
I guess I’m lucky.


"What, where I am?"

"The hell is going on?"


"I just sat down to take a dump and now I'm here!"

"I was about to use the bathroom but I got sucked into the hole!"

"Aaaghh!! How did I end up here? Did I fall into the manhole?"

It was still to bright to open my eyes, I guess I got teleported here slightly later than everybody else, but from what I hear, those are my classmates!

So it really was a summoning circle.


I slowly opened my eyes and found myself laying on hard, shiny marble, in a huge room, the ceiling of which was a glass dome, supported by 4 golden pillars. The whole place looked like some kind of grand cathedral, which had a stage.

Around me are 19 people. That is 20 including me. My whole class. From what I gather by listening to their confused exclaims and conversations, they were all sucked into here

In a very specific way.

It was through a toilet.

A pitiful smirk spread out on my face. Of course, it was directed at my classmates.



The building up tension and noice was cut in an instant by none other than a princess.

She was wearing a thin silk robe, which was outlining her already great shapes. That, paired with the blonde hair and a perfectly smooth and balanced skin tone, it really was a charming look.

But I won't fall for it. It's the oldest trick in the book, a way to make everyone in the room pay attention to her. It's done to mesmerize the group into listening through the whole speech without interruption.

"Hello young heroes! You have been chosen to save this world, to slay the demon king!

You will have to overcome a lot of hardships, suffering and loss, but if you succeed, this world will be saved and you will become the one and only legendary hero. A true legend!

I wish you the best of luck, and may the god guide you!" The princess finished her speech and started to leave the hall.



Just as I thought. She didn't tell anyone a thing, and now she plans to leave the room on before the startled students have time to think over everything.

Using her beautiful appearance and voice to distract us and leave us startled before we have time to get angry at her or the situation as a whole, it really is a good plan on her behalf.

I'm pretty it isn't a problem for her to summon another buck of people if we all die, otherwise she wouldn't treat us as disposable material.


Well too bad for you, dear princess.

You summoned the wrong guy to mess with.

"Excuse my behavior, young lady, but may I as you a question?" I said, putting on an act of respect.

She turned to me with an irritated look, showing that she was in a hurry to leave here immediately. Of course she tried to hide it, because losing her face in front of us would be a really bad outcome. For her that is.

"Haha." I imagined her getting mobbed by my class and a laugh left my mouth.

This is gonna be great.

As you have probably figured out, our main character is not going to to be your average kind of “hero”.

Hope you enjoyed~

Yahazekcreators' thoughts