
This time I'll keep my promise

Pokemon and Interdimensional Monsters? Follow the journey of Dante, a survivor of a world already in ashes who is chosen to face a Multiversal threat. This story follows a mentally unstable man who tries at all costs to fulfill a promise he made to his dead wife: Survive. He must become the strongest to do so.

Ainzuru · Urban
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4 Chs

The End?


'This was the end of the line... without the slightest ability to resist, I fought with what I had'


'But... how can it be enough? I know I'm dead but I still feel... I feel a growing hatred every time I remember that.'

'The way he casually invaded my world taking it for himself, he killed everyone and made their bones, flesh and blood his own Reign of Terror,' I said with indignation in my heart.

A great sadness took hold of my soul, little by little a light went out in the void and darkness dominated me...


'cold' An icy draught passed through my soul.

'Where am I?' I said, trying to get my mind off the morbid thoughts.

'I feel like I've already come here... but how?' Gradually I moved, almost by reflex, towards the air current.

After some time going forward


'A... door? I've been walking for who knows how long in this light-free space or... anything for that matter and the first thing I come across is a half-open door? Is that some kind of metaphor because if it is, it's a good one'. I opened the door fully only to be greeted by a shaft of light.

'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.... hm, nothing happened'. After putting on an Oscar-worthy performance, obviously nothing would happen, I'm already dead.

There was an empty room before my eyes, what was in it? Absolutely nothing.

'Hello? It's Karen, I've come to get a cup of sugar, I hope you don't mind, it's just that at *home* there's nothing to sweeten the coffee... In fact there's no coffee at all hohoho'. For someone who's dead, I was pretty funny.

While I was laughing at my crazy antics, something approached me without a sound and touched my shoulder.

"If that's the case, help yourself, here you are" the figure said as a cup of coffee appeared out of the air, falling into his hand like a feather, followed by coffee and five sugar cubes. A voice without the slightest pollutant, clear as crystal water, spoke to me.

[....] Wind blew comically in an awkward silence.

'... Buddy, if I may call you that, if it weren't for the fact that I'm dead and no longer have a physical body, I'm sure I'd have a frightening amount of *smelly* in my underwear right now... don't do this anymore please'. I spoke while trying to control my *breathing*.

The shapeless figure that seemed to be my size stared at me, his expression... unchanged but I could feel an emotion emanating from him... Joy.

"As you wish" the figure answered me while walking over to a table with two chairs that had appeared from nowhere.

"Sit" he said after sitting on one of the chairs and pointing to another.

'... So you're The Guy?' I said as I thought about the mysterious figure in front of me.

"Guy? What *guy*?" he asked rather nonchalantly.

'You know, the most worthy, the almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth, The Father.... God?'

"That *Dude*? No, he's busy these days."

'I see, I'm not even going to ask what God might be busy with because I don't think you're going to tell me and I don't really care to tell you the truth, so... who are you?' Somewhat I was relieved that I wasn't talking to God in a backyard chair.

"Hm, I have many names but you can call me Zacharias or Angel as your people used to call me," he said in a disinterested tone.

'All right Zaca, where exactly is this place? And why haven't I been send to the oblivion or wherever souls go after death?' I asked honestly, I've never believed the information in the Bible or anything that comes out of the mouth of a priest or human being in general when it comes to the afterlife, so I had my curiosity about the subject piqued.

"Well, this is the oblivion, I believe that the second question doesn't need to be answered but I'll give you more details to satiate that confused look on your face of someone who wants to ask more"

"We are currently in the Elysian Fields, obviously, not what has been passed on through the information available in your world, currently this is the place where souls who have been brought before their time in an unnatural or fair way to be purified of their negative emotions, here they reflect and learn to forgive because hatred only continues an infinite cycle where the loser is the innocent."

He explained it to me clearly and briefly and then continued.

"As for why you're talking to me right now, it's because we need your help, your world is just one of many..." with a wave of his hand he opened what looked like a window where a creature I already knew tore through the fabric of space to enter my dimension.

'You... how did you do that, no, it doesn't matter, why did it come here? What is it?'

"This is just a memory of the universe, a memory of the moment of your arrival to be precise." He replied with an indifferent tone in his voice, but for a brief moment I could swear I felt the space tremble.

"This beast, it's a creature that lived sealed away in a dimension separate from creation, you see, before creation, even before God, there was already something, lurking in the darkness..... Monsters". Zacharias showed me visions of a forgotten past through the window in the space.

"With the emergence of the First Light, or God as you like to call it, a battle like no other happened, and due to a stroke of luck the monsters were sealed away and peace was established in creation. Now billions of years later the evil returned."


'Wow, that was a lot of information to process but let's ignore the part that breaks my mind and the truth of creation, in short you want my help to stop that ancient God/Monster or whatever it's called, but do you realize that I'm dead?' I said, trying to understand what the whole idea was.

"Almost there, you see Mr. Dante, that Beast could never escape our father's seal without outside help," said Zacharias with a clear tone of anger.

'Now you're talking, you want me to find the culprit behind this and stop him then? That's more real to do, not that I wouldn't accept it if it was to kill the bastard but changing the subject, a problem still remains for either of us'

Now less confused, I talked about the fact that I was still dead, wanting to confirm where this would lead.

"Look at the window" Zacharias said as the image changed to a planet visibly resembling earth.

"This location is the current whereabouts of the person who broke the seal and also the world you'll be reviving to complete your mission." He affirmed what was going through my head.

'Okay, I'm in, when can I go?' I confirmed to Zacharias without the slightest excitement. There was just one thought in my head, revenge.


"For some time now I've noticed that you don't back down even with such danger in your face, you've never asked for a reward on our request even though you know what we're capable of or didn't ask why we chose you or even tried to blame us for anything we didn't do or failed to help you and others... why?"

He asked with an almost palpable curiosity emanating from his body.

'Well... I'm scared to death to tell you the truth, if I had a body right now I'd be shaking at the thought of even getting involved with anything involving that creature but... it's just that the anger I feel and the desire to fuck that monster's life up is greater, as a bonus I still get an extra life which allows me to fulfill my promise to my dead wife so that's enough for me' I said with a smile on my face as I continued.

'Now, I don't care why you chose me, I imagine you were watching what was happening to me and that's why you chose me, but whether it was out of pity or something else, I don't know.'

'About why I don't blame you, it's not that I don't blame you but everyone has their own reasons for doing or not doing something, in the end our choices are our responsibilities and I live with mine just like you live with yours, I don't charge you with anything so don't charge me with anything hahaha' With a laugh I finished speaking satisfied with my resolution.

"... I see, thank you very much for satisfying my curiosity" Zacharias replied, now with an relieved aura emanating from him.

'So I can go now?' I asked anxiously.

"First of all, you should know that this is another Universe, very different from yours, with *animals* that are very different and more varied from your world, and even another God lives in this Universe, the creator of such fantastic creatures, but you shouldn't worry about that."

'What do you mean? Am I going to the world of Pokemon or Digimon by any chance? hahahahah'.

"Yes, to be more precise, the world that is known in your society as Pokemon," Zacharias answered honestly.

[....] If I had legs right now, I'd definitely feel air passing through them.

'Wait, are you serious? Does it exist?'

"Yes, you'll need it, here" he said, not wanting to wait for me to understand the information I'd just received. Meanwhile, what looked like a red cell phone appeared out of thin air and came towards me, a cell phone that, upon closer inspection, proved to be one of the most famous items in a world that was mere fiction where I came from.

'Is that a P-Pokedex?' I asked, still incredulous.

"That's right, it contains information about every magical creature on that planet, Pokemon in this case, we'll also send you a few years before the person who freed the evil arrives and younger so that you can learn the manners of the planet more easily and join forces before his arrival, the Pokedex can be used as identification to blend in with the locals" Zacharias explained quickly without the slightest intention of stopping.

'Wa- Wait' I tried to cut him off so that he would explain more slowly, but to no avail.

"Here you are, this is a special gift from me" and then he handed me a backpack almost my size and weight.

"There's 1 month of food and 6 basic tools to capture your first ma- hm, Pokemon creatures on your journey" He informed me about the contents of the backpack with an aura of pride emanating from him.

'..... Can I ta- '

"This journey will be long and hard, Dante, and you must aim to be the most powerful to stop evil from falling on another world." He warned me about the imminent future.

'... Finally, the point is that I don't see anything about Pokemon at 20-' I was trying to conclude my lament when once again I was cut off.

"I almost forgot, the Humans of that world have a superior anatomy to the Humans of your homeland, so your body will undergo transformations in addition to rejuvenation that you won't even notice, but know that your body will be completely molded according to your effort and talent, of course, that said, just be yourself and everything will turn out fine, I wish you good luck and God bless you." He informed me even more things and at the end of his explanation, the window next to him expanded and began to move towards me following Zacharias hand gesture.


Having given up arguing, I waved my hand and jumped into the portal that was coming towards me, thus disappearing from the Elysian Fields.

"I'm sure you'll adapt well, just like every time before this," said Zacharias with a smile on his face.


Thanks for reading this far, this chapter was more of a walkthrough and also it was the first official chapter, I hope you enjoyed the read.


I have no rights to the Pokémon Universe or any of it's creatures, this is merely a fictional work.
