
This Passion | Taekook

In which Taehyung falls for a boy with an alluringly dangerous secret.

april_jay · Realistic
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4 Chs

Chapter | Two

Gulping down the last bit of his water, Taehyung breathed in the fresh air, loving that the weather was now warmer. After lunch, Taehyung had been experiencing something he tried to avoid at all costs.


The three days of rest that he lost, was catching up to him, and he found himself droopy-eyed and dehydrated.

He skipped his chemistry class, not caring that he might get in trouble for skipping two hours worth of class.

He was too tired to care.

Besides, sitting on the bleachers was way more quiet and relaxing.

Taehyung sighed and pulled his tie, letting it loosen a bit since he felt so choked up. He closed his eyes and relaxed, his mind suddenly traveling back to lunch time when Hoseok told him more about the mysterious family that had been clouding his mind.

The Jeons.

Earlier that afternoon, after Taehyung's breath was almost knocked out of his lungs when he saw, Jeon Jungkook, Hoseok decided to enlighten Taehyung with more information about the Jeons.

"So, Yoongi, Lisa, Jennie, Jin and Jungkook all transferred two years ago. Yoongi's still exactly the same as he was back then, sleepy. Lisa has always been a very chill person, acts like a lesbian, but just like her fam over there, she still hasn't dated anybody." said Hoseok in one breath, and Taehyung swore he saw the boy inhale like his life depended on it -maybe it did.

Then, the redhead continued as he sipped his banana milk, "Jennie dearest over there, is the social one. She actually talks to people other than them. She's smart and just a social butterfly, just like Jin over there. But the only different thing with Jin is...he's actually in a relationship with...Namjoon."

Hoseok said that last sentence a bit softly, a nosy aura just floating around him as he furiously sipped his banana milk.

While on the other hand, Taehyung was completely confused.

"B-But wait- aren't they all in the same family? Isn't that a little weird?" he asked as he rested his face in his palm, his exhaustion slowly taking over.

"Well yeah, but they're all adopted. They aren't technically related." said Hoseok as he finally gave the poor banana milk box a rest.

"Namjoon just transferred last year, and he and Jin became official soon after. Namjoon's actually the strangest one in that family. He's just more reserved and it freaks me the hell out," said Hoseok as he furiously shook his head, his red locks flowing effortlessly with that action.

He ran a hand through his red locks and gave a small smirk to Taehyung, knowing that the boy was probably waiting for him to finally talk about the one Jeon that really catches everyone's attention.

"Oh, and little Jungkookie over there..." began Hoseok, adding a small pause just to tease the already tired younger.

Taehyung sighed and narrowed his gaze.

"Oh please, there's nothing tiny about him." said Taehyung flatly and Hoseok almost snorted up the last bit of banana milk in his mouth.

"Oh my word, Taehyung! Why did you check out his dick!?"

And with that Taehyung immediately wanted to die of embarrassment, because he actually blushed at Hoseok's dumb comment.

"W-What the f- No! I did not look there," whisper-yelled Taehyung, trying to let the furious blush on his pale cheeks disappear.

He just wanted to kill someone in that moment, and that someone was sitting across him, laughing his ass off.

When Hoseok finally came down from his laughing high, he caught his breath and smiled faintly.

"So, Jungkook is like a prince charming mixed with a badboy. He's quiet, smart, hot and totally ripped - gym class can prove that - but he's just as antisocial as his family. Their parents are pretty chill people, but as you can see, it really doesn't run in the family. But good looks sure do," said Hoseok with a small smile, emphasizing the sympathetic look that he sported.

And with that, they were left in a comfortable silence as Taehyung stole on last glance at Jungkook, tracing every feature of his handsome face until it was imprinted in his brain.

Taehyung narrowed his gaze when he reminisced on the moment. And the fact that the raven-haired boy was now constantly clouding his mind, made him want to know everything about him.

There was just something under Jungkook's tough and reserved exterior that made Taehyung want to know so much more about him.

There were so many things running in his mind, Taehyung had to release a heavy sigh when he heard the bell ring.

Deciding that it would probably be for the best not to skip another class, Taehyung got up from the bleachers and made his way back to the school building.


Taehyung almost growled in annoyance when he felt the cold air of the building brush against his milky skin.

He adjusted his clothes and hissed. The air conditioning was way too low.

The hallways was way too crowded for his taste and Taehyung had to force himself through every crowd, until he made it to the stairs. He ran up them quickly, hating that his legs just wanted to give up on him.

When he finally made it to the classroom door, Taehyung found himself hesitant to open the door. He wasn't particularly nervous, he was just not in the mood for all the stares he got when he entered a classroom.

He gets that he's new, but girls don't have to drool and gossip over him every chance they get.

Taking in a sharp breath, Taehyung let his hand slip around the doorknob, turning it and entering the classroom, only to receive - as expected - unwelcoming stares from some of the students.

He sighed and stepped forward, closing the door and running a hand through his dark locks.

"Taehyung?" asked the teacher bluntly as he didn't even bother to glance away from the board he was currently scribbling on.

Taehyung nodded just as bluntly, receiving a few giggles from the overly peppy girls that he didn't have the strength for at that moment. Or any moment, in fact.

The teacher took in a short breath and turned to Taehyung, who was staring at the floor as tiredness almost completely consumed him.

The man cleared his throat and caused Taehyung to slowly raise his head.

"Go. Take the seat next to Mr. Jeon. He'll give you the notes that you missed out, while you were taking your own sweet time to get here," said the teacher, causing Taehyung to scowl lowly, only to have it replaced with a paled expression when he heard a specific surname.


His breath hitched in his throat and he almost coughed aloud. Attempting to let his heartbeat slow, Taehyung let his head slowly turn to the side, only to almost yelp when he saw Jeon Jungkook sit in the front row, in a two-person seat by the window.

His expression dull and blank as he focused on nothing, the shallow breaths escaping his lips being the only thing that he seemed to focus on.

Taehyung swallowed the enormous lump in his throat, composing himself, and uttering a small 'okay' as he made his way to the seat.

Everything seemed to move so slowly.

Taehyung couldn't even comprehend the feelings that he had in that exact moment.

He felt anxious, nervous, shy, but most of all, he felt intimidated.

Very intimidated.

Who wouldn't?

Jeon Jungkook was going to be his desk mate in math class, for the entire year! And the fact that he didn't even spare Taehyung a glance, didn't ease any of Taehyung's nerves.

Taehyung steadied his breaths, letting them come out shallow and soft as he took his seat. He gulped once again, not noticing how Jungkook twitched at that action.

Taehyung hesitantly glanced to the side, only to let an involuntary pout crawl to his lips when he saw that Jungkook didn't even look at him once.

The latter's cold gaze was focused on nothing as Taehyung stole subtle glances at him.

Taehyung glanced down at the paper that was in front of Jungkook, and he noticed that there weren't any notes on it.

How was he going to get the math notes he missed out? If he slips up in math, his mother was going to kill him.

Taehyung let out a soft sigh and rested his face in his palm as he glanced down, the ground seeming to be the most interesting thing at that moment.

Being the persistent boy he was, Taehyung glanced Jungkook's way again, only to almost gasp when he saw Jungkook slide a paper to him.

The notes were on the paper.

"Wha- how did you..." Taehyung muttered, but Jungkook didn't even look at him, even less listened to him.

Taehyung when blank for a moment, but copied the paper's notes soon after.

When he was finally done, he breathed a sigh of relief, not noticing how Jungkook visibly twitched at the action.

Taehyung took one last glance at the other, only to almost yelp when Jungkook was giving him a strong glare. His eyes holding nothing but irritation and annoyance, which made Taehyung visibly shiver.

Feeling uncomfortable, Taehyung looked away and much to his relief, the bell rang, and it was time to go home.

He sighed but choked out a gasp when Jungkook jumped out of his seat and made his way out of the classroom, hurriedly.

Taehyung looked down and gulped.

It was really intense sitting next to Jungkook for an entire half hour.


Walking down the hall, Taehyung felt his exhaustion take over. He slowly made his way down the hall, rubbing his eyes cutely with every step, trying to stay awake.

He almost tripped on his own feet, only to yelp when his face collided with his chemistry teachers chest.

His teacher looked down on him and scowled.

"S-Sorry sir..." mumbled Taehyung in a panicked voice.

"Since you're here, go to the office and get yourself a new chemistry book, Mr. Kim. I will see you on Monday morning, good day." said his teacher in a stern voice as he made his way down the hall, not giving Taehyung a chance to reply.

Taehyung licked his lips and looked down, fumbling with his shirt.

"Fuck, I'm so tired..." he mumbled to himself.

Taehyung made his way to the office, slowly but surely. When he finally arrived he had to freeze on the spot, because he saw the familiar muscular frame of no one other than, Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook was leaning over the receptionist's counter, and he was conversing with her intensely.

Taehyung decided to eavesdrop, being as quiet and still as he can, as he hid behind a strangely large plant.

"Are you sure that there isn't another math class available?" asked Jungkook with an irritated voice, his brows furrowing and his lips curving into a thin line.

The receptionist shook her head and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry. But...may I ask what the problem is with your current class?"

Taehyung felt his heart stop. Was he the reason? It couldn't be him, right? He did nothing wrong.

Feeling his heart beat way too fast, Taehyung crouched down and ran a hand through his brownish locks, letting them fall over his forehead effortlessly. He sighed, feeling his exhaustion try to take over again.

Four days without sleep really caught up on him.

Soon enough Taehyung rubbed his eyes and averted his gaze back to Jungkook, who was standing with his hands in his pockets, his head down and his overgrown locks hanging on the sides of his face almost hiding his eyes.

"My desk partner."

And there it was.

Jungkook's answer.

And Taehyung could literally feel his entire world crumble down. He stood up, letting his lips fall agape and his heartbeat ease.

Was he really that much of a nuisance to Jungkook?

Taehyung clicked his tongue, only to almost gasp when Jungkook turned around and saw him standing beside the plant.

Jungkook had a familiar scowl on his face, and Taehyung almost shivered.

"I'm sorry, there isn't another class..." said the receptionist'.

Jungkook clicked his tongue and Taehyung flinched. He backed away when Jungkook picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

Jungkook made his way towards Taehyung and it caused the brown-haired boy to feel a familiar rush of shyness mixed with nervousness.

He backed away until his back hit the glass door of the office, narrowing his eyes when Jungkook stopped in front of him, the little space between them becoming smaller and smaller.

Taehyung licked his chapped lips and looked up, almost cowering away when Jungkook's intense gaze just intensified. His black eyes felt like endless pools of darkness, confusion and sadness, and Taehyung had no idea why he just wanted to stare into them all day.

Jungkook scoffed.

"Fine then. I'll just have to endure it, for as long as I can," he said with an annoyed expression, his voice laced with venom and his gaze growing more intense by the second.

Taehyung almost whimpered in fear, much to his embarrassment.

Jungkook tore away from him and roughly pushed his way passed him, not even bothering to give Taehyung one last glance.

Taehyung's breathing quickened and his head started to hurt. His eyes felt heavy and his body too. He wanted to walk but he was frozen in place. He gasped when he couldn't even move a muscle. His body ached and everything started to hurt.

He felt like he was dying, the pain becoming more unbearable by the minute.

The next thing he knew, the world went sideways and his body felt the hard and rough impact of the tiled floor.

Obviously, he fainted.

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