
This Is Not Time Travelling!

Upon returning to Theia, all changed. With the new ruler of the dark realm, all sort of atrocities has been executed. Calculating, cunning, and scheming are some of the words that can be used to describe him, The Evil One. In the dark, they lurk. The heinous concealed reality, hidden from the people's eyes. Where wickedness is coated in paragons of virtue. Dire cries for help and silenced voices cannot be disregarded any more. Ignorance itself is a sin, she will not turn a blind eye to this matter. Now, she has gained new friends and went on their journey while in search of her father. However, unknown to them, she had a secret past. Where the past was not as simple as it seems, with the oldest of her memories coming to greet her once more, she continuously felt conflicted. The divination has been fulfilled, and now she must play her part. The question is, can she handle it?

lilsleepy_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Affiliation Of Wizard Academy

"Hah. What's this? Two dude camping in the woods?" Ridiculed by one of them. The cloaked figures slowly pulled their hoods to the back; 4 men and 2 women in total.

"What do you want?" Cole asked.

"Nothing much, we're pretty low in supplies, do you mind sparing some of it for us?" The man with a beard asked, he had a large old scar crossing his mouth. He was probably the captain of that team.

"Oh, just another adventurer team. Sure no problem, what do you need?" Cole asked. It is common among adventurers to help each other when they are in need. Lucius and Cole both loosen their guard.

"How about all your food, water, clothes, and money?" He asked maliciously with a smirk. Cole frowned, that was an odd request to make, it was as if they are-

"Cole!" Lucius pushed him to the side, causing both of them to fall to the ground.

An arrow barely passed Cole's head. Luckily Lucius's swift reaction managed to save him. The intruders looked at the person who was holding a bow, appearing from behind the tree, he wasn't seen clearly due to the darkness, only a shadowy outline.

"Can't you do your job properly?!" The man with the beard shouted furiously.

"They're bandits!" Cole exclaimed.

They quickly jumped to their feet and began to fight back, only now realizing that they were completely surrounded.

One by one attacking relentlessly and arrows were flying around aimed toward them. They fought against a mix of fighters, wizards, and archer bandits, making things harder to handle.

"Enough! Just take the items!" The man with the beard shouted. Even with them outnumbering those two, the bandits were the ones who were having massive casualties.

"Looks like they're not any ordinary adventurers. Everyone retreat!" He ordered, and the bandits quickly ran to their belongings, to take the loot. Lucius's eyes widen.

"Emi." He has left her side to save Cole and Emi was still lying on the ground with the miniature curse still applied to her, the bandits couldn't possibly see her in the chaos. Time felt like moving slowly as he reached out his hand from afar toward the bandits.

"Get away from her!" He shouted.

Then, his hand produced a large black magic, he aimed it toward them. All were horrified to see it shot at high speed and hit everything, including the people in its path, also causing the trees and themselves to be swayed by the powerful energy.

A large opening presented to their eyes, leaving only stumps of trees. From the length itself, they knew his power pushed through the forest far and wide.

The smell of blood and flesh scattered around was sickening. Red color stained the ground and parts of human bodies can be seen lying around; legs without their body and blood spurting out of them, the other half has been cleaned off after being hit by his magic.

They were frozen in place, had they just witnessed a nightmarish event. After a long silence, they finally came to their senses and the bandits screamed as they flee the scene.

"Demons! Run away!" Their faces bare terrors, some stumbling in distress, but Lucius wasn't finished.

"Ghouls." He called out tensely and they saw glowing red eyes flashes through the darkness. For what he had summoned was their demise. That night, the forest filled with screaming, growling, slashing, crushing, and crunching sounds.

"Lucius!" Cole grabbed his shoulder to stop him. Lucius looked at him with dead eyes before he yanked his shoulder from his hand harshly.

Time passes and the forest becomes quiet once again. They are all probably dead by now, the stench of blood and flesh made Cole feel like wanting to puke, after all, they are surrounded by the remains of humans.

"You lose your cool again. I'm beginning to wonder why did I ask you to be my master, a mass murderer." Cole sighs. It's been happening quite frequently for Lucius to lose control, meanwhile, Cole has been trying to make sure he does not or he will have a hearing because of him.

"You're on edge because you're worried about her, right? But there no need to get overboard and kill everyone just out of anger. You weren't like this in the past." Cole sounded disappointed.

"Father is going to kill me because of this." Cole shakes his head in defeat. On the other hand, Lucius continues to remain silent.

They sat there in the solace of night. The fire was getting weaker and the surrounding was a mess. Cole sighs again after cooking another batch of soup and setting them aside for a while. He's having headaches just thinking about Lucius and his unrestrained impulses.

"Don't mean to interrupt but let me take you to a place that can heal her, I'm sure that will ease your worries." The young lady from before suddenly appeared. Amidst the chaotic atmosphere, she had come to greet them out of nowhere.

"Did you actually follow us? Who are you?!" Cole immediately took a stance, Lucius didn't bother, he was still attentively looking after Emi once again. His magic didn't hit their belonging nor she was affected by the ruckus.

"No need to be so hasty." She sat near the bonfire and took Lucius's bowl.

"She just took your food. Hello~ Lucius, hello?~" Cole tried to gain his attention.

"Don't mind him. Clearly, he had no attention to eating with her at that state. Who is he anyway? Is he the Dark King?" The young lady asked, after witnessing the uproar, that was the only name she can think of as a conclusion.

"Why would you want to know?" Cole asked, still suspicious of her.

"Well, there's not much of figurines along with the Dragon Princess except the infamous Dark King." She explained as she took a sip of the soup.

"He's the White Knight." Cole stated while sitting back down. She doesn't seem like a threat yet, he proceeded to be cautious while maintaining composure.

"White Knight? Is that a white knight in shining armor or his name really is White Knight?" She asked again, obliviously.

"You never heard of him before? White Knight The Adventurer?" Cole asked with bewilderment. He's pretty sure Lucius is famous all throughout Theia.

"So, he's an adventurer. Never really interested in adventurers anyway." She put forth and turn her head to look at Lucius who was still mulling over the little girl.

"Wow, that got to hurt every adventurer's pride, that being said, mine too." Cole said half-heartedly, distraught.

"Oh, so you're an adventurer too. Doesn't look like one." She said sarcastically with a smirk. Her words throw off his cool.

"Why you little!" Cole raged, holding his fist and biting his lower lip trying to get a grip on himself, 'a gentleman mustn't hurt a lady', wasn't it?

"Anyway, you should come to my place. I have a friend that can surely heal her. She's a light mage." It caught Lucius's ear.

"Where?" He asked.

"Wait, Lucius." Cole raised his right hand, motioning to stop.

"How can we trust you?" Cole asked the lady, he was still skeptical. She sighs and pulled out a name card.

"Celeste Nefelibata, Witch of Wizard Academy." She introduced herself, it matched the identification card that she gave him.

Wizard Academy

ID : 1112229191

Name : Celeste Nefelibata

Rank : S

Section : Astronomy & Astrology

Group : 3

"Is that enough?" Celes asked.

"No." Cole crosses his arms.

"Why?!" She was slowly getting irritated by him, and her tone had hints of suppression.

"Because I don't trust you!" Cole was not having it with her, they can't just follow anybody who secretly stalk them and appeared out of the blue.

"If you don't trust me then it's fine. At least bring her to the St. Elysian in the capital city, I know a master there. She surely can heal her." She tried to convince them.

"If you are a mage, why won't you heal her, yourself?!" Cole asked, as he immediately stood up.

"If I had light magic, I would have helped! But the problem is; I'm a Water Mage!" They're really having a heated argument, she put the food aside and rises from her seat.

"So you're not so good as you sound! So stop being so cocky you half-assed mage!" They counter each other insults.

"I bet I can defeat you right here! Right now! You, arrogant brat!" Celes challenged. Suddenly tension builds up between them.

"Shut up." Lucius said intimidatingly. He felt annoyed by the commotion.

"Sorry." Both of them stop, standing there awkwardly.

"It won't hurt to see them. I will protect her even if it is a trap." Lucius said.

"It's not! I want the Dragon Princess to be healed too!" Celes argued.

"How can I trust a witch from the Wizard Academy? It was you guys who sealed her in the first place." Lucius clearly bares hatred toward them. Celes was taken aback.

"I-It was in the past. Everyone wanted the Dragon Princess back." She tried to reason with him.

"As if it can pay for the lost time." He turns and walks away.

"It's okay, Lucius. We'll go and meet them. If anything bad happens, we'll protect her." Cole tried to cool him off and there were moments of silence surrounding them.

"That was tense. What's his relationship with the Dragon Princess anyway?" Celes asked while crossing her arms. Cole then glances at Lucius.

"I don't know too." He responded. It was the main mystery he tried to uncover. What was his relationship with her? Why does he care so much for her when she doesn't even know him?

"By the way, your soup is delicious." Celes suddenly complimented, it took him by surprise.

"Are you sure that's a compliment or an insult?!" Cole asked furiously.

"Obviously, a compliment!" Celes gasped, exasperated.

"You were insulting me just now!"

"Insulted me more, you dumbass!"

"I'm not a dumbass!"

"You sure look like one!" The insults continue.