
This Time You Are Mine

Today is another busy day for me. Work and home are the only places I go to for the past 3 years. The end of THAT relationship ended my happy, easy-going life. But then, when I think about it, it was not his fault but mine. My friends would tell me that I need to move on. I HAVE MOVED ON. It's just I don't want any side trips anymore in my life. I have my dreams and I am working hard for it. Little did I know what the destiny has installed for me. "Mom, I still love her. She ended the relationship without any valid reason and I didn't agree." "But son, what if the reason is that she doesn't love you anymore? Isn't that a reason valid enough for you?" "I have to know it this time, mom. I did try to go out on dates but still failed. I think meeting her again will help me know what is happening with me." "I guess I have no other choice. But remember, don't let her disrupt your plans and the family's business." "I know, mom. Steph, book my flight to the Philippines tomorrow." "Vincent! Why are you in so much rush?!" "Because I believe that the early bird gets the worm." Just wait for me, Yve. I will get you back by hook or by crook.

mekane · Urban
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349 Chs

Eventful Sunday Morning

"Son, what happened to the job I gave you?"

The young man hands an envelope to the older man who smiles upon reading the papers in it.

"An exclusive, huh? Great job! When will this take effect?" 

"Today. I'm leaving after breakfast to have an interview with Hyacinth." Lester answers his father's questions while eating fried rice with hotdog and egg, paired with brewed coffee, on the side.

"SkyMu is really making a lot of noise ever since the change in their president. But when will they reveal the person behind all of these?" His father curiously asks. 

"I'm not really sure, either. She told me she's just waiting for an appropriate time." 

"It means she's waiting for a bigger event or bigger achievement before she reveals her name in public." Lester's faster laughs out loud after saying those words.

"What's so funny, Father?"