
This Werewolf Wants to Love Too!

"WHAAAAAAT?! A WOLF?" After living for 29 years without knowing what is love, an office worker Kurokawa Yuuki died by overworking.      Even though she doesn't regret dying from working her ass off for her family, she regretted because she had never experienced love before. Even after chances given. But she is then given a chance to be reborn in an another world, but she got reincarnated as a wolf? How is she going to achieve her goal to experience love while she is a wolf?        After being reincarnated in another world, she struggled to survive in the wild and strived to evolve to be a Werewolf, a beastmen race that's accepted by the humans. But even then after she become humanlike, the humans still despise her kind and then forced herself to get in the human's town. Hungry, she stumbled upon a white haired guy that seems to be a cook of a tavern finding her eating garbage.        How will both of them interact with each other? Is she going to experience falling in love for the first time? How will their relationship grow over time? All answer lies in her efforts to achieve her goal to experience love, something that never she experienced in her past miserable life. ===================================== I maybe writing this novel for the contest just for fun, but I'm trying my best to show myself, you and those around me that I'm not writing half-assed.        So if you like what you're reading and want to support me, vote me to help me win,  or at least got a contract, that's enough for a beginner writer like me. I'm open to any advices and critics, since this is my first time writing female lead story and please support or read my other work if you wish to.

Storyteller54_ · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Episode 17

After we arrived at the Ogres' Village, we are lead by the General to the Hall of the Village to meet their Chief. While we're walking down their roads, their gaze, their alertness stun us, I really wanted to use [Supreme Intimidation] on them, but I held it off for now.

The village itself, I can feel it's prospering but in the same time, I can see their hopelessness in their gazes. The General did said hundreds of young souls dies inside the Dungeon, and I can affirm that, I rarely seen any youths among them.

We have walked for some time and we're now climbing, and after a while, I can see there the biggest building of this village stands. General came in first before us entered the Hall. The General is whispering to the Chief's ear about us.

It's actually hard to imagine for a monster such as them, Ogres, to be this civilized, they're usually always on the rage, like in those RPG games I played when I was a little girl. It took some time for the Chief to hold on the current situation and finally greeted me and welcomed us inside.

<<I, Theoras Ogris, the Chief of Ogres, bid you warm welcome, humble guests to our humble living village. I've heard of you from our Battle Chief. You have claimed the Root Dungeon, I hear, true?>>

Wow, even their way of speaking does resemble closely to normal elderly humans. I as my people 's leader, I also need to keep my manner as polite as I could. And wait, he has a name?

<<Is there anything you want to ask? Something you wonder?>> he asked.

<<Ah, no. It's impolite of me, I was surprised to found that you have a name. And yes, I have claimed the Root Dungeon and some parts of the forest as my territory. Also, thank you very much for welcoming all of us>> I said,

<<Ah ha, you might find it very hard to find monsters that have name, I see. This name was given by the God Vidar, the Vengeance, Justice and The Primitive Nature Personification after I defeated the Masttur Boar>>

<< Old tales, don't you mind it. Don't you also have a name? Strong monsters tend to have names given either by Gods or Divine Beasts>> he explained.

<<I don't, sadly. I'll be straight to the point, allow me will you, Chief>> I asked. He nodded.

<<Thank you for lending us your ear. Our reason to come here is to train ourselves inside the Twig Dungeon to at least, be able to counter the attacks of the Fenrir, do you realize his coming yet, Chief?>> I asked.

He waved his palm on me, <<Do not call me Chief, we're in the same position, leaders of our own people. I do hear of Fenrir's coming. But do you realize by claiming the dungeon, if you're able to, will also make this part of the forest, including this village to be in your ownership>> he said.

<<I do aware of the consequences, but please, be at ease. We are clearing the dungeon not for invading or claiming the inhabitants surrounding the dungeon. Yes, the part of the forest as well as the village will be in my ownership, but I will still give the full leadership to you>>

<<Instead of making this town ours, I want to make a nation, or at least a trade and information line between our settlements. I will be this land's owner but you will still hold this village's helm in hand. You might call it a vassal land to what will be the capital of my nation, what say you?>> I asked.

<<So, what you mean is, this village and the part of this forest which surrounding the Dungeon will be in your possession, but you leave me to rule this area and open a route to trade? Are you sure, this land will be yours, you now that?>> he asked.

<<I won't be mine for the taking if Fenrir rampage the whole forest, which is the main point. Also, not only for trade, but also helping each other, your people could work on my land, vice versa. Besides, I do need some help building a village on my place, we've all been living in Dungeon for a while, it's time to make a village, a capital, if you would>>

<<Oh, also we do have a name for our pack, it's Miratsuki. That is the main point, now here goes the question. Will you allow us clear and claim the Twig Dungeon. I'm afraid if you refused, I have to go for the forceful options, which I don't really prefer>> I said.

He take some time, thinking and deciding it with the General. We was offered some food to wait, it was good, actually. Smoked mushrooms, huh.

We should try to make these too in our place. The party members also enjoying it. After some hours, they called us to the Hall again and I can see he's ready to decide.

<<Thank you for waiting us, I hope you enjoyed our little offerings. Now, let's get straight to it. We decided… to allow you to enter the dungeon… only under one condition, though, it's more like a request. Will you lend your ear to us?>> he asked me very politely.

<<I shall hear it>> I answered.

<<The one condition is to allow some of us to join you in your expedition. Let me finish my words first, this reason it's not some trick to claim the dungeon for ourselves>>

<< We just want to accompany you to look for remains of all our kin that died there. I would go and do it myself but I can't walk that much, I've been living for 500 years, passing the normal Ogre's lifespan, it's a blessing enough to lead my people. So, what say you?>> he requested.

I'm thinking for a while, I do understand their feelings, though. I decided.

<<I shall take on the request, just don't add too much of your people in the party, I will accept 3 to 5 people. And if your people drags my party, I will leave them. That's it. Deal?>> I asked,

<Deal, thank you very much for taking my request. When will you be going? You should restock your food and maybe repair your belongings. Let me give you our hospitality>> he said,

<<We'll be going in about 3 days, and I shall take your hospitality with gratitude. Thanks for letting us do this. Uh, this is impolite to do. Wait a bit>> I then transformed to human, which made them surprised. Don't worry, I instantly have my clothes on, I'm not some improper lady.

Seeing me transformed, their reactions differ so much, some blushed their face like ripe tomatoes, some having nosebleed, the Chief himself shocked. Umu~, I have to be used to seeing people's reaction to my human body.

<<You truly awed all of us, to think you have a human form. You must be so powerful, it's hard for beast typed monster to get a human form. This makes us feel a bit at ease having a good ally>> he commented.

<<Same here, I hope even after I had conquered the dungeon and this land, we could normally chat again. Nice to have you as an ally>> I said,

We shake hands, binding our trusts. After that we ate together and the Chief given us a house to rest and I was bathing with General's wives, yeah, he had 4 wives. And some children also joined us, all those tense meeting pays me back greatly.

The rest things to do for us, is to prepare for the big day, and also deepen our bond with the Ogres.


I'm really sorry for late release, the publish timer messed up, usually I've been writing from my mobile phone, I've been using my laptop lately, I haven't used to doing this with my laptop, so I'm really sorry. Sigh, Luna-san would be angrier at me now.