
This time I'll keep my promise

Pokemon and Interdimensional Monsters? Follow the journey of Dante, a survivor of a world already in ashes who is chosen to face a Multiversal threat. This story follows a mentally unstable man who tries at all costs to fulfill a promise he made to his dead wife: Survive. He must become the strongest to do so.

Ainzuru · Urban
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4 Chs

In The Jungle - Part 1

Day 1

It was daylight as I fell from the sky, after crossing Zacharias' portal, expecting to encounter anything but a free fall from the stratosphere.

A crushing pressure prevented me from remaining conscious for long, but I could see the surrounding space for brief intervals between fainting spells.

First a forest and along a green plain with a house that was very familiar to me, looking down after a few blackouts, a temple in the middle of a dense forest, a few miles ahead there's the same house I saw and even further away another forest.

"Ok, got to remember this"

At what seemed like 50 meters off the ground, the pressure eased and my consciousness stabilized, my soul was indeed heading for the temple in the middle of the forest, without a choice I fell down believing that the angel who sent me here wouldn't be an idiot to crumple me to the ground for no reason, of course, with a flea behind my ear telling me that the opposite could also be true.

Just a few meters from the ground, beyond the thick foliage of the trees, I saw... a body? My body, from when I was still 16!

I still remember it as if it were yesterday, 5'10", long hair and not a hair on my face, my body was normal, nothing to be ashamed of by the standards of the old world, seeing it like that brought back a lot of memories.


A great sound echoed through the forest followed by a great beam of light, unaware that something had been awakened by the light emanating from my now new body.

"Ouch, damn, man, if he is an Angel why not leave me directly in the body? I had to stay in free fall for who knows how long hahaha, I was like a guided missile". I pondered as I laughed at the comical and bizarre situation I'd been through.

"This body is brand new! How I've missed that unlocked spine, those legs that can't samba with so much flexibility, everything is still in the same place, exactly as it was before hahaha.... Thank goodness he has good taste, leather overcoat, tactical pants for camping, tank top, high boots and my sunglasses, thanks Zaca, I was worried you wouldn't send them since I didn't tell you hahaha". I smiled with joy in my heart at the opportunity to experience youth again.

"And now I'm without that damn tattoo... you did it on purpose, didn't you?" I said indignantly, looking up at the sky, one of the only mistakes of my adolescence, the tattoo of a Pokemon I got on my stomach, luckily in this life only I will know about it and even then it was enough to kill all the serotonin that was spreading through my body.


After adjusting to my old body for a brief moment, I started looking for the backpack that Zacharias had given me as a present, which didn't take long as it was resting on a column near where my body was lying.

"First let me see where that is... huuummm" I muttered as I searched for the item in the bag.

"A.. I found it, my God, it's amazing, a real Pokedex, I remember as if it were yesterday the first time I played and the first time I was handed the Pokedex, the inevitable urge to want to capture EVERY POKEMON.... aaahh" without realizing it tears leaked from my eyes for the childhood that had already been forgotten by the sands of time, obviously I don't plan to do something as absurd as capturing 151 or more Pokemon, I don't have time for that, I must prepare for something much bigger and for that I will need quality and not quantity.

".... Enough of that, I have to focus now, the forest is a dangerous place at night and I remember that not all Pokemon are friendly with Humans or even their own kind."

After pulling myself together, I put the Pokedex in my pants pocket and continued searching.

In the bag was a month's worth of food and six poke-balls.

"Look at this, I can't help but be fascinated... strange, I imagined it a bit bigger... AH RIGHT, in the cartoon I saw they had this function, I remember seeing it only in 2 episodes where they actually give the poke-ball a screen, otherwise they're all shown growing in frames in the animation during the battle, if I'm not mistaken you just press the button once and..." After a bit of exasperation for fear of breaking the Poke-Ball, I decided to press it, and to my surprise and happiness it was just like in the animation, the Ball increased exponentially in size to 1 palm.

"... Incredible hahaha, well, let me put this in its place." I put the balls in a pocket inside my jacket and continued rummaging around, now to check the food.

Inside there was all kinds of canned food and even some cup noodles, some strange fruit and suspicious meat but what was strangest was the space in the backpack, I admit the backpack was big but how could it hold so much food? It didn't make sense, it didn't seem like the space was infinite since the weight of the backpack was very proportional to the amount of food in it.

"Damn it Zaca, how am I going to carry this.... it's not like it's impossible since with my body in this state without training I can at least lift a few centimeters... maybe I should train for a while here, after all, with my body like this I don't think I'll get very far in this forest... even more so without a Pokemon".

Having decided on my next step, I decided to set up a basic shelter inside the temple I had fallen into, but to do so I had to check the area to make sure there were no dangerous Pokemon inside. Of course, I was already finding it strange that I hadn't seen or even heard a single Pokemon during my short stay here... almost as if Pokemon don't come near here.

[....] Some time later.

Facing the entrance to the temple, I was thinking with one hand on my chin and the other resting on my arm.

'.... Well, I'm in perfect condition to run in case something goes wrong, but I can't guarantee it... well, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, I'm already here so I may as well see everything else' Determined, I entered the temple, anxiety blocking my lungs and making my breathing unsteady, but I carried on, fear of the unknown can sometimes be possessive.

"Hello?" A loud echo rang out for a while, but nothing came out.

"W-Well, I guess there's nothing like I thought, the Pokemon barely get anywhere near here, obviously there wouldn't be any-" I was talking when in the distance, in one of the many corridors of the temple, a light came on and coming from the direction of the light... a massive shadow began to walk....It was huge, almost 7 meters tall... or even more... it walked towards me with slow but continuous steps, almost like a machine or something, slowly it walked.... Very slowly....Too slow.

".... Damn, that's why Suspense can't last long, it cuts the cheap.... aaaah, I'm sorry big guy but I don't have the patience for that kind of be-" as he walked towards the giant's shadow, he finished his long walk and what was revealed was... "Big?"

a small Pokemon with a fantastic height of 4'1 , it's body... seemed to be made of clay, with hints of light cyan blue and black filling other parts, resembling a chubby, healthy child, in various parts of its body, through what looked like cracks a green light emanated signaling Vitality.

"Gollet Go" said the Pokemon in a language that only they understood but that I was definitely familiar with.

"So you're a Pokemon, sorry for the intrusion, it's just that I ended up here by chance and I kind of need a place to stay for a while, do you mind?" After looking and seeing that the Pokemon understood me and was genuinely thinking about it, I relaxed as I realized that the conversation was possible, now free of tension I remembered the device in my pocket that would help me understand this little friend in front of me.

I took out the device and pointed it at the little one to see what he was talking about. A few moments later, a sound rang out and a robotic voice informed me:



Gollet, the Automaton Pokemon, it is said that this pokemon was created by ancient civilizations in order to protect Humans and Pokemon.

Ghost/Ground type


"Wow, Ghost-type huh? Curious, its color also seems a little different from the one shown in the Pokedex... it shouldn't be a big deal." While I was thinking about the mysterious source of energy emanating from its body.

"Go" After a long time, the Pokemon seemed to agree with the idea of letting me stay.

"Thanks a lot big guy! I swear you won't regret it hahaha" I smiled happily at the little automaton's kindness while petting its head almost by reflex.

"Go" said the Pokemon expressionlessly.

"Oh, sorry big guy, I got carried away hehehe, I'll get my backpack outside... somehow" I whispered the last part, thinking I wouldn't bother someone who had already accepted me into their home for helping with a problem of mine.

With a lot of effort, I slowly lifted my backpack, careful not to hurt my back and taking the opportunity to do a bit of exercise, unaware that a small automaton was watching me in the corner.

By the end of the afternoon I was already at the door of the temple, which although not very big, still had a lot of stairs, my arms and legs throbbing with pain, sweat flooding my clothes, after a lot of effort I finally made it.

"Aaaaarrg my muscles... ha cof.... God, how it hurts huf huf ah...." After some time stabilizing my breathing, a sound came from beside me.

"Go" The little automaton

"Hey big guy, what's up?" I asked, trying to take my mind off the pain.

"Go Gollet Go" said the Pokemon, his head showing signs of excitement.

"What? hahahaha did you like my resilience or something? you're not going to become my fan rigth? hahaha"

'Surely I'm already crazy, talking to a Pokemon that I clearly don't understand... hahaha... or do I? I don't even know anymore'.

"Gollet Go" he confirmed with his arms pointed at his backpack and then at himself.

"You want my permission to try? Go ahead." "Even if I didn't want to, I wouldn't have a chance of moving now.

Heading towards the backpack, the little automaton walked away in slow steps, after a few moments staring at what looked like a towering enemy... he stood up... with it almost half a meter off the ground, he let go, only to then strike the cutest strongman pose anyone could see.

"My God, Big guy, look how STRONG you are, I could barely lift my backpack and had to drag it, but you, less than half my size, were able to lift this wall? You must be a mutant of your kind, the strongest Gollet ever born hahahaha" I enlarged the story only to see that my compliments had caught his ears, leaving him blushing and happy.

"GOLLET" With a red face and his hands held high, the little man strained while what looked like air came out of his nostrils with an aura that emanated confidence.

'Now that I'm thinking about it... there are things that only happen in cartoons and the likes, they've been happening in front of me for a while... fuck that, compared to what I've seen in my world, this is like paradise...ha...ha...'

Apathetic for a brief moment, I decided to stop thinking and eat so as not to suffer from what can't be changed.

"Well, let's get to work, let's eat something, but first I need to make a fire and for that I need some dry branches, which luckily there are lots of out there." The good thing about living in the forest is that you learn all sorts of things to help, especially how to make a fire and a bed of leaves to spend the night in the open in case you get lost in the forest, which was quite common where I used to live.


After going out briefly to gather what I needed, I lit the fire with two sticks, some dry grass and a lot of patience. Luckily, a small automaton kept the century company, apart from a few moments when he went inside to check on something, most of the time he stayed by my side, watching.

"tsc tsc tsc" the sound of dry grass crackling, fire at last.


"VICTORY HAHAHAHAAHA.... enough, let me get this food before I fall hard on the ground"

Rummaging through my backpack I grabbed some instant noodles just to fill my stomach, only to discover an even worse surprise... I was out of water.

Lost for a moment, I looked away and decided to take a chance.

"Hey big guy, you wouldn't happen to know where there's water, would you?" Looking at the little guy, who had a confused look on his face, I started to give up on the idea of eating, let alone drinking water, but obviously this belief didn't last long.

"Go" nodded Gollet positively


"And can you take me there?"

"Go" nodded again, only this time he signaled him to follow.

Walking in the direction the little man always went, I curiously looked around the four corners of the large corridor, and at the end there was a light emanating from inside. A few steps later, but now facing the door, a sight shocked me: in the center of the temple there was a paradise, with a field full of flowers, and earth filling the ends of each pole, in the center there was a small lake with an island in the middle and a large tree. The most impressive thing of all was that in the center of the island there was a Pokemon and after a brief analysis I had already identified that it was probably the Gollet evolutionary track.



Golurk, the Automaton Pokemon.

Type: Ground/Ghost

Golurk is said to have been invented by ancient people to serve as a laborer and protector of people and Pokémon. It also served as sentries on artillery platforms built into the walls of ancient castles, where it could fire energy beams. Golurk will faithfully follow its master's orders without question.


"Almost the same except for the colors, I should have imagined it but it's still impressive, you mean you're going to be that big?" I asked Gollet, genuinely surprised.

"Go Go" replied the little man, full of excitement.

With a little success I approached the water and with a leaf that was next to it, after drinking a little and putting it in my cup noodles, I thanked the giant over 9 meters tall and went on to heat my food on the fire while still thinking.

'I really need to buy a bottle of water when I get to town.

Golurk watched me go, motionless, without showing any response or reaction, just... silence.

The night soon came and after eating, without realizing it, I fell asleep on a bed of leaves that I had set up on the floor of the temple next to the fire; that night everything was quiet and I was eager to start tomorrow.

Not knowing that I would never have a peaceful night's sleep again for a while, the thing is that that day marked me, it marked me in such deep ways that it may never heal...

That night I had the first of my nightmares, nightmares that wouldn't stop, from that night on even my dreams wouldn't be safe.


Thank you, I hope you enjoyed reading it and I'll see you in Part 2, coming soon.


I have no rights to the Pokémon universe or any of its creatures, this is merely a fictional work.