
This is so cringy, don't fucking read it.


Leficioss · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 37


The both of them looked at each other for seconds.

"Oya Oya? I don't remember inviting someone to kill my descendants?"She looked at Dean curiosity. And don't misunderstand, she didn't care about her own descendants a bit, even if most of them die, she wouldn't care unless it was a close subordinates.

But Primordial Demons are competitive to each others so if another Primordial knew that someone massacred her descendants, they would use it to mock her saying that she's unreasonable towards her subordinates and as a Prideful demon, that would be a alot of salt to her wound or pride.

She also knew that most of the Primordials are just like her, but that's just what Demons are. Especially Primordial Demons.

Shoo Shoo~

Dean failed a whistle and playfully said:

"It's not like you care, Jaune."


"It seems that you know that part. Wait, I'm famous aren't I?"

"Yea? but I'm more famous though."

"Heh, if a human sees me, he or she would probably pee her or himself."She said in a flexing tone.

"Well, you are a demon after all."

"...."2x Silence development in the area for seconds.

"Bruh.. That's racist."Jaune jumped towards Dean from the castle.

"It seems so."Dean took a boxing stance and saw Jaune dissapeared mid air and appeared besides him.


She kicked Dean on the head and left Dean backed away from the impact.

He just smiled and didn't take the fight seriously because he planned on making her as a subordinate so he treated it like a spar. If he gets serious, he would have used his sword but he also wanted to learn boxing and martial arts so he took the opportunity in front of him.

Jaune redied her punch again and rushed towards Dean.

Dean, dissapeared from his position and jumped up from Jaune's shadow and punched her on the back that made her slammed to the ground.


It was a good punch that can make Minato proud.







After hours of battle.

Dean made a throne with his shadow manipulation and sat on it.

He looks at the Primordial Demon that lays on the ground, she was currently on a bad state.

"Cough! Fuck, you're tough aren't cha?"She tried to stands up but to only fail.

"I am, so what are you planning now that you're defeated."Dean smiled and made his face rest on his hand as his elbow was on the arm throne.

"This guy- are you really asking the obvious question? aren't you here to get a Demon to serve you?"Jaune was really annoyed and it was obvious that Dean came to hell to get a Demon as a servant because someone strong as him wouldn't need a weak subordinates.

"You're a Demon Lord right?"There was only a Primordial that was currently not in hell after all, and that guy was a Demon Lord, she know he would only associate to his equal. And it would only be his fellow Demon Lords.

Jaune was not someone that loves to think alot but she knew that much and she was also a prideful demon so, he understands Rogue a bit.

"Yes, I am."


"....I see..."

Jaune started standing up with her all and kneeled in from of Dean.

"I, Primordial of Yellow, Jaune, will serve my first and last master for eternity."She smiled excitedly and knew that with her master now, her whole boring life would change when she observed him when they fought.

"...."Dean smiled more and asked Milim.



'Do you have any name suggestion for her? I might name her something like Duck or something because she's yellow..'

[Please don't, she will probably hate you with all her life... How about Carrera?]Milim suggested.

'Oh! I don't know where you got that name but I think it's nice...'

[I'm Milim after all.]


"Anyway, I shall name you Carrera."As soon as he said that. He felt his magicules being sucked but it didn't affect him.

His magicules came toward Jaune or now Carrera. A white cocoon covered her and after it was gone. Her wounds from their fight was also gone and Dean could feel that she got stronger. She also evolved from Archdemon to Demon Peer.

Carrera was taken back when she got named because naming a Primordial being was something that could be done by a few people that can be counted in hands but when she saw he wasn't affected.

The excitement she was feeling couldn't be described by words anymore and she could only shut up as she looks at Dean with more respect.

Dean smiled when he noticed Carrera's respectful look and excitement.

"One bitch is coming."Carrera said with sneer and excitement because she wanted to fuck up the other Primordial Demons with her new strength.

Of course Dean also noticed it and he also knew that his fight with Carrera wouldn't go unnoticed by the other Primordials, especially Bleu, who was the closest to her Castle.

"Carrera, can you?"Dean also wanted to see how much boost she got after getting named, mainly because this is his first time naming someone, while he wanted to observe his other future servant of course.

"You don't have to say it Master."She stands up from kneeling and immediately ran towards Blue, who was just curious about what's happening to her neighbor but of course if something bad happened to Carrera, she would use it to mock her.

They met each other immediately that made Blue surprised to know that Carrera got stronger.

"How did you get stronger? and I thought you were fighting with someone?"Bleu looked around curiously and saw someone sitting on the shadow throne.

He was smiling as if he saw something interesting and it immediately annoyed Blue because her pride as a Demon wouldn't allow her being seen as an entertainment.

She then thought of something and she says in a mocking tone.

"It seems that you got defeated by that person right there."She pointed at Dean.


"Yea? so what? you're also going to be my master's servant in the future anyway so don't say anything else or you'll embarrass yourself later."

Bleu couldn't react to Carrera's words as she received a punch from Carrera but it wasn't done.

She got punched. .




10000.. Times! With Carrera using her ability to manipulate gravity and stop Bleu from moving.

Luckily Bleu escaped, because if not, she would have punched million times before she could become a Maid.


I'm shameless. So give me all your powastone! It would also encourage me writing and at the same time you will receive my Eternal LOVE!