
This is so cringy, don't fucking read it.


Leficioss · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 9

When Mobius was gone, the Demon Lord and the True Dragon from the sky came towards Dean.

Guy:"Who was that girl?"

Dean:"Well.. She suddenly came out of nowhere saying i killed her whole family."

Guy:"You must really did. Hahaha~"

Dean:"You know me right? I won't do anything unless someone did a thing to me first."

"...."Guy stayed silent for seconds and looked at Dean, Gut then thought about the innocent people this guy killed when he was on rampage, he opened his mouth and was about to say something but he closed it again. Because he understand that if he himself is the incarnation of Pride. Then this guy would the incarnation of Wrath and Anger and both of them is a big Sin. He admitted it but he wouldn't say it though.

"Velzard, now."

"Okay."Velzard agreed happily and in just one snap. the whole continent turned into ice.

Seeing the whole area turned into ice Guy nodded and thought of using this place because his rival Rudra was finally started moving and started manipulating countries to his side.

"Alright anyway our business here is done so were gotta go."Said Guy while pointing his finger at Velzard.

Dean looked at Velzard as she only nodded because even though she's my aunt we aren't really that close. and I know the reason now when I got that strange knowledge. It was because my father was afraid that if I get to close with his siblings I might become like them. It's just he knew his siblings really well.

When both of them was finally gone. I deactivated my battle mode and looked around as I took a deep breath. Even if the whole place became ice. The cold didn't affect me so I walked around first and said.

"Now... Who are you, or what are you?"I said while walking.

[... I thought i was ready.. But... It still hurt a bit..]A beautiful voice rang out through my ear.

"Who are you?"I stopped walking and asked again but this time a little louder voice.

[.. Let's just say I'm a skill]

"But I don't remember such a skill that tal-"Before I could finish my word a sudden pain then came to my head. It then dissapeared as if it was not there to begin with.

I took a deep breath and wiped my imaginary sweat because who would sweat it this really cold place.

"So.. When did i got such a skill? if I know this earlier I would have been defeated Mobius."The pain that I got earlier was from the information that I got from this skill.

The skill was called [Queen of Authority Milim] or [Milim] for short.

All I can say about this skill is Overpowered. yes I would even admit that this is stronger than my [Satanael]. Because this skill has a really strong telekinesis but it didn't stop there. It could also help me evolve my skills easily with the help of my magicules. And i got a huge capacity of it because im a True Demon Lord. All i needed is more skills to sacrifice and Voila! my skill evolved which can't be easily achieved by anyone.

[.. Let's just say that you're the only person who could use me..]

"I don't really get it but ok.."I may sound that I don't want to know why i suddenly got this skill. But because when I heard how unwilling she was to answer I just shrugged it off.

For now of course because I know this skill is connected to the weird things that happened today especially the knowledge about my origin.

I then tried the skill. I created a large snow hand and shaped it to a fist. I then aimed it to the huge ice block and punched it.


The ice block exploded leaving nothing but dust. It even cleared the snows in the place by the shockwave it made. I then thought that this would be useful in the future because I don't have to move while killing my enemies but..

I won't be using this every time because it would make me lazy. I would only use this to kill unworthy opponents that would only waste my time. Or if needed.

I then flew to the sky and quickly arrived in the Dragon City with the speed of light.

I saw my people had a worried faces and some of them despaired thinking that I died because they knew that I was the one who made that huge laser beam that could destroy anything easily after all, they couldn't forget what their lord did years ago. And because of that they knew that I was the one who was fighting that caused the world to panic. so they thought that I was dead because the fight suddenly stopped. But after sensing my presence and seeing me. Their face that was full of despair a while ago became a face full of delight and relief.

When I landed on the ground with a small 'BOOM!' and destroyed it. Dean's people didn't say anything because they were used to his destructiveness and just kneeled.

"We are sorry Milord be-"A guy said that seems to be the leader but Dean cut him off.

"No need to apologize. Go to your homes and rest and thank you for worrying."They only obeyed and got into their homes. I then came towards my mansion and got into my room. and saw that it was already fixed but I was not surprised a bit because they knew I couldn't hold my powers back so when I opened the door. I used telekinesis so it won't suddenly go 'BOOM!' and went inside my room and quickly lied on the bed. When I'm using telekinesis it was like I've been using it for years.

Don't misunderstand I was always trying my best on holding back. it because I was so powerful to the point of not being able to control it. But it was also the reason why I gained their respect so i never hated my power. And if possible i want to even get stronger.

I then closed my eyes and fell asleep because so many things happened today and i fought for many hours so i was tired not physically but mentally after all, even with [Dragonoid Body] alone could give me so much stamina then what about my other skills?


Your power stones can help so if possible GIMME!!