
Collision Ⅱ

A young woman with warm golden hair, sun-kissed lips and rosy cheeks smiles brightly at a group of young men and women. She was like a cute animal that made others want to be protective of her. The group looks familiar as Izo recognizes the figures from the memory spell. The girl is Mary, a "commoner" student, (a normal human being from a normal background), admitted into Summerfield Conservatory. The rest of the group members are former schoolmates or acquaintances.

The Izo of this Earth was viciously jealous of Mary, because Mary had gained the attention of Alexander. Though Alexander and Izo had grown up together, Alexander had never considered Izo more than an acquaintance. Izo turns to leave, when the sweet voice of Mary says, "Miss Lee, is that you? I thought-."

Izo stiffens and turns around to face the startled crowd. "You have the wrong person," she solemnly replied.

Alexander, though handsome with his golden hair and blue eyes, the icy look on his face utter ruined his looks in Izo's eyes. Alexander's dreamy looks would be of no use against Izo as he reminded her too much of Ryo and that cursed person. Handsome men were far more trouble than they were worth. She would much prefer a chubby guy who shared her love for food.

The crowd looks confused as Mary tilts her face in confusion. That arrogant face was identical, but unlike Miss Lee's face, there was no emotion in those dark eyes. Rather there was a sense of detachment as though watching a bug crawl by.

None of the group deems a response in time as the tall, all too slender woman disappears among the shelves and out of sight. The group erupts into whispers as Mary gapes in astonishment. If it had been Miss Lee, she would have haughtily insulted Mary, before raising her nose into the air and stomping away. The person before them was all too different.

Yes, it surely must be someone else. After all, it is rumored that there is a doppelganger for every person in existence. Firm in their belief, they all forget the incident as they return to enjoying their afternoon in good company.


"His hand tears her drawers away reaching for her inner thigh," a woman's voice reads over her shoulder causing Dolores to hastily snap the book shut. Izo smirks and says, "Now, now Dolores, one must always remain watchful."

Dolores fans the blush on her face and says, "Miss, you gave me a fright!"

Izo doesn't respond as she leads the way out. On the way back home, Izo points to the two massive buildings opposite of each other. Dolores says, "Miss, do you need something done at the Adventure's Guild or the Hero's Formal Association?"

"Just curious, what's the difference?" Izo said rather absentmindedly asked.

"Miss, surely you're jesting. I find it hard to believe you don't remember," Dolores disbelievingly said.

"Indulge me," Izo pointedly said.

"Very well, Miss. The Hero's Formal Association are heroes protecting the cities from monsters and criminals. The Adventure's Guild can fill similar positions on a request basis and are always paid upfront. Their primary job is discovering new dungeons or raiding them," Dolores swiftly said expecting more questions, but none ever came.

The two women arrive at the condo as Dolores hangs her purse up, whilst Izo sprawls on the couch and reads a comic book. Her feet kick back and forth in the air as she reads. Dolores begins to cook as Izo from the couch says, "Dolores, do I need anything to register at the Adventure's Guild?"

Dolores chokes almost cutting off her hand as the knife missed her fingers by a hair length. Dolores takes a deep breath and mumbles a few choice words before coming for air. "Miss, is this a joke? Are you just trying to pull this old lady's chain? Well, you have succeeded, I almost chopped my hand off just now!" Dolores crossly shrieked.

Izo turns a page of her comic book and mumbles, "Like I was saying, do I need anything?"

Dolores looks at the ceiling as pleading for aid from the heavens. Taking a deep breath, she begins to most violently chop the vegetables to make potato stew. "A form of identification, $175 guild registration fee and to pass a classification rank exam," Dolores sternly said as she pauses for a moment, before hesitantly adding, "But Miss, you can't use magic, nor do you have any skills."

"Oh, I'm sure something will come up," Izo said confidently as she got to the good part and was about to discover how the locked door case is about to be solved. It was hilarious, how a brilliant detective had been turned into a little kid. At least the some of the same series of Earth existed in this world.

Dolores sighs in resignation and vents her frustration on the poor trembling vegetables meeting their doom.