
This villainess is a mage

In a twist of fate, young and ordinary Clara's life ends abruptly, only to be offered a second chance by a whimsical god. Reincarnated into the world of her favorite novel, she awakens as Lilac Radel, the powerful and hated mage princess who has fled her father's palace and faced a grim end. But this is no ordinary rebirth—Lilac has been granted a unique system designed to aid her growth, offering quests, skills, and hidden knowledge to navigate the treacherous landscape of the novel world. With her new identity, Lilac must balance the dark legacy of her past with her desire to change her fate. As she delves deeper into her newfound powers and unravels the intricate plotlines, she discovers allies and enemies in unexpected places. Determined to rewrite her destiny, Lilac embarks on a journey filled with magic, intrigue, and self-discovery. Will she succumb to the darkness that surrounds her, or will she forge a new path, transforming from a despised villainess to a heroine in her own right?

Emperors_goldfish · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

We half-walked, half-ran through the crimson forest, the young man leading us in evasive patterns whenever that unearthly screech rent the air again. My wounded side burned fiercely with each jarring step, the makeshift bandage soaking through with warm wetness. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of staggering flight, we stumbled into a small clearing - the twisted, gnarled red trees giving way to a tiny wildflower-dappled meadow. The young man halted, allowing me to collapse bonelessly onto the soft grass, gasping for breath like a landed fish.

-A temporary reprieve, he said grimly, eyes scanning our surroundings with haunted vigilance. But we can't linger here for long.

He shrugged off his rucksack and began rummaging through it, eventually producing a small tin of pungent salve and a roll of clean linen bandages. I eyed him warily as he knelt at my side, wincing at the fiery throbs of pain lancing through my ravaged flank.

- I'm going to bind your wound, he said, meeting my gaze levelly. It should help slow the bleeding, at least. Just try not to move.

His hands were calloused but gentle as he peeled back the sodden bandages to expose the garish puncture wound in my side. I sucked in a shuddering breath at the sight of the gore, steadying myself as he quickly lathered the injury with the pungent salve before winding a fresh linen binding around my midsection. Despite his care, I couldn't stifle a low groan of agony as the makeshift bandage cinched tight.

-You're tougher than you look," he commented, tying off the linen dressing with a firm knot before sitting back on his haunches. His expression turned quizzical as he studied me. "Got a name, stranger?

-I... I frowned, scouring my mind for any recollection of who I was, but finding only suffocating darkness and a gnawing sense of emptiness. "I don't remember..

You have memory loss! They have memory loss! Everyone has memory loss!

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