
Chapter 6 I'm Just a 140-Pound Kid (Please Follow)_1

Who is it?

Lin Yuan's actions of slurping noodles halted, and a look of surprise and uncertainty surfaced on his face.

The neighbors had already moved away...

Of course, that was a very wise decision; if that sleazy man really decided to stubbornly resist to the end, Lin Yuan truly wouldn't mind giving him a reason to wear a green hat.

With the rich experiences from his past and current life combined, he found it very difficult to take any interest in teenage girls, whereas those mature women full of charm were more to his liking.

As for being mean-spirited or anything like that, he wasn't going to marry her...

There was no need to pay attention to the inner qualities.

Their interactions were merely a physical exchange that absolutely wouldn't involve any emotions; he had no psychological burden!

Moreover, his predecessor probably didn't have any relatives; Lin Yuan had found an agreement in the house.

It seemed to be a voluntary sale of some business shares. The source of the hundred thousand in cash became very clear...

It was indeed an inheritance, but not the kind he had imagined, rather it was just the leftovers after the family was wiped out.

Once Lin Yuan was of no further use, it was natural that those people would no longer come knocking on his door.

He finished the rest of his instant noodles in a few bites.

Lin Yuan stood up.

Opened the door.

Outside stood a gentle and elegant woman in her thirties, exceptionally beautiful and clad in a pink suit skirt. Her delicate legs, exposed and wrapped in glossy skin-colored stockings, looked shapely and alluring.

Completely different from the naive and uninitiated young girls, this ripe and charming matron still possessed a young girl's innocence.

She perfectly matched the two types of women Lin Yuan favored...

A matron like a young girl, and a young girl like a matron.

At that moment, she was somewhat out of breath.

Climbing up to the sixth floor was evidently a big challenge for her 7CM high heels.

Upon seeing the door open...

She gasped for breath in front of Lin Yuan, calmed herself, and then said with a smile, "I've come to see you, Lin Yuan."

She must be someone the predecessor knew!

"Please come in."

Lin Yuan's mind stirred, and with a smile, he let her in without revealing his true identity.

The woman stepped inside.

As she entered the living room, her gaze was immediately drawn to the various brands of instant noodles in the trash can.

Her delicate brow furrowed.

There was an instinctive urge to lecture him, but remembering the current state of her student...

The words of reproach just couldn't come out.

In fact, she should have contacted Lin Yuan soon after his quarantine ended.

But considering that Lin Yuan had just lost his parents and was then quarantined for over a month, suffering such a blow at such a young age, she thought to give him a few days to rest and recuperate.

But unexpectedly, he had gone silent since then...

She spoke seriously, "Lin Yuan, you should know why I'm here, right?"

A student?

She's a teacher?

In Lin Yuan's mind, the signatures of his various subject teachers popped up.

And soon enough, he concluded the identity of the visitor.

The homeroom and Chinese teacher, Liu Mengruo!

Even though Lin Yuan had several teachers, he didn't believe for a second that his math teacher Zhao Jiangan could look like that.

"I'm not quite sure, Teacher. Please have some tea," Lin Yuan said very politely, pouring a cup of hot water before sitting across from her.

Liu Mengruo took the tea but didn't drink it, instead holding it in the palms of her hands. She said, "I was going to call you, but I was truly worried about your situation, so I came over early. You've been absent from school for a whole half month since your quarantine ended. The quarantine was unavoidable, but now that you're still not attending, are you facing some difficulties in life?"

Lin Yuan uttered a sound, only then realizing what was happening.

Could it be that she had come all the way here just because he hadn't been attending school?

Liu Mengruo said gently, "Lin Yuan, I know that such a short time isn't enough for you to get over the loss of your parents, but one must look to the future. They are gone, and you should take even better care of yourself. As long as you can secure a decent ranking in the upcoming Dragon Gate exam, I can promise to help you apply for scholarships and interest-free loans so that you can complete your studies smoothly and find a decent job to support yourself. That will truly comfort the spirits of your parents in heaven! However, this all depends on your performance; if your grades aren't good enough, even I, as your teacher, would be helpless to assist."

In just a few sentences, her concern was abundant and clear.

Especially at this time of day, when it should be the students' morning self-study period.

She must have rushed over before starting work...

And paired with her earnest words, the allure of her skin-toned stockings shimmering attractively, and her lovely face...

Lin Yuan immediately recognized her as a good teacher.

He hesitated in his mind.

He had been cooped up at home without going out mostly because he worried that his powers might be exposed, and secondly, because he had not inherited the memories of his predecessor.

Especially at a place like school, who knew who his predecessor's best friends were, who the girlfriend was, or the casual hook-ups?

One wrong sentence might give him away.

In such a situation, how high must one's IQ be to avoid suspicion from everyone?

But this teacher here truly seemed to care deeply about her students.

Perhaps he could utilize a kind teacher's compassion for students to achieve his own secret agenda?

Even if it failed...

The worst-case scenario was still better than being directly exposed to everyone.

Thinking this, Lin Yuan's previously normal-looking complexion slowly turned frantic, like a person about to drown who had just caught sight of the last life-saving straw, and he asked, "Teacher Liu? Are you Teacher Liu?"

Liu Mengruo looked puzzled and replied, "Yes, it's me... What's the matter? Do you have a question?"

Lin Yuan said apologetically, "I'm sorry... I can't seem to remember what happened before."

Liu Mengruo was taken aback and asked, "What?"

"I... I also don't know exactly what happened..."

Lin Yuan, sitting on the sofa and painfully clutching his head, spoke, "I remember being helped off a chair during quarantine, but I can't remember much before that... All I remember them saying is that when dealing with Cultivators, it's better to kill mistakenly than to let one go, so I didn't dare tell anyone. Even the number on my door, I found it after looking up my own information. So Teacher Liu, it's not that I don't dare to go to school, but I'm afraid of being misunderstood."

Liu Mengruo's face had turned extremely grim.

Her hands, tightly clutching the teacup, shook with anger as she said, "They actually tortured you? A child... Damn it, I always knew those people at the Eradication Department were unruly, doing things without any propriety, but I didn't expect them to go this far. Lin Yuan, don't worry, I will seek justice for you. I'm definitely going to file a complaint against them... "

"No... don't..."

Lin Yuan, his face full of terror, seized Liu Mengruo's hand, and pleaded loudly, "Please don't, I... I honestly don't remember what happened. Maybe they didn't torture me; there are no marks on my body. I even gained five pounds during the month of isolation... And if you really speak out for me, Teacher Liu, I'm afraid they'll take me away as a Foreign Demon..."


Liu Mengruo, her heart aching for him, held Lin Yuan's hand in return and said, "My poor child, are you just to bear this wrong quietly..."

Cutting off, she suddenly froze and asked, "Didn't you say you don't remember anything? How come you still remember my surname is Liu?"

Lin Yuan, without a change in expression, replied, "I don't know why, perhaps because Teacher Liu, you stand out differently in my mind. So when I saw you, your name came to me instinctively."

Upon hearing this, a hint of disbelief and complexity involuntarily surfaced on Liu Mengruo's face.

She quietly withdrew her hand and asked, "So you're afraid to attend school because you don't want people to know you remember nothing of the torture you suffered?"

Lin Yuan added, "I haven't been tortured; at least, I don't remember being tortured!"


Liu Mengruo knew Lin Yuan feared retaliation from them.

Looking at him with even greater sympathy, she said, "Anyway, you don't want people to know about your memory loss, right?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"Then you've done the right thing by staying away from school. Although you are innocent, others might not think the same."

She hesitated, seemingly making a decision, and then said, "For now, don't go to school for the next couple of days. Leave the schooling matter to me; I'll think of a way. Just wait for my message."

"Thank you, Teacher Liu."

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that he hadn't told a single lie; even if she turned to accuse him, he had a plausible defense.