
My New Ability

'Ok then, so I guess I should start with... the ability option? Yea, considering it is flashing a red dot, it's probably important. Open ability.'

Thinking this in his head, Lorren thought the word and opened the ability section. Inside, he found that the rest of the screen was blurred with a single message visible.

[Ding! Would you like to open the Starter Package? Y/N]

'Hmmm... considering it's in the ability section, the package probably includes an ability, right? Let's see how this works. Yes, open the package.'

[Ding! Starter Package opened]

[Ding! Host has obtained three rewards: 1x Ability Coupon, 1x Evolving Modifier Coupon, 2x Attribute Addition Coupons.]

[Ding! 'Ability' Tab fully unlocked!]

'Wow. Ok, that's a lot. Let's see here...'

Taking some time to collect his thoughts, Lorren began to go over the descriptions of each type of coupon. As he read on, he was both surprised and ecstatic.

[Ability Coupon: Allows Host to create a low-grade ability with a single attribute.]

[Evolving Modifier Coupon: Allows Host to add the modifier 'Evolving' to an ability, which gives the ability a way to reach higher ranks through repeated use.]

[Attribute Addition Coupon: Allows Host to add two attributes to an ability.]

'Hmmm... I understand what the 'Evolving' modifier is, but what are attributes? Eh, I guess the best way to find out is to create my first ability and use the free single attribute.'

Finishing that thought, Lorren activates the coupon. After its activation, he's met with a screen that has multiple options, with a place for the name of the ability as well as one for the attributes. Digging into the descriptions of each thing, he finds all the information he needs. Attributes are the passive or active skills an ability has. For example, an ability that was able to conjure fire using mana would have an attribute, or skill, such as fireballs, flame walls, etc. Modifiers, on the other hand, directly influence a skill and its limits. For example, the 'Evolving' modifier would allow a skill to get stronger with repeated usage. Meanwhile, the modifier 'Low-Grade Ability' would limit the user's maximum mana, rate of mana regeneration, and the power of each attribute.

Taking his focus off of the descriptions, he continues downward until he finds a section that says done or cancel. However, he finds no limits on the possible abilities or attributes he can have. Could he even have the ability to control the universe?!

Unfortunately, the system actually DOES have restrictions. Wow, who could have figured?

[Ding! Host, the System feels that you have become too unrealistic. Abilities are normally made with Variable Points, or VP. VP is gained from completing quests or otherwise doing something to further the main story. Check your Quests/Storyline Tab for more information. Low-Grade abilities are limited to using anywhere from 1-9,999 VP. When using a coupon, the system will check the ability. Depending on several factors like complexity, restrictions, and realism to calculate cost. That means that an ability that is simple, has many restrictions, and is realistic (according to this world's version of realistic) will be far cheaper than a complex, unrealistic ability with no restrictions. Attributes work the same way, but also have the added restriction of needing to be connected to the ability. That is to say, if you have an ability that creates fire, you can't have an attribute that allows you to teleport unless you can somehow connect them.]

'Oh well, it was worth a shot. Alright then, if I'm gonna have an ability it should be something I'm good at. Something that really connects to me... Hey wait, I was pretty good in IT if I do say so myself, and machines and computers are pretty cool...'

Going back up, he began to create his Ability.


'Alright then, that should be it.'

Lorren had finished creating his ability, along with the three attributes he got from using the free one that came with the Ability Coupon and the two that came from the Attribute Addition Coupons. He also used his Evolving Modifier Coupon on it. The skill came out like this.

[Skill Name: Machinery Master

Modifiers: Low-Grade Ability, Evolving


-Dexterous: Your hands are quick and flexible, giving you the perk of being able to assemble and disassemble machines quickly. Only applies to disassembling or assembling an object.

-Tech Affinity: You have an affinity for technology, and whether it's machines or computers, you instinctively know how to use and improve them.

-Mana Integration: By injecting mana into an object, create a temporary or permanent mana circuit that enhances every aspect of the object. Especially effective on machines. Limited to use on objects you created, requires a large amount of mana to activate.

Restrictions: Using any of Machinery Master's attributes causes backlash depending on the attribute and length of usage. Backlash ranges from headaches to blackouts from sever pain.]

'Hmmm. The restriction is a bit harsher than I had intended, and dexterous is only usable on machines, but it seems fine overall.'

Just like the system had said, it automatically configured his ability and its attributes to fit under the 9,999 VP usage limit from the coupons.

'Now that this is done, maybe I should go check out the Quests tab. It seemed pretty important.'

Quickly exiting the Ability tab, he headed over to the Quests/Storyline Tab to take a look.