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I accidentally messed up the last one and now all of the new work is going here so enjoy!

MrRejex · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Part 2

"Good boy! Kill him" Byza screamed as he begged someone to free him but it was too late, as the boy's head was chopped off and was used as a trophy. "Good work Commander Cody but you really should have at least received information on who we must find... I will say that this is disappointing and I see you as not liable no longer." As the soldiers pointed their guns at the Commander, he had everything he needed as he presented the names of those that owed him money, although it wouldn't make sense on how it would help the emperor knew Cody well and said, "(light chuckle) and that is why you are the commander, find my verus and then, kill the rest of them, I can't afford any mistakes." The unknown leader disconnected the call and left Commander Cody and his soldier to find who they were looking for.

"Alright, ladies listen up, we have a bug in the system and we can't afford to lose this contract, we have worked too much for this and we will not let anyone ruin it now! UNDERSTAND!!!" All the soldiers except for one replied, "Sir yes sir!!" Cody went up to the soldier and asked, "what's your name son?!" The soldier replied, "Sir Marshall 9305 sir!" Cody then looked at him up and down and immediately went back on the mission. Cody along with the soldiers returned to Bêdyia where they saw the marketers celebrating. "Looks like they're having a blast! We'll change that." Cal looked and saw the ship return and when it landed, the soldiers came rushing out and pointing their guns at the marketers, "at ease soldiers, forgive my friends here, they are trained to smell fear and they eat it for lunch. We were sent here to find something of importance to our clients desires and we were hoping to know if they have it."

"Chó Chónd whomyóptshir chhúch hello. (Meaning Kiss that dirty stand hello)" said one of the marketers in Yíkhi in a mocking tone, all the marketers laughed at what he said but they then stopped when she was shot by one of the soldiers, "Woah there soldier, that's not how we act peacefully, unfortunately, we now have to invade you... Sorry!" They then attacked the marketers leaving most to die while others hid from their firepower. "This is bad Cal, already 16 people have died." Cal replied, "well it's already a nightmare before or after this onslaught, I doubt we can make it out." The soldiers were trying to find a way into the resident's shops but they then stopped when they were being attacked.

"Focus all your energy on that ship, these weak people can come last." As the soldiers attempt to shoot the ship down, Cody received a message from the leader, "you have failed, execute soldiers." The message ended and all of the soldiers targeted Cody, "sorry commander, but the leader is more important than you." Cody replied to that with a, "I don't think so." He used an electromagnetic compass and shut all of the soldiers down, all but one which was Marshall, "Did you see that? He just killed his entire squad... That guy is going to be dead if don't do something." As Cal was about to leave, Ku went in front of the soldier and was directly hit in the heart. "NOO!!" Cal took down Cody but unfortunately escaped in his ship, both Cal and Marshall went to check up on Ku and saw that he was fine, only that he was going to die unless he could be helped.

Thankfully a doctor was able to take a look at him and said, "he will do fine but he needs to rest for 9 months until then, he can't work nor move until he is fine... Can someone help me with carrying him?" Marshall offered to help but all the people gave him cold eyes because of what he and Cody were about to do to them. "I have to ask... How did you not get killed like your friends here?" Marshall replied, "well I had mine removed and replaced with something else, to be honest with you, I don't know who did it and why but all I know is that I wasn't affected." Cal felt sceptical about what he was saying and decided to play along until he got a clear answer from him... Somehow.

"We never got your name by the way... 9305?" Marshall then told them his name and why he was sent here. "I never asked why you were here, I just want to know your name, days like this aren't all that interesting unless you were here for something that could be of use to your leader, wh..." Before he could finish his sentence, the "dead" soldiers rose and they immediately went away from the market and to the broken palace, "what's..." Marshall realized what was going on, "whenever a mission is unsuccessful and they are deactivated by the commander, they immediately go after the commander to ensure that he doesn't escape." Cal watched as the soldiers took bits of the palace and made it into a ship, everyone watched as they flew off. "We should get Ku out of here, come on buddy." Cal helped Ku to his home and he lied him down to bed.