
The annoyances in life (Pt. 1)

"Wowee, how eventful.. Three weeks of school, and I've learned absolutely nothing." I sat up from my bed and slapped my right hand, to wake up Blood.

"*yawn* You know, you didn't have to slap me. You've got a stupid amount of force behind your actions." Of course, the first thing Blood does as soon as he wakes up is complaining.

"I can control my strength just fine. Anyways, how about we go and get Tetra?" Without waiting for the goat head's - Blood's - reply, I headed for the door.

"And then what? Well, I don't mind what we do, as long as I don't have to stay hidden anymore." And just like that, we left the building.


After departing with the old man, we headed for the city, where stayed for a day before going to that academy the uncle told us about.

It was a large area with three main buildings. The first one was the school itself, filled with classrooms. The classrooms themselves looked like lecture rooms, with the main stage-type thingy and rows of seats with desks.

That said, the closest rows of desks were lower down as well, while the back desks were above so that you could see everything more clearly, but the advantage of being in the front row was obvious, and so the students who sat in front rows formed a superiority complex.

I couldn't be asred to argue with the other students over the row, plus my vision and hearing were good enough to be able to clearly see everything from the back anyways.

Oh, and there were also two other buildings, those being the boy's apartments and the girl's apartments. The reason they were separate is simple; because they didn't want the students sexually harassing each other. Of course, that didn't account for gay relationships, but those are very rare in this age, since the church doesn't allow it, and going against the church is punishable by death.

Once I showed them the card that the old man gave me, the academy's staff quickly found me a room to stay in. It was a small room with two beds because I told them I was here with a male friend.

"You are a boy, right?" Asking Blood to double-check, just to make sure.

"I don't have genitals, so I'm gonna say that, yes, I am." It was a small interaction, but the staff members didn't know about Blood's existence, so they thought I was talking to my hand, which was hidden in my long sleeve.

They also found a room for Tetra, but she had a neighbor in hers. It was just an average girl, and Tetra never showed much interest in talking with anyone but me and Blood, so the girl's presence was ignored.

All in all, my life's as boring as it could possibly be. [Weak Shade] has a few special things about it, and one of them is that I don't need sleep. I can still do it, but I, for the life of me, could not fall asleep when I'm not tired.

What makes things even more boring, is that I can't even talk to Blood in classes, because I'm hiding his existence, although starting tomorrow I'm gonna stop bothering with that as well.

Tetra is also in none of my classes, so the lessons go by as the most boring events in the world.


Walking into the girl's apartment, I was met with disgusted stares, as if I just did something unethical before them.

"I've been thinking of taking a part-time job. " Choosing to ignore the looks I was getting, I kept walking towards Tetra's room, while also discussing my plans with the goat head.

"Eh, but what's the point? IF you need some money, surely it would be easier to take some from the Human Kingdom's king, or maybe just force some rich dude into supplying you with cash." Blood, also unfazed, replied.

"You're not wrong about that, but I've decided not to terrorize random people of it's not necessary." As we talked, the angry crowd around us suddenly stopped and directed their stares away from me to a different person, some even holding their breaths.

"That's bullshit. I don't believe for one second that you'd actually be that nice." To Blood's remark, I laughed. He figured out I was up to something.

"Okay, ya got me. My actual reason for getting a job is--" I was going to continue talking, but a figure stood before us, blocking my path to the other side of the hallway, which is where Tetra resides.

"What do you think you're doing in OUR building, huh?" The person who stood before us was a girl, and, by the looks of things, she was respected by the others so much so that they cleared their way for her to go through.

"Move, will ya?" I pushed her to the side.

Everyone gasped, giving me sorry looks as if I've been sentenced to death. I can tell why they were afraid of this girl. It's because her level was quite high for her age. By the amount of mana, her level should be around the 90s.

"HAAHH?! You messed with the wrong person, peasant." The girl I pushed to the side took out a glowing sword from her inventory and directed it at me, her voice filled with rage.

"I have? Hm." With that, I turned around, choosing not to even bother paying her any more attention.

"Damn peasant!" She swung her sword at me with all her force, intending to cut me in half.

The sound of shattering metal could be heard. I subconsciously blocked her attack with a manipulator, and her sword crumbled to dust from the impact.

I turned around, annoyed at the disturbance, and glared at her. I was gonna leave her at that walk away for the second time, but she clearly isn't the type who knew when to stop.

"Y-you'll play for this.. [Fire rain]!" Shaking in fear, she shot a spell at me in a last-ditch effort.

Thin strands of fire formed above me and descended down. Of course, I didn't bother dodging this attack, since it couldn't even scratch me, nevermind leaving a burn.

"How? That's my ultimate skill, [Fire rain].. There's no way in the world somebody could block it with that ease. What kind of trick did you use?!" She screamed at me in disbelief, charging forward to attack me with a fist.

"Huh?.." With the sound of a crack, her fist hit my body.

"Haha, I knew you couldn't have been that strong. Your ribs are now shattered." Poor thing, she thought she managed to break my ribs, hence the sound.

"You've got a bit too much pride, don't you? Too bad, it was your fist that broke on impact." I pointed out.

Taking a look at her hand, she cried in pain and fell to the ground.

"You bastards all feel so special and strong, eh? Pissing me off." I got annoyed at the constant displays of their supposed strength.

It's not easy, coping with entitled people. The solution? Beating them up, of course. Maybe giving them an educational talk along the way as well.

How else do you explain it, right?

Hope you enjoyed~

Yahazekcreators' thoughts