
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · Celebrities
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18 Chs

제17장 | But No One Listens to Me II

제17장 | But No One Listens to Me II


"Watch your step!" I heard the tour guide exclaimed. After some hours of spending with our own, Uncle Junhyung called everyone for a tour guide of their friend's resort aka Junghee's godparents. He told us how much they care for Jungkook and Junghee and even spoil them with expensive gifts

"And, now, we arrive at the small cottage rest place, where every tourist who wished to take a small break from their walking and somehow need some shelter when it rains, the cottage rest place is a perfect choice" she smiled

We come to a decision to take some rest for a while before we continue to tour. A barista was waiting inside. The place is cozy and at the same time traditional looking. "I'll take a mango shake, please" Junghee chimed when the barista was asking for her order

"I'll have the same order, please" Jimin added. Aunt Haneul and Uncle Junhyung decided to share one coconut which is really sweet and charming of them

"What about you, Serin dear?" Aunt Haneul spoke up, "I'll just have some simple water, please" I smiled as the barista smiled and went back to his post to work on our orders

"Unnie, you can order anything, you know" Junghee said, she probably thought that I was shy to order some beverages and just chose a simple plain water

"I'm really okay, I just don't feel like drinking any flavored beverages" I admit in whole honesty. I notice myself not liking to drink anything aside from only a clean and drinkable water since this morning. My peripheral vision looks at Jimin's direction, his adam's apple bobbed, which mean he was gulping- a sign that he was anxious

Come to think of it, I'm starting to find him acting really strange. "Here are your orders" my thoughts were cut off by the barista who was now serving us by handing us our preferred drinks which we thank in return

"Junghee, may I have a word with you?" I approach her with a delicate tone to not attract much attention. We already went back to our own cottages but as soon as she was about to go back to hers, I stopped her

"Okay" she replied. "What is it that you want to talk about?" she asked me when we found a nice spot to have a conversation with, far from any people who would like to overhear

"Don't take this in the wrong way. But, Jimin- "

"He's sweeter isn't it? Well, it's because we're kind of… a thing now" she stammers, "I know, I'm sorry I shouldn't keep it from you" I was about to cut her off but she suddenly hugged me, "Unnie… I'm so happy and nervous at the same time…"

"Junghee, it's not what I want to talk about" I butt in as I gently pull her away, "What?"

"Jimin… he, he's been weird lately. I don't know, I…"

"Unnie… Why are you… why are you burning…?" Junghee held me out of the blue, "You're red"

"H-Huh?" I let go of her hand to cup both of my cheeks, I wince at the slight sting like burning. Burning? "Junghee, can I talk to Jimin?" I gulp down, feeling a sudden rush of anxiety travelling through my veins. Is this what Jimin was referring to?

"He's probably at our cottage" she replied as we both scurried over. During our run, I can't help but grab unto her arm when I felt a sudden pang of pain inside my body. "Unnie!"

"Junghee?!" I heard Jimin called from a distance, but my vision started to blur, restricting me to see clearly. "Help me, Jimin" I couldn't hear anything more after Junghee's phrase as an irritating ringing started to erupt in my hearing, I groan in complete pain

What is happening to me?

I couldn't feel my legs any longer nor can breathe properly. It's like my soul has been ripped out from my body slowly and painfully. "It hurts…" I utter in complete weakness until I felt someone carry me until a full backout surfaces through my sight


"What's going to happen to her, Jimin?" Junghee teared up in worry. "Jimin, she hasn't taken the drug, right? She wouldn't! Jimin, please help, how?!" She stammered worriedly seeing her best friend laid on the bed all red and sweating

He pulled her into his embrace, hoping that it would calm her down atleast. Jimin couldn't answer her questions, he couldn't because he too didn't know how to stop what was bound to happen. "Shh, it's okay… it's okay" he kept lying to himself

"Junghee, dear? Jimin?" Haneul knock at their cottage door in worry as she heard her daughter cry from the other side. "I called your mom; she'll be able to help" he sat her down on the chair and gave her a glass of water to drink before proceeding to the door

"You called me, Jimin- oh!?" Haneul's hands fly over to her lips in complete shock. "W-What happened to Serin…" she was about to approach the poor burning girl but was stopped by Jimin

"Auntie, I-I need to talk to you…" Jimin shake slightly, he knew he needs to reveal his dark past now. Hoping that Junghee's parents would still accept him to be with her when he already reveals himself fully, either way, he wants to come clean, especially for the girl he now loves


I couldn't feel a thing, not even the chair I'm sitting on. My head hurts. I couldn't control my breathing. Serin is on the bed in front of me in different hues. I'm shaking. I couldn't do anything. I'm a medical student. I should have the knowledge and confidence to treat her, why couldn't I?

"What do you mean, Jimin…" I heard my mom's stern tone echoed around the place as I shiver. "Jimin, my daughter is shaking and Serin is laying on the bed looking dead, can you explain me this?!"

"Mom…" I croaked in all of my strength, "It's not Jimin's fault…" I teared up holding into Jimin. "Unnie was drugged, we don't know how or when, but Jimin noticed it and told me earlier" I explained through stuttered words

"What? What drugged? Why- I'll get your father." I could notice how stressed mom was after hearing my short explanation. "It's okay," I heard Jimin uttered lowly and in comfort

We both sat down and wait until my mom arrived back with my father. "Dad," I rushed over from Jimin and hugged him tight. "What's going on?"

"I can explain, sir" I frown as Jimin called my dad 'sir' but I knew it is only for now. "Before I can explain, can we move Serin? She shouldn't be around with guys at this state…" he eyed me as if giving me a message which I immediately understood, he doesn't want Serin to experience what he done when he was in the same state or even make a wrong move

"Alright," My dad sighed to my relief, but I couldn't help to not let my guard down. "dad, please just listen to what Jimin has to say, as much as possible, don't comment or cut him off, please? I know you do that often, please not now" I plead

"Alright, alright. I'll listen, just calmed down. I couldn't help but be stern, you were trembling a while ago, you're my daughter" he replied then look at my mom, "I'll ask for assistance to move Serin" she said and went outside

"Okay, now Jimin. Spill"