
This life sucks!

hey there ! what's a million or billion dollar niggas life all about ! wanna know then come in the journey of pride and failures , grace and disgrace , love and hatred, joy and sadness !

Before leaping forward on how wonderful a life would be of a billionaire , I wanna take you to journey of a common man!

there's a boy named akashi , he lived in middle class family , just studying to get a job , preparing for the defence services , had no list of close friends and the very much needed girlfriend! he was stuck in the journey of the 1000 miles called life and says all the time in regret of what he was doing that this life sucks. After all he in result got nothing though he worked very hard , and ain't willing to survive in this world anymore ! he faced much and whatever the people were throwing on him as taunts and finally he decides to do something out of the box . As he was so unfamiliar with the market since his family made him so restricted to it. Now he has to face the real world outside the well. he decides to do business which may grow from a scratch to a million or a billion in future years . He got no chill when he thought of the life he would enjoy after being a billionaire , big mansions , luxurious cars and sassy girls , money all around . Wait what ? He starts a business by writing books on the topics he suffered and went through , he did publish his books on the internet and by the completion of his 100 th book he became the bestseller and got a billion dollar cheque and he throws a great enticing smile to all those in race to become billionaire!

hey peeps never do dreams fall they always build you , so never stop trying and stop saying " this life sucks "!