
General Info

Important info:

Powers can evolve it happens rarely

As you have to top your previous best achievement.

Reasons Why:

You can usually top your previous best achievement with your superpower you get from it.

Power Ranking

Rarity: Unkown


Rarity: 1 in 1 billion

SSS: Powers had little to no limations.

Rarity: 1 in 100 million

SS: Powers have one limitation or more

Rarity: 1 in 1 million

S: Powers are either downgrade versions of the higher tier, or the power is less complex. Have 1 or more Limations.

Rarity: 1 in 100,000

A: Powers are even weaker versions or the power less complex. Has 1 limations, powers likely have 2 limits.

Rarity: 1 in 10,000

B: Power is simple or extremely weak versions of a stronger power.

Rarity: 1 in 1000

C: Powers are very simple, like weak super strength.

Rarity: 1 in 10,000

D: Powers are extremely weak, like telekinesis, that can't lift more than a pound. 

Rarity: 1 in 10 million

F:  Power is either useless or you have none.

Rarity: 1 in 100 million

F-: Powers are usless and detrimental to the user.

More Info: Reason's why power don't get more and more common at the end. Is that it's harder to get a worst greatest achievement then making the perfect milkshake. Powers rarely have a + or a -.

Strong powers can be in lower tiers if they have more restrictions. Usually happens when they don't have the best achievement, but it is related to something strong like gravity

The average stat for an adult is 10

Here's the stats







Ps: The Actual story will on 9/25.