans.-

-Yes, they are the great clans that rule the kingdoms of the continent.-

-How many great clans are there?-

-I'm not sure, there are probably ten or eleven on the entire continent with minor clans serving them as vassals, but I don't remember the names of all the great clans. Our neighbors are the wolf clan, the bear clan, and the lion clan. The most powerful clans are the griffin clan, the tiger clan, the lion clan, and the phoenix clan.

-These great clans don't seem to be very peaceful with each other, do they?

-Yes, currently the griffin clan and the tiger clan are at war, as well as the wolf clan and the peacock clan.

Wars between clans, surely there must be powerful warriors and mages in those battles. Interesting.

-I see, are there magical creatures in this world?-

-Magical creatures... Yes, you could say they are somewhat common, but be careful, some are very dangerous and others can be spirits in disguise.

-Spirits? Are there spirits in this world?

-There are, at least legends tell that they exist, but I've never seen one. There are good spirits, evil spirits, and neutral spirits.-

-Magical creatures and spirits, there must be gods too. But what about humans?-

Inoue made a doubtful expression.

-Humans? What are humans?-

-Humans don't exist here?-

-I've never seen that name in Ms. Kugimiya's library books, is it some kind of magical creature or spirit?-

-Forget it, it's nothing.

Maybe she just doesn't know, but it seems this Mrs. Kugimiya has a well-stocked library, I can get more information about the world there.

-And demons, do they exist?

-Demons... They do exist. She said with a somewhat discouraged tone, Alexander's attention turned to this.

-You weren't sure if spirits existed, but you're sure demons exist. What do you mean?-

-Demons exist Shura, they are from the underworld. She seemed a little hesitant to continue speaking. -Demons come to the world to destroy and kill, they feed on people's flesh and suffering. Lately, the number of demons has been increasing, they say it's because of the wars.

-So these demons are a plague. And the gods, they don't do anything about it?-

-Look how you speak, have respect when you talk about the gods.-

-Right, sorry, I can't remember the names of the gods, could you tell me?-

-Well, we have many, many gods, but four of them are the greatest so to speak. The king of the gods, the Jade Emperor. The god of earth and sky, Amaterasu. The goddess of magic and wisdom, Miao Ti, and the god of war...- She looked into his eyes.

-Shura.- Alexander responded.

I think the gods are a bit more reclusive, they probably are.

-Inoue, you know how to use magic, don't you?-

-Yes, I do, but why do you ask?-

-I want you to teach me. To use, or rather, to channel magic.- The expression on his face was serious.

-You want me to teach you... To channel magic. But... You've never been able to use magic, nor did you ever ask about it, why are you interested now?

-I'm just curious, while I was resting, I had a dream, a dream about magic. Now I want to learn, learn everything I can.- The words came out forcefully, truthfully.

-I... I'm not good enough to teach someone, especially you, brother, you're my older brother, I can't... be your teacher.-

-Of course, you can, I want to learn, I want you to teach me, I don't care if you're younger than me, teach me. Please.-

-But... That doesn't seem like a convincing reason, coming from you who never showed interest, I want you to tell me why you want to learn magic.-

She's persistent, at least she doesn't just obey everything, I like her. But if she won't obey like this, I'll have to appeal to her emotionally.

-When I was lying in bed after you healed my wound, I started to reflect a bit on life. So far, I haven't done anything important in my life, being a farmer in the countryside doesn't seem like something I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to see the world, and I want to become a great warrior, but for that, I need to learn magic.- Alexander took Inoue's hand and squeezed it firmly. Not enough to hurt, but enough to show his determination. -Inoue, I ask you from the bottom of my heart, teach me.-

That left the sister speechless for sure, she hesitated for a few seconds. Inoue took a deep breath, she already had her answer.

-Okay, I'll teach you. But I want you to promise me one thing, I want you to take it easy, you may have been healed with powerful magic by healer Tanegashima, but your body is still recovering. Don't push yourself too hard, that's my condition, understood?


-I want you to promise me!-

Alexander huffed, rolling his eyes, but smiled right after.

-I promise.- He said, looking into her eyes. -But I also want something.-


-I want you to show me the color of your aura and how to channel it. Now.-

-Now? But it's already late at night.-

-Just a demonstration, just so I have an idea of what awaits me. Come on, it'll be quick.- He said smiling. Inoue thought for a moment.

-Okay, but I'll do it only once, so pay attention.-

-I'll pay attention.-

Inoue took a deep breath, closed her eyes, crossed her legs, and joined her hands near her belly, a true meditation position. A strange thing, the grass around her began to sway as if being hit by a breeze, strong enough to shake Alexander's hair on his face, he who was paying attention to every detail. Then the flames appeared, a true aura around her body, red flames like blood covering her entire body and illuminating around, but not emanating any heat, just a strange sensation. Shivering Alexander's body all over, that was magic.

-You were very rude to say "channel". We who can use magic, gather our inner strength in the chest, the center of the body and soul, concentrating the power of our will, we can attract the energies of the earth and sky and then absorb them, merging their power with ours.- Inoue explained, but her voice sounded strange, calm but at the same time robotic, as if she was very concentrated. She then opened her eyes, and the red flames disappeared. -This is called cultivation.-

I'm sure I've read something that uses this cultivation or channeling stuff, whatever, in the end, it's just meditating to get strong.

-Now that I've shown you, we're going to sleep because it's already dawn, and we're supposed to be in bed at home. If Mom or Dad find out, they'll be furious.-

-Okay, sorry for bothering you, I'm going to bed now.

They went back home, trying to be as quiet as possible not to wake up their mother and father. Snuggling into that uncomfortable bed, basically a sleeping bag on the floor, but something still seemed to bother him.

-I think I can leave this for tomorrow.- He said turning around and closing his eyes.

Just above him, a system message box.

[!!!Quest: The player must learn to cultivate!!!]