

Akio has always been a “good child “ and he was always close to his family and friends but what will happen when a hot guy is tossed in the mix of things?

Mandy_Smith_5038 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

11. feeling empty

After I been out so long running and crying. I finally got myself to calm down and walk home.In my mind I no longer cared about leaving and I did not care if I was separated from my family because I felt empty at this moment. When walk of course I saw my brothers at the table. All my brothers looked at me as if he wanted to kill me. I just sat down in the chair at the table. And I said "go head judge me" . Ren said "what do you mean judge you? little brother that not what we trying to do"? I rolled my eyes and said "yeah right that all you guys have been doing" . lssey slammed his hands on the table which made everyone looked at him kind of surprised. Issey turn his head toward me with a cold look in eyes and said "maybe we would not have to judge you so much if you would not do disrespect things that bring shame to the family". I said "oh my god would give it rest do know what year it is". Issey slapped me in my face . Everyone looked at me like I deserved it and I was sitting there hold my face when he slap me at. I said "so funny how you go straight to violence . Dont you think big brother". Haruto finally said something in his moody tone .He said "whoever this girl is to make you acted out like this must be really toxic" . I felt like wanted to just cry when he said that because I started to think about reo when he said that . Good I could mass my emotions so my brothers could not see that I was about to cry at that moment. I turned to arata and said "so you told mom and dad". Ichiro said "of course he did .what did you think you were going to get away with it" ? Arata just shook his head and agreed with Ichiro. I rolled my eyes and said "so what did they say" .Issey said "that you will be going to militarily school most definitely and they will be discussing the rest with you when they get home". I got up from the table ready to got to my room . when Issey said "where are going"? I said "in my room away from all of you". Issey said "you may hate us right but that does not mean you go hungry. I put your food up" . That just like lssey even though everyone in house was mad at me . He was still worried and acted like a mom. Deep down in my heart I was going to miss my family but I still felt empty. I rolled my eyes and said "fine".