
This Hero is Too Curious!

Kenji Fujima is an overweight Japanese high schooler who is suddenly killed while shopping. In the afterlife, he is offered the opportunity to be sent to another world in order to battle a great Demon King. With no special abilities other than his inquisitive mind, can Kenji defeat this great evil? Discord Link: https://discord.gg/CwTUVrr5Dn

Person_man · Fantasy
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391 Chs

This Hero Leaves His Home!

I had planned on sleeping in for the first time in seven months today, but I naturally woke up at five in the morning as usual. The subdued chirps of the early birds came through the window as I wiped my eyes.

"Damn it why do I have to be productive right now?" I groaned to the empty room.

I had wanted to sleep in for two reasons. First: I finally don't have to wake up early for the first time in seven months, and two: It is my birthday. Today I turn eighteen years old. Normally on a person's eighteenth birthday they have a big celebration, but for me it's being evicted from a house and fending on my own. After letting out a sigh, I stepped out of bed and onto the hardwood floor as the chill of a spring morning assaulted me.

I partook in my ceremony of morning preparation stretches. Once I was done I stepped out into the hall. The floorboards creaked with each of my steps.

"Good morning." The woman standing outside of my door said.

I lurched backwards and took my best combat pose as I tried to assess what was going on. After I took a moment and realized who was in front of me, I relaxed. "G-Good morning, Ania-sama!" I bowed as I spoke.

I nearly peed my pants. Ania-sama is standing right outside of my doorway.

"Once you finish your business, come sit with me at the dining table. I have something for you." With that, she turned around and went towards the dining room.

"O-okay, Ania-sama." I muttered as I watched her walk away.

Once Ania-sama had left my vision, I left my room and went to the restroom to take care of my morning business.

Once I was finished, I knocked on the toilet as the sound of metal reverberating echoed throughout the room. "Goodbye, Slime-san. A part of me hopes we'll never meet again!"

"Slurp... Slurp..." It let out, as if it was saying goodbye.

Obviously I'm going to ignore what it was actually doing.

With that heartfelt goodbye, I went towards the dining room.

Inside of the dining room, Ania-sama was sitting in her usual seat as a package sat front of her on top of the table. Her expression is noticeably melancholic.

"Sit with me, please." She pointed towards the chair opposite of her.

This is the first time Ania-sama has ever used the word "please" when talking to me. This took me by such surprise that I immediately went to my chair and sat obediently.

"Kenji, what is your full name?"

This is also the first time that Ania-sama has addressed me by my actual name. Wait, did she just ask me what my full name is?

"I-I'm afraid I don't follow, Ania-sama."

Ania-sama placed her hands upon the table as she leaned towards me. "What is your full name, including your family name?"

She knows about family names. Come to think of it, I don't know much about Ania-sama at all. I've always just seen her as the crazy old woman that I live with. Just who is this woman?

"M-my name is Kenji Fujima, Ania-sama."

"Hmm… Fujima… so you must have come from Japan then." She murmured as she looked away.

I felt a lurch in my stomach. Japan? She knows about Japan? If she knows about Japan then what does that mean? Is her late husband from Japan or is that a city in this world that I don't know of? Maybe it's a resort she went to a while ago or maybe it's a false name for a location that was invented to throw people off of trails? Am I now a criminal? Perhaps she's met people from Japan before! That one detective had heard of people from Japan, so it's possible that that's what she's talking about! It's gotta be!

Ania-sama didn't look at me. She instead held her head like "The Thinker" statue. "I also came from Japan, though I came around sixty years ago."

"What...?" I whispered.

Ania-sama turned towards me, looking me in the eyes with an earnesty that I did not expect. "The world you lived in must have been very different from the world I lived in. The people of my time were rapidly changing thanks to the recovery from the war. I still remember how it used to be…"

"You're… from Japan…?"

Ania-sama nodded. "Yes. sixty years ago I died, like you probably did. I was offered a choice by the creator to either be reincarnated on Earth or to come here and 'save the world' as I was told."

"But… you've been here for sixty years..."

Ania-sama shrugged. "Yes, the adventuring life was never for me. I tried it but could never succeed. In time I met my late husband and began to live a normal life here. When he passed away I decided to use the money and home he left me to take care of people such as yourself."

"B-but…" I could feel my mouth beginning to dry. "If... If you've been here for sixty years, then that means that…"

"Many people such as yourself have come to this world and have tried to defeat the Demon King. Most people gave up after seeing how difficult it was, some died."

I have to recollect myself. This is too crazy. Ania...sama came from Japan? This Demon King has existed for at least sixty years and hasn't been stopped yet? What hope do I have? Oh god what am I supposed to do?

Ania-sama leaned back in her seat as she crossed her arms. "I understand what you're thinking, Kenji. You think all hope is lost, do you not?"

I sat quietly for a moment as I reflected upon all the new information I had just been given. I'm not too sure how to respond.

"I… I don't know what I'm thinking. If nobody before me has been able to beat him for sixty years then why should I fare any differently?" I looked towards Ania-sama, matching her earnest gaze.

Ania-sama shrugged. "I don't know, Kenji. The fact of the matter is, you're a person just like any other. I can't say you will do better or worse than anyone."

I was quet after that.

The atmosphere in this room is tense to say the least. It feels as if someone just announced that someone was diagnosed with a terminal illness. If I never had a chance to begin with, then why did Ania-sama lead me on for this long? Did this woman just want to toy with me?

Suddenly, Ania-sama stood up from her chair and leaned against the table. "I know after all I've said it may seem hopeless, but I want you to understand something..."

"W-What is it?"

"Everyone is different."

I was stunned by her declaration for a moment. Eventually, I found the mind to speak once more. "...What do you mean, exactly? Am I... The chosen one or something? Do I get super powers?"

Ania-sama shook her head. "No no no, I mean that everyone has their own potential and they need to find their limits. Nobody is born the savior, nor is anyone born as the devastator. We are all capable of finding what we're able to do."

"So I just… need to test myself?"

"Exactly!" She smiled as she pointed to me.

That's all well and good and all, but really it's just a pep talk.

After sixty years, nobody has been able to so much as drastically harm the Demon King? Just how overpowered is this guy? If he's so strong then why doesn't God give us powers? Is this just some cruel game or something? I should punch that geezer in the face the next time I see him. Considering everything Ania-sama has told me, it won't be long before I do anyways.

Ania-sama sat back down in her chair as she picked up the package that was lying in the center of the table. "The perfect example of what I mean is in here. Take it, Kenji."

Ania-sama pushed the small rectangular package into my hands. As I took it, I could tell that despite its size, the package is actually rather light. I can maneuver it easily in my hands.

Ania motioned for me to open the package. Taking her signal, I pulled open the top and saw what appears to be a dagger in its sheath sitting within the package.

"A… Dagger?" I turned towards Ania-sama and asked.

"Draw it, please."

Following Ania's instructions, I drew the dagger from its sheath.

It's incredibly lightweight. The blade is a deep blue and the sharpness of the edges is unreal. I'm in no way an expert on forged items, but even my ameteur eyes can tell that this dagger is a mastercraft.

"This is an Adamantite dagger, Kenji." Ania-sama clenched her fists. "Like you, it does not appear as anything special just yet, but it has the potential to cut through even steel! It all depends on you to see how far it can go."

I looked over the blade of the dagger for a moment. Its blue sheen reflected the light beautifully. I could see the person I have become in the reflection as I held it in front of my face.

"...Thank you very much, Ania-sama." I looked towards her as I sheathed the blade.

Instead of saying anything, Ania-sama gave a gentle smile. This is the first time I have ever seen her give such an earnest expression.

She stood once more and pointed. "Go gather your things. I'll wait for you."


I went back to my room to grab my things. The truth is, I had very little in this world and now that I am seeing it all, I can tell that this truly is the next step of my life. It feels like I am heading to college.

Two cookbooks, a jacket, a few different pairs of pants, underwear, shirts, and a book on magic. These items and now this dagger are the only things in this world that I own. I took a moment to look over my belongings as I thought back over the seven months I've spent here. In the reflection of the window, I could see myself.

I smiled. "I can't believe how big I used to be..." I muttered out to the empty room.

After a little bit of time, I finished gathering my things and went to the front door where Ania-sama was waiting for me with a faint smile.

"Smile with me, I'm going to take a picture." She jogged towards me and grabbed onto my arm.

"Huh? Oh… Alright. I've never really been a big fan of pictures but-"

"Shut up and smile boy!" Her smile didn't fade. She seems to have an uncharacteristically youthful energy within her now.

"Yes ma'am!" I declared.

And so, Ania pulled out a small wooden box, pointed it towards us, and a flash emitted from it. A second later, a picture complete with a frame appeared on the wall in the living room.

Ania-sama walked up to the picture and began looking it over. "I hate to get all sappy, but I do this with all of the people I bring in. In a way, I see all of you as my kids..." She turned towards me. "Kenji, if it ever gets too hard for you, or you just need a place to stay for the night, it's alright if you come back. Alright? I'm not a charity but... Well..."

I feel like I'm leaving home... Wait, this is my home…

I took a deep breath and gave as big of a grin as I could. "Alright, Ania-sama! I promise I will! Thank you, for everything!"

"You're damn right!"

With that, I stepped out of the building I have been living in for 7 months and out into the world. My next step of life starts now.

Ah, leaving home for the first time.

When you think about it, Kenji never had that "leave the nest" moment. He died while he was still in high-school, so he was still living with his parents. It's only now that he is actually leaving his home.

Living with Ania wasn't too bad. She demanded things from Kenji, but it's not like she was evil. She provided food, lodging, and she always knocked before she entered Kenji's room.

It's neat, honestly. When I wrote this chapter I reflected on my own experience of leaving home for the first time. It was a bittersweet feeling. I knew that my home was always going to be there, but it wasn't truly my home anymore, then again home is where your heart is and your heart should always be with the people that care about you.

Anywho, Catch you on the flip side!

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