
This World Shall be Mine

I was always the best at everything, nothing ever interested me, nothing other than strategy games and MMORPGs where I really had to sweat to get good, but I became the king of them all. Now I've died and been blessed with life in another world with a strange power, finally something interesting. Just like the games I've mastered and conquered, this world is a full plate, fantasy creatures, magical powers, wars and disputes, the struggle for power, everything that interested me, just like everything, I will conquer this world, whether by brute force or ruthless violence, but this world shall be mine!

Rakis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


lexander stood there alone, the other farmers who were lucky enough to escape were now far away just watching. It didn't take long for Inoue to arrive at that horrible scene as well, but her focus was on something else, on healing her father's destroyed leg, but he seemed to care little about his leg, his eyes were only fixed on his son.

The demons didn't seem bothered at all, they began to laugh at this attempt to stop them, thick and hellish laughter, as if multiple horrible voices were laughing at the same time. One of the demons advanced towards Alexander, raising its horrendous club high and attacking him while the others nearly died laughing.

"Son!" Seki shouted worriedly, but he continued to stand there, just waiting.

The hurried steps of the demon could be heard approaching Alexander, its demonic laughter getting closer and closer.

"Not yet..."

At that moment, a system message window appeared.

[!!!Warning: The Player is about to enter combat!!!] [!!!Quest: Kill all demons!!!]

Alexander assumed a strange stance, hands raised shoulder-high, gripping tightly onto the pitchforks he had taken from the farmers. The demon arrived, screaming furiously as it attacked with its massive club. A blow that split the ground in half and would certainly have destroyed Alexander effortlessly, but he dodged, to the surprise of his family and the demons alike.

Using all his strength, he attacked with the pitchforks, driving them right into the demon's face, making it scream in pain. The demon was about to raise its club once again, but Alexander was quicker, using one of the pitchforks to strike it forcefully in the neck.

[Player killed an enemy]

It wasn't a pretty sight, everyone looked on in shock, including Alexander, with a tense and panting look, it was the first time he had killed someone, not someone, something. But he didn't have time to reflect, as the demons stopped laughing.

He regained his stance, a bit trembling but that mattered little because another of the demons lunged towards him, now screaming furiously for the death of its comrade, it ran wildly, swinging its club in enraged strikes.

Firm hands, gripping the pitchfork handle tightly, the posture slightly lowered, trying to see when to strike. The demon jumped, hitting its club with such force that it made the ground tremble, a blow that Alexander easily dodged but it wasn't over yet, with superhuman strength it raised its sinister club once again, unleashing relentless attacks without pause.

Alexander backed away, a somewhat skillful footwork game, trying to avoid the holes and obstacles in the blood-soaked earth. The demon didn't have such caution, it ran towards Alexander, this time holding the club with both hands, such lack of attention didn't help it, as the demon slipped on a pile of wet earth, missing the attack.


The boy lunged at the beast, and using one of the pitchforks he struck the side of the monster's knee, causing the demon to scream in pain, but it not only screamed, it unleashed what would be a powerful strike if it landed, and it did, pushing Alexander away with its strength.

He grunted in pain, his arm was supposed to be broken, but perhaps due to lack of balance he lacked the strength for it, a huge hematoma appeared on his forearm, the pain was immense in that swollen purple lump, but he could still move. Gripping the pitchforks tightly, as if they were the only thing keeping him alive at that moment.

"That hurt...But I can't falter, not now!"

Alexander attacked once again, a low attack that the demon couldn't keep up with, mutilating its other leg with those farm tools, and with the left arm he struck at the monster's neck, killing it.

The blue body fell to the ground like a tree felled by an axe, the adrenaline took effect, and the throbbing pain of the wound in his arm didn't bother him. More demons advanced against him, an unmatched fury taking over their bodies as they screamed endlessly. Alexander didn't seem to care, he was panting, breathing heavily, but not from exhaustion but from the adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Interesting!" He said, a psychotic smile taking over his face.

The first one advanced like the previous two, attacking without any care, aiming where Alexander was he tore apart the dead body of his comrade, but the boy dodged, striking an attack to its calf making the demon fall to its knees screaming.

"Shut up!" Alexander shouted, striking the demon in the middle of the neck, almost decapitating it with the blow. The other demon seemed to hesitate for a moment, seeing how its companions were defeated by just one boy with pitchforks. But this hesitation lasted little, as the largest demon hit it from behind, crushing it instantly.

This was strange, both for Alexander and for the demons there, but the boy's attention was drawn to something else, a system message window.

[!!!The Player leveled up!!!]