
This World Is Destined To Be Doomed !

Favber · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Am I Maths Genius?

Everybody starts to feel anxious but no one moved from their place as the king was in front of them Mat sigh, and says I had already known that this would happen that's why I sent a criminal there with my message well looks like the war is happening James go and get me all of the records of this empire and every detail about all corrupted nobles James goes to get all the records and mat dismiss the peoples he then goes to his office and James came with the empire records.

The records were too much and mat ask what is this ?? Is this our empire history from the start James says no your majesty this is the records of this month mat was shocked and anxiously asked how are there so many papers ? James boldly and proudly says this is the work of our accountant and his students they all count the numbers on their hands for continuously 1 week that's how we got these much less records mat stares at James with surprised look and asks why can't you just write it on paper and add, subtract, divide, multiply ??

James started thinking and thought ah your majesty are you a genius you just solved the problem of this whole world now the work will be fast and easier and thanks him while bowing and ask mat can I deliver this news to the accountant mat says okay james run off to the accountant to deliver this news the accountant was shocked and relieved that he has less work now James come back to the king office and Mat ask so let's talk about something serious !

Now tell me who will help us in this war with demons Elfs, Beastmens, Dwars who ?? James says no one will help us your majesty mat asks why ? Even when everybody is already at war with demons then why can't they help us ? James started to explain the reasons and started with elf and said as you know your majesty about elf incident so I will skip that mat says wait tell me about elf some of my memory is lost James was shocked started telling that elf had already came to us with the intention of joining hands whit humans but the king tried to harass the elven princess and deal was off mat was shocked because this is his own novel and he was the one who has written the story and the character of king is brutal and foolish but not pervet he will not harass a girl in his entire life and was thinking and suddenly remembers and ask who did you say i tried to harassed ?

James says elven princess your majesty mat grits his teeth and angrily smirk and mumble oh so it is that bitc*  i understand i will fix that bitc* later first let's focus on war mat calms down and ask ok so what about beastmens ? James says they hate humans because humans treat them like they are slaves and also many of their kind was kidnapped and sold off in black markets so they will not come and about Dwarfs they do not like to contact with other species and is in their empire never gotten out of it mat asks had demons did not attacked Dwarfs empire ? James says they tried but dwarfs gandmages casted a barrier on their whole empire because of that demons could not do anything and that's the situation your majesty mat orders James to invite all of the empire grandmages !

Mat thinks now since iam Orold i should be Orold anyways I have already died on earth and it's not like there is anyone waiting for let's live this life to the fullest and see the things till the end let's go the hall mat leaves for the hall and sits on the throne and says iam Orold now grandmages started to enter first was Jay second entry was Chris third entry was celo fourth entry was flem fifth entry was oler sixth entry was krystal and the last one was magic tower owner Ian

Orold says now since everyone is here i will not talk too much and just will get to the point first Ian iam giving you full authority to cleanse this whole empire and destroy evry black market and present me the owner of this whole black market i also want to see who is this mastermind and also those who were sold as slaves get them to their homes or make a place where they can live peacefully and for them who purchases them kill them go you have the full authority of this case do everything with the whole magic tower i want my empire cleanse in 6 days go Ian thanks Orold and leaves in an instant other six grandmages was talking about sigh look at that poor child his parents was killed by slave traders and he was sold he has been suffering now will this suffing end and Orold says now you old six hags stop your chit chatting and listen i want an barrier cover this whole empire like the dwarfs had did and i want the result in six days now you are dismissed and I don't want to repeat and iam not a very patient person go bye bye ! All six grandmages started worrying how can we cast the the barrier on the empire in just six days we are doomed.