
this is fate

[Mature content ahead] rita and her daughter,ella are faced with difficulties and hardship in their family caused by her first husband which cause rita to make a big decision of her life which separate mother and daughter. She later stumbles across and arrogant man who was the cause of her entering a coma for two years .find out on the epic love story of this two , will the mother and daughter reunite or does fate has something else instore for them

divine_favour · Fantasy
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18 Chs

stay by my side

" Jason I know you feel guilty for what happened to me I can see it in your eyes and I know it's eating you up " she paused to see his reaction but he seems unfazed.

" do you know why I can be able to call you my best friend?" She calmly asked

"Tell me " he adjusted himself on the bed to face her comfortably

" Because you stayed and took responsibility for me , you didn't abandon me and for that I'm grateful to you " rita didn't know why but there's a burden that's weighing her down like she did something real bad , before she knows it she began sobbing .

" hey why are you crying ?, come here " Jason pulled her in for a hug , rita held him tightly not wanting to let go she asked " what about my family ?" Jason was stunned by this question , how will he answer her that he knows nothing about her family .

" ee....mm..your parents passed away" only this word was enough for rita world to tear apart , her cries increased as she tugged on jason shirt.

Jason wasn't aware why he said that but what he knows is that he must keep rita safe and by his side . his eyes began pricking with tears he can't stand rita being torn apart.

" I'll be your family from now your mother , father and siblings " rita raised her head up looking into his eyes.

" you have a beautiful eyes don't use it to cry for me jay " she unknowily gave him a nickname , her hand touched the side of his eye bulge .

Their lips were so close that he could feel her breath " quit crying you look ugly when your eyes rain"

He pinched her cheeks lightly this was enough for a blush to creep on her face .

" now rest I'll be back "

" no sit here until I fall asleep, please" she put on a cute puppy face that was unresistable.

"Alright" he tucked her in ,sitting beside her he stroked her hair after some minutes Rita closed her eyes .

Jason touched the scar from the accident it hasn't completely healed , her soft milky skin , and those beautiful brown eyes that is now closed . her hair was left down he noticed it wasn't letting her sleep properly as some strand keep getting loose .

He removed a bracelet from his hand and raised her head carrying her full hair in his arm he packed her brown long hair in a ponytail .

Jason hand grazed her soft skin slightly then he placed a light kiss on her cheek .

"Stay by my side " he whispered before walking out.

Immediately the sound of the door close was heard rita eyes instantly opened , her hand rubbed the angle the kiss was placed .

" I must be imagining things " she laughed out loud thinking if she really heard him say those words sensually and even kissed her but she felt good.

"Something is definitely wrong but what " she asked herself wondering how her parents died ,now she didn't hold herself anymore she let her tears flow freely .

"Who am I ?" She continued questioning herself but couldn't get answers.

She tried to remember but nothing was coming at last she gave up and let her heavy eyes took her into a deep slumber.