
Vigilant Myst (Archived)

Cyberpunk-Based This is a story about a mercenary who has no understanding of how he ended up in the dumpsters, with a little help and guidance by his mercenary friends, Mayne and Bolt. This mercenary has no purpose neither no mission relating to understanding his past. All that matters is that he makes a name for himself in the futuristic city of Nomalan. Throughout his life, he makes allies, makes enemies and pisses off the higher ups with what he does. Actions that oddly sound familiar to a former vigilante. This story takes place in the UNDERDOGS universe.

MrRejex · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

The Corrupted River

Ted left Mayne and Bolt to rest, he sat down on the front table, "Would you like anything?" Ted shook his head, "No thanks, and besides, I owe you a buttload of cash." The bartender didn't mind giving Ted a drink for free but Ted still refused, "I'm not a drinker, unlike my friends." Ted got a call from Rexx, "Ted, do you have a minute?" Ted asked what she needed from him, "It's… a matter that I can't talk on the phone, please?" Ted said that he didn't mind and mentioned the Psycho in Nueline and sent the coordinates to her, "I'll send someone to pick him up and thank you, Ted… You don't how much this is important to me, meet me in the WurstMuck market." She hung up and Ted exit the bar, as he exits the bar, he receives another call but it was from Melanie. "Hey, Ted!" Melanie's voice sounded trembling, "What's up Melanie?" Melanie asked if he could meet her at the cafe, "Sure, I'll be there." Ted could hear a sigh of relief in Melanie's voice, "Thanks, Ted… I should be getting back to work… I'll wait for you then." Melanie hung up while Ted went to speak to Rexx, the ACI-D car offered to take Ted to WurstMuck, but Ted refused, saying that he didn't mind walking to WurstMuck, "But what you do not realize is that the whole of Normalan is incredibly large as it is a combination of four districts." Ted looked at the map and realized that the car wasn't lying, he agreed and entered the car. He looked out in the window and couldn't help but admire the view, "I've been distracted with so many things that I didn't take the time to admire the view."

"In Normalan, you'd never be the same after your huge debut." Ted started to ask the car what it was, "I do not understand what you are referring to." Ted asked why it acts differently from the other cars that he had seen. "Well that's easy, It's because…" the car had trouble answering Ted's question and only answered, "I don't… know." This surprised both the car and Ted as they both believed that ACI-D was heavily advanced and had the solution to everything. "It's best if we get you to WurstMuck stat." The car drove faster and after another 12-minute drive, they arrived at the WurstMuck market where Ted saw Rexx waiting, he was about exit the car but it stopped him, telling him not to talk about their earlier conversation. Ted understood and exit the car, he met up with Rexx who was fighting.

"Hey… thanks for coming." Ted responded, "No problem, so what's the problem?" Rexx showed several suicides occurring in the past two weeks. "It's been happening all around Normalan, and I'm worried about a particular person… My niece, I'm worried she might be next and… I find these." Rexx handed Ted a small piece of paper that has a single letter, the one Rexx had was 'N' with a small x on the bottom. "Something isn't right and intend on finding and stopping this… cruel activity… Unfortunately, my team refused to help and that's why…" she looks at Ted with desperation, "If you want me to help, then I'm in…" Rexx sighed with relief. "Thank you, Ted, I'm glad that I know someone willing to stop this... Okay, first, I need you to talk to my niece... She'll be working in the cafe, close to Junstrek." Ted entered Rexx's car and they both made their way to Junstrek.

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