
I am an otaku

Hey! hello there, this is me!..oh I think I should introduce first.

I am a fallen angel who has lost the ability to fly high up in the sky and fallen in the depths of the electrical ocean. My greatest taboo resides in a place where people gather to haunt me and to kill me that is the church named as school. I don't eat nor drink too often. The fear of the priestess of the churches haunts me. And at last I'll say that although I am pretty inocent, don't forget that the devil was once an angel. As long as the twin stars watch me I shall have my way.


hello there I am a middle school girl who has lost the freedom of goofing around during holidays and school is to blame for that. During my time I get bored I surf the internet and find myself a suitable anime or manga. I get engrossed in them so much, half of the time I forget to feed myself.I don't like going to school. The teachers there are always ready to lecture me. And ya although I am perfectly cool at outside, I have got a devil's mind. Can't help it , I love making my way out by all means possible, yeah but the are obviously legal. I am a gemini , see? even my zodiac tells me to be a bit devilish. what about you ?

Ahhhh....no need to rush for answers now.

well....just for extra info, although this Otaku is suffering from chunnibyou, I can...you know....curse people?