
This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

"Why ship a game that isn't even complete!?" *I don't know! Why don't you at least tell me what to fix so that we won't die?!* *** Moriya didn't even think getting sucked into a different world was possible. Whether being a realist or being a straight-up pessimist, he never believed that the day when he'd be warped into a world entirely unlike his own would even happen. After all, why should it, right? But then... It actually happened. Finding himself inside the setting of an upcoming game, Moriya wandered in awe at the sight of strange environments, the various state powers vying for supremacy over the vast expanse of the seas. Hell, even infinite worlds and stars, [The Seams] seemingly had it all. Unfortunately, there was just one problem: the game was literally broken right from the start. Joined by a colorfully dysfunctional cast and the game world's actual developer, watch as Moriya struggles with bugs and glitches as he navigates this new world. Witness our valiant hero deal with the most infuriating and rage-inducing aspects of gaming in real life. And what if... Just what if, he actually learns how to wield these ridiculous errors to his advantage? UPDATES: Whenever Twitter: @ChellyArks

ChellyArks · Games
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321 Chs

Guidance's Lore Notes: Rigs

Guidance slouched on her chair as she stared at the blinking word document in front of her. Beside it, a window containing her first designs of a Rig taunted her with how complex it was looking. Honestly, she really didn't have to go that hard into designing a fictional ship, and there she was doing it anyway. She even used CAD, for crying out loud. And she wasn't even an engineer!

"This is too much effort..." she sighed, her eyes glazing over as she tapped on her desk. "At this point, I should've been an engineer..."

Funnily enough, she almost did become an engineer... Well, not really. She just thought that it'd be neat to be an engineer during one random point in her life. And just as quickly as it came, it left her mind in favor of playing even more games instead.

"Ugh... Why do I keep doing this to myself..."

That one phrase always seemed to escape her mouth every time she stared at her notes. It was like she wasn't even trying, and yet she was doing the best that she could? She supposed it was that same phenomenon where creators would absolutely hate their own work, thinking that they could do better.

"But that's just Sunken Cost Fallacy...."

God knew how many programming projects she had to fix from the ground up simply because another department refused to fix something that should've been fixed months, even years ago. There was just no easy way to get rid of progress, no matter how bad it might be in the long run.

"I've gone this far.... Might as well commit..."

Rolling her eyes at herself, she sat straight back up and started typing. A part of her knew that she might regret what she was doing right now, but that was her future self's problem.

Right now, she just wanted to feel like she was doing something productive...



The ships designed to traverse the Shallow Deep. With conventional boats being too fragile for long voyages, Rigs were created with both durability and navigational sailing in mind. Each Rig will always be fitted with the best navigational devices that the Three Great Nations had to offer. Be it Kattleynan lumber, Vestygian metal, or Marquean Devices, no expenses should be spared when commissioning for one of these vessels to be built.


"...And that's that, I guess?"

Guidance fought against the feeling of incompleteness blooming within her as she moved on from her entry about Rigs. She supposed that she could just explain it further in in-game cutscenes or something. She already had the concept in her head, she just had to, well...

Okay... Fine, she was procrastinating again, but who even cared about the one thing that'll just function as the player's glorified travel button?

"Better move on to other things..."

Not gonna lie, I write these Lore notes whenever I'm not feeling like writing for the main story. At least I'm still fleshing out the world this way.

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