
this is fate

[Mature content ahead] rita and her daughter,ella are faced with difficulties and hardship in their family caused by her first husband which cause rita to make a big decision of her life which separate mother and daughter. She later stumbles across and arrogant man who was the cause of her entering a coma for two years .find out on the epic love story of this two , will the mother and daughter reunite or does fate has something else instore for them

divine_favour · Fantasy
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18 Chs

no home 2

Jason walked back after signing the papers and now we are both heading towards his car parked at the other side of the road .

He held my hand as we crossed the road .

Now it was time to say goodbye and go find a place to stay .

"Thank you jay for everything once again " she spoke tenderly

"Why are you thanking me again , what are friends for if I can't help you ..." Jason opened the car for her to enter but it seems she wasn't willing to enter.

" I can take it from here , don't bother" rita replied, about to start walking when she heard Jason said out loud " you are my responsibility" rita looked at him with a wide eyes , jason realized what he said then he corrected himself " I mean you know since I'm the reason you're in the hospital in the first place, I've to take responsibility for you " Jason smiled widely which didn't quite reach his eyes .

"Jay you look exhausted you need more rest more than I do now , see those dark circle under your beautiful eyes " rita crossed both her fingers beside her hoping he would agree with her but he was still persistent.

"I insist please and besides i know you have nowhere to go or stay " it was Jason turn to pout his lips and blink his eyes , he knew rita was In love with his Hazel eyes.

"You can stay in my house till you find a place to stay...please"

"Alright " rita gave up but what will people say when they see I'm living in another man house or what about his parents i think I should reconsider my decision, rita thought.

" if you are by any chance thinking about what my parent will say just chill they don't live with me " said jason

"How did he know what I'm thinking is he some kind of mind reader I should be careful about what I think " rita thought again

" I'm not a mind reader " Jason smirked , rita was shocked as her mouth and eyes were wide open . rita entered the car and she could see jay jump up in joy.

We arrived at his abode after twenty minutes of silence driving . he stopped in front of a house came out from the car to open the door for me as she came out , she saw what they called heaven on earth for the house was like a Paradise . The house was magnificent that she had doubt if this was a hotel and she got scared .

"W..why are we here " rita stammered , about to run back before the gate would get close . As if sensing her worries " no need to run rita " he held her hand tightly .

"Let go off me , I thought you were a nice man but I was totally wrong how could you bring me to a hotel? What do you take me for?" She questioned him in a hurt voice and tears already briming in her eyes threatening to fall out.

" Rita this is my house " Jason replied calmly with hands in his pocket .

" your house!!" She said in a whisper " yes this is my house" rita scanned everywhere, the house is very big with wonderful mixture of red and white , a water fountain at the center of the compound it was adorned with different models of car , there was also a pig that had water gushing from its mouth . rita jaw dropped as she was astonished by this sight .

" you said we were friends before my accident how come i don't remember a single thing about this house" something flashed in her memory but it disappeared then she staggered , Jason was already there to support her .

"Are you alright ? I never knew my house could make you this shock "

"How can this be your house ?" Rita still could not believe .

" this is my mansion , I'm a millionaire " Jason proudly replied as he dragged her so they could get in .

"I'm sorry" she apologized for her earlier reaction now she's ashamed of thinking like that .

" I'm hurt but it's fine " he opened the door and ushered me in .

"This is my sitting room" Jason said showing her around . there was a beautiful articraft with a painting of different nature drawing, a vase with rose flower was kept on a glass table .