
Two Empty Eyes 

Perched on Rita's shoulder, Nivalis busily played a game on her phone. Between rounds, she snarked in Rita's mind: "I'm embarrassed for you." 

Rita sighed in relief. "Well, if you're embarrassed on my behalf, then I'm off the hook." 

Nivalis twisted her expression in mock frustration. "Last time we went back to Dragon Island, North Year told me privately that I've changed. He said I've become someone he doesn't recognize. I defended you, told him it was because I've grown up and matured. Didn't snitch on you." 

"…Thanks," Rita muttered. 

Nivalis put down her phone, letting the little character on the screen bleed out in a pool of red. "Should've snitched. North Year beat me up anyway and said I was possessed by a demon." 

Rita silently pulled out a bubble tea she'd picked up on the way, stuck a straw in it, and handed it to Nivalis. "Drink. For the love of God, stop talking." 

Welcome Party, Awkward Seating