
This time I'll keep my promise

Pokemon and Interdimensional Monsters? Follow the journey of Dante, a survivor of a world already in ashes who is chosen to face a Multiversal threat. This story follows a mentally unstable man who tries at all costs to fulfill a promise he made to his dead wife: Survive. He must become the strongest to do so.

Ainzuru · Urban
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4 Chs



Christmas Day

I have to say that I've always been an unlucky guy, I don't deny it and I even come to terms with it.

I've been living in isolation for 10 years now, in a cabin in the middle of the woods that I built with the help of my now deceased wife. I was lucky enough to find someone as crazy and paranoid as me who believed, amazingly, that the world would end by zombies or something.

I know, I know, crazy right? Until it wasn't.

I was doing my morning ritual, drinking my coffee, nothing special, I haven't liked Christmas for about five years.

It was around 10:00 am when I finished my coffee, close to the time of my favorite crazy radio station, broadcast on a frequency that only those who are paranoid enough have bothered to find.

I immediately tuned into the radio to listen to the "Talk Show"

"Attention my dears, I come to bring you the news you've all been waiting for, because last night at 22:35 pm multiple people around the world were victims of so-called 'crazy' or 'drugged' people by the government."

"Victims of what you ask?.... Bites...."

At that moment, a cold sweat ran down my spine 'What?... no, no but that's...'

"I know, right, *impossible* many of you must be thinking right now, but you knew this would happen, many of you I hope prepared for it."

"Today we'll finish early because it will be our last program, I can only wish you good luck and... take care..."

Static hung in the air for a long time, shock, fear, euphoria and above all, nervousness took hold of me.

Thoughts flowed through my head like an avalanche 'it's finally happening, I need to... I need to turn ON THE SECURITY SYSTEM, no, it's still early, it'll take time to get here and I need to save energy for the...'


The power went out

"How can it be, it's still too early, the nearest town is 80km from the big city.... God"

I remembered


I ran out of the house with my heart pounding, fear in my veins.

"Fuck me, hahahihihihi I knew this was going to happen, fuck, there were times I even wished for it but now that the time has come I feel... afraid? hahaha son of a ****, fuck this shit, now that it's come to this I'm going to survive, UNTIL THE END HAHAHAHA" I said as I arrived at the Generator.

But something caught my eye.

Descending from the sky from what looked like a portal straight from hell, it was something that haunted my nightmares, it wasn't there but as if by instinct... I knew it was him, it had always been him...

Crows and animals fled in the opposite direction past me without even looking back.

That was out of this world...

"Ha..hahaha.. I knew this would happen... how did I know?"

My head hurt, something was wrong, a pain I'd never felt before, I could feel it clear as day, it was entering my head.


HIHAHAHAHAHA... Aarrrg shit..." And then I fell over from the pain.

With what little will I had left, I looked in his direction only to discover... that he was looking back at me.....

Something mentioned in ghost stories, an evil as old as time itself...

He was looking thousands of kilometers away, and yet I could see him clearly, looking at me, at all of us...

His face? Not human, emotionless, you could feel the cruelty and... hunger.

His name? Unpronounceable, I feel like I know it, we all know it... but as I tried to remember, to speak his name out loud, only air came out of my lungs...

And instantly I knew

"It's the end."

I spoke with shame and sadness on my face.

"I'm sorry Kate, I swore that if the end of the world came I'd survive long enough to see the sun rise another day but... in the face of this... I'm afraid that as the human I am, this is beyond me and unless you left a spaceship in our garage, there's nowhere in the universe I can escape.... from this.

"aaaaaah" I sighed, somewhat relieved.

"Honestly, maybe it's better this way, to spend years fighting the inevitable or to die at once without a chance to fight... shit, what am I talking about?"

I stood up with resignation now on my face "Fuck that"

"And fuck you, I may die today but I die with hope, fuck the world is going to end, I spent the happiest 15 years of my life with her, I may not have kept my promise but I know she'll forgive me, that's why I'm leaving with a smile on my face, fuck you fucking creature, you won't have the..."

My mind only remembers that moment, I feel like it has completely entered my mind... and then".


I have the impression that years have passed, little glimpses of... death, blood.... a lot of blood.

My mind broke down more and more...

'The smells, sensations... I did horrible things, I know that, no, it was him, he made me do...

Mast- he tortured me, he tortured my soul, he corrupted it, I feel, deep down, something fetid'.

"Crawling inside me"

'Wait... did I... did I just say that? with my mouth?'

".....a-aaaa" My mouth opened, dryly, and with great difficulty

Quickly what looked like light returned to my eyes.

"m-my eyes.... Why is everything so red?" a flash invaded my mind, freeing my consciousness, hunger and thirst were my first thoughts..... until I saw it.

He sat on a throne made from the bones of what seemed to be every human on earth, given their exaggerated size and thickness.

He watched the planet around him with what looked like... contempt.

Looking around, I saw... blood, blood like no one could ever see again, a sea of blood, flesh and bones, creatures bathing in it, drinking and eating from it.

My heart was pounding and I tried to run

"ah" That's when I noticed "m-my-My LEG..."

Panic invaded my mind, I wanted to scream and cry but I knew that if I did it would be my last scream.

I was hanging by the skin of my back, my legs and arms devoured, my body? Mutilated by teeth, a few meters away from me a creature with part of my belly in its teeth, on it a tattoo of a little creature from a Cartoon I saw when I was 16.

Tears streamed down my face, it had never occurred to me that such cruelty would happen in my life... I mean, that was just pathetic.

Pain Pain Pain Pain Pain Pain...

My teeth gnashed.




I don't know why my conscience came back to me now, but if I had to guess... it was him....

'This is too humiliating, I know I'm not strong and in the face of such evil I can't even afford to keep a promise... But you want to take even hope away from me?'

I gathered up all the air I had left in my lungs and with everything I had left, I shouted



"Huff Hu agh ah ah ah..." as I struggled for air, I noticed that he was looking at me and I also noticed... what seemed to be... hatred, like a person who despite trying everything couldn't get rid of a plague that was stinking up his house.

"Ha... there's no point in looking at me like that, you bastard, an ugly face is hunger to me," I said mockingly.

And then he stood up, with the height of a titan.... an aura that said *I'm a God* and all that shit, his eyes and then his foot came towards me...

"Bastard, are you going to kill me like an insect? hahahahahaha" Sweat dripped down my forehead, nervousness coursed through my heart.

'Well at least I made him lift his fat ass off that chair, fuck tha'

I thought as I smile.

A huge shadow was falling towards me and I couldn't help thinking, my wife always hated my shit jokes that popped into my mind at the most inconvenient moments but what can I do, I just love discomfort.

"Honey, it seems like you haven't done your nails for millennia, I can smell the fungus.... HIHAHAHAHA" I spoke in the face of imminent death and in a voice that wasn't mine.

'It's like I always say, die with a smile on your face, except one that the devil made cry'


And then...



Thanks for reading!

I hope you had as much fun and excitement as I did.

Hey guys, it's Recyou/Ainzuro, this is my first work for those who are reading when I've already released another one, there will be plenty of flaws and holes, it will be an experience, I will improve with each chapter trying to always deliver an improvement.

Thank you in advance for your patience and enjoy the reading.

Ainzurucreators' thoughts