


Jeremy picked her up and they went to the theme park. He had always wanted to go with her and having that happening now, he just couldn't explain how happy he was. He just want to ride on everything with her, he was just acting like a schoolboy, he remembered during their time in school and it made him feel as if they were back to that time.

/"You are not a baby, hope you know that,/" Trixie told him and he laughed.

/"One doesn't have to be a baby to have fun right?/" He wondered and she shook her head unbelievably at him.

/"Well, I will like to sit down now. I'm tired,/" she replied and he nodded before dragging her to a table.

He pulled out a seat for her and she sat down, /"what will you like to have?/"

/"I will say...ice cream?/" she raised an eyebrow with a small smile playing on her lips.

Jeremy shrugged, /"just this time. We don't want excess sugar in your body./"