
This Life, Dedicated to You

[ON HIATUS UNTIL 2025) My dear, lying dead underneath my feet. The one who gave my meaningless life meaning. People called you the devil, a horrid beast. If you are the devil, then I will throw away my humanity. If you are in this world, my love, then I don't care who is in my way, who you are, or who tries to dissuade me. I will find you, and I’ll lay the body of your enemies at your feet as people cry out your name in reverence. --- After a deal with a dark entity, Callisto transmigrates into a world of an otome game she saw in her first life with one goal in mind: Kill the god of the world Lux, and live happily with her love. Unfortunately, she ends up in the body of the villainess, Cordelia Azel, who is hated by everyone for her cruelty. But for Callisto, who walks a path towards destruction, all she needs to do is avoid death, long enough to complete the end of her deal. As she tries to live a life clearing up Cordelia's mistakes though, the love interests keep trying to get close to her? How bothersome...

AbyssalVox · History
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30 Chs

The Conception

'Breaking News! Leaks of Fraud within the Church Just Days Before New Saintess' Coronation'

The white-haired noble smiled, folding the newspaper and setting it down on the tea table as she motioned to a maid to bring some more hibiscus tea. She would allow herself a small reward for the victory. But it wasn't over yet, not even close. They hadn't even felt a fraction of her wrath.

Especially when half of the orphans haven't been found. The thought of finding their dead bodies made Callisto sick to her stomach, but not knowing what happened to them made her feel even worse. And she didn't even have the power to investigate the nobles that she suspected were buyers.

"Lady Callisto! A letter has arrived for you from Prince Nox!" Annette stumbled out onto the balcony where she was, seemingly excited about her master's letter.

A letter informing--not asking--her that Nox would be coming the following day for matters regarding the investigation. This was a perfect time to request an engagement annulment. Maybe if she was cooperative, he would sign the papers without a struggle.

Until tomorrow, she would finally get around to reading that odd book that she had taken from underneath the Church of Lux.

[The Truth of the Conception:

Written By: ******** *****

We have all heard about the glorious start of our world: With just a snap of his fingers and a mere thought, Lux created life and the world instantly.

However, when creating mankind, he gave us too much freedom to live our lives, causing evil and death to be introduced to our world. Now, it's up to us to return to his light, so that we may live eternally without hardship.

Yet, traces of ancient remnants left around the world prove otherwise to these claims. From a time before mankind, signs of darkness and destruction can be found, and ancient people seemed to have knowledge of a different god, one who walked among men for some time before suddenly disappearing.

Known in historical circles as 'Relics', these fragments of a mysterious god imply an alternate version. A version much bloodier than the one we are taught.

It's a history of a bloody battle, of a time when gods fought for control of the world, and for the future of humanity. Who can say what our world would be like if the other god had won?

And who's to say that the 'good' god won?


The rest of the script was mostly illegible, eaten away by years of exposure to mold and bugs below the surface.

The only other useful pieces of information were the descriptions and alleged locations of the 'Relics', which were highlighted in red by the previous owner.

That wasn't a very good sign for Callisto to easily get the items, but it was a lead nonetheless.

Of course, the capital was in a whirlwind following the news of alleged crime happening within the sanctity of religion.

Callisto hadn't seen Ethyl since she ditched the carriage ride, but she hoped it wasn't going well for her. After all, Lux's name had finally been smeared.

The only loss was that she wasn't able to find the orb. And the saintess' unfortunate death.

Callisto's eyes drifted to the bed of forget-me-nots, the sea of blue the same color as the eyes of the woman buried in the center, a marble tombstone that said:

'May Your Next Life Be Unburdened'

Callisto didn't like flowers, but to honor a fallen comrade, she didn't mind it. It was a reminder, to not forget her goal and to create a promise.

A promise that the next person who died in front of her would be one that she would not feel bad for, nor one she would bury. And it would be a person who died by her own hands.


Nox showed up the next day, just as he said he would. Callisto had the unfortunate idea of telling her maids beforehand, resulting in a several-hour-long preparation session of makeup, clothes, skin prep, and so on.

When they finally finished, Callisto felt like she had scrubbed into a different person.

Her hair was put into a beautifully intricate bun, some of the curls falling out of the updo in a coordinated fashion to frame her face nicely. The red tea gown fluttered lightly as she walked over and took a seat across from the prince. The color highlighted her beauty, and her makeup had been done to resemble a youthful spring beauty, opposite to what she felt inside.

The subtle smile Nox had when talking to the servants disappeared as soon as he caught sight of Callisto, his face scrunched up to an inscrutable expression, then reverting back to a business expression.

He took a bite of a chocolate biscuit and drank some tea, all while Callisto waited for him to say something, arms folded loosely across her chest.

"You look nice." He said finally.

"What do you want?"

"Straight to the point, I see. Well, I'm sure you have heard about what's been happening at the temple."

"Of course, I was there."

"Yes, you were… Quite the coincidence." He took another sip of the tea, and let the veiled accusation set into the air. Callisto's hands curled into tight fists, though not even a single strand of hair shifted from her face.

"If you came all the way here just to accuse me of the church's fraud-"

"Alleged fraud."

"You can't be serious."

"There's no evidence as of now."

"Oh, so the mysterious disappearance of all the orphans and unexplained spending?"

"It's all testimony and leads, there's no actual evidence that shows that the Church was involved personally. Maybe members of the church, but the investigation has just begun."

"Have you tried the-" Callisto bit her tongue. No one should know that she was sneaking around where she wasn't supposed to, least of all Nox. He'd probably take any opportunity to throw her in jail. Instead, she switched topics.

"Why are you telling me about this? I don't have anything to do with the church."

Nox hesitated for the first time she had seen, and it looked like he was resigned as he spoke again.

"There's a need for someone who is sensitive to magic to be on the scene, but due to political reasons, we can't ask for anyone from the Mage Tower, so the only person left is…"

He trailed off, as if it was hard for him to admit what he needed. It was lucky for him that Callisto didn't see any point in dragging a situation just to see him suffer.

"Are you… asking me for a favor?"

Callisto could see the tips of his ears turn red among the mass of blue hair, and he bowed his head.

"We…I…need your help. Even if we have our differences regarding the investigation, it can't continue without you."

The way Nox talked to her felt particularly belittling, but she couldn't let this opportunity slip away. She gave a sanctimonious smile, one that hid her true intentions as she reached a hand of grace to the idiot crown prince.

"Well, if you put it like that, how could I say no?"

Her eyes glittered with excitement.

"Of course, I have a few requests myself..."

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