
Chapter 152: Fishing for the Blood Race!_1


The ecology of St. Land World, deep underground.

Compared to the cavern ecology beneath Ramore.

The underground city of St. Land, due to the influence of the multiple layers of St. Land and the world's innate ecology.

The subterranean space here is even more vast.

As a result, this provides the Blood Race with tremendous room to operate.

Along the way, you'd encounter massive fissures, a hundred meters high, teeming with Vampire Bats, their numbers beyond counting.

No wonder Hilor cautioned Tuck while he was copying the magic map,

"Even though you're a wizard, you shouldn't carelessly venture into open areas that would expose you; once discovered by the Blood Race, those Vampire Bats could easily kill you."

Sharp and faint squeaking sounds filled this vast underground space, like a dense net enveloping everything within.

Any Transcendent who intruded into this region would struggle to escape the probing of this acoustic web.

And at this moment.